
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thing I don’t get about Bin Laden’s burial.

If we have been told over and over that Bin Laden and the rest of his Merry Loons do not represent Islam, why did we bend over backwards by providing the asshole a burial according to the Muslim faith? Either he is a  Muslim or he is not.

By giving him that burial we indeed told the Muslim World that they are 100% represented by the deeds of Bin laden and Company.  I thought that is what we were trying to avoid.

If the geniuses an the WH were trying to appease the nutjobs and avoid getting them and at us, where the hell have you guys been? In case you haven’t noticed, we are not being liked much.  Real Life is not a Facebook status.

Color me skeptical.

But I am starting to smell foul play about these “posts.” The language used is maximized to elicit rage against Gun Owners and more pity for Joan Peterson. Now, we already have discovered anti-gun people posting in forums/blogs and comment sections of On Line Media as NRA members supporting a variety of Gun Control laws, sort of Lone Wolf-AHSA trying to muddy the waters. So I am not altogether convinced that this guy is a gun activist but an agent provocateur much like (Donna Fisher AKA @ Twitter clayfisher) who was roaming the NRA convention looking for trouble.

Oh well, irrelevancy is not supposed to go quietly I guess.

M.H.I. coming to a TV near you soon (Hopefully!)

Larry Corriea just announced in his blog that he sold the right to Monster Hunter International to Entrainment One Television.

Having been a fan since he was self publishing MHI, it feels like my favorite relative just hit the damn lotto and I cannot stop smiling. It could not have happened to a better guy.

Hail Monster Hunters! We are gonna be on TV! (At least in spirit!) Lock and Load!

And to celebrate, I am going to drop by Barnes and Noble this afternoon and get me a copy of Hard Magic (Grimnoir Chronicles Series #1).

Dumb Statement of the Day: Japete…again.

Ahhh! Not having a lick of sense sure makes it easy for Joan to utter stupidities. Shoot First Ask Questions Later is the leifmotif that Anti Gunners use when referring to the extension of the Castle Law where you are actually allowed to use your firearm and defend yourself outside the house and not having to cower under a desk waiting to be shot.

Now, if we take the above statement as seriously as Joan want us to take it, when attacked by a criminal with deadly intentions, we must somehow fill some sort of questionnaire or get to talk with the Bad Guy so we can properly ascertain his intentions. I am guessing that somehow the criminal will be in the mood to exchange information with you in a calm and detached manner and, once he has properly informed you that he is about to exact bodily harm on you, he will also give you the chance to draw your weapon and defend yourself.

As tragically absurd as it sounds, some countries actually have that load of crap implemented in their legal systems in some sort of form with the inevitable result that Self Defense does become a crime. People are then faced with the prospect of either losing their lives or losing their freedom.

But don’t worry, Dying is always morally superior, at least according to Joan.

Marion Hammer lets it rip.

So the plot thickens. I stated far and wide that even though I would not Open Cary, i would be in favor of Florida becoming an Open Carry State. I also always had an issue with some Big Mouths and downright jerkoffs who are stupidly ignorant and aggressive demanding OC or once having OC, decide to taunt LEOs and people in general just because they can.

I was not aware of the backdoor BS with the Florida OC Bill. I was upset that we were not able to get it, but I know better than throwing a hissy fit about it and blaming Daddy NRA because they wasted the $35 annual membership fee by not getting OC, No NFA and free ammo for life.

It pisses me off to no end that some Gun Owners with stupid attitudes are behind the latest crash and burn at the Legislature.  This response from Marion Hammer is quite the eye opener and yes, I will believe her before any of the crybabies since she does have a very impressive record of achievement regarding Pro Gun laws in the Sunshine State versus whomever wants to cry that the NRA threw him under the bus but has not moved his ass to do squat.

We get what we can this session, secure it and try again next time. Rescuing our Second Amendment Right is a war of attrition, not microwavable popcorn.

Totally Made Up Press Release….

from our friends of the Coalition to Ban Gun Rights Violence…

“Yesterday an elderly man was killed in Pakistan by an assault weapon with a high capacity clip. This insanity must stop. We must reinstate the Assault Weapons ban.”

And yet, I wouldn’t be surprised they thought along those lines.

UPDATE: I should have known. This is the totality of CSGV’s congratulatory mode for the elimination of Bin Laden.

Petty people.