
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

The Waukesha Mass Murderer was out on low bail for (drum roll) a vehicular attack.

Two weeks before he was suspected of plowing through the barricades of the parade killing six individuals — including one child and five others over 50 years old — and injuring more than 60 paradegoers, Brooks was arrested for allegedly running over a woman during an altercation, using the same SUV.

Bail mistake for suspect in Wisconsin parade killings sparks debate over crime policy | WZTV (fox17.com)

But wait, that is not all. If you are pissed that this scumbag was given a $1,000 which sent him free to do his hate crime, you are going to love the fact that the initial bail was only $500 but an ADA doubled it according to the guidelines and the information on his previous arrests and convictions she had at the time which was none.  The official explanation for that? “Oops! we are too busy and overworked because pandemic.”

Don’t be surprised if the cause deaths of the Waukesha victims end in the certificates as COVID.

Enough with the Alec Baldwin “explanations.”

OK guys, listen here. I know you are good people who understand that things, even stupid things, may happen without malice or carelessness . And yes, there might be a remote chance that an event may happen because certain rogue ducks align, and they result in an accident.

But fuck it: It is time we are done with passing the Benefit of the Doubt like it was cheap Halloween candy. They sure as hell stopped long ago to give our side the courtesy of it and it is time we pay them back by applying the same judgement and rules to them times ten.

Stop coming up with shit to explain/exonerate that Baldwin prick. His arrogance killed a woman, and he will probably get away with it because undue power will be brought down on the local county and a humongous PR campaign is already in the motion to paint the asshole like a victim rather than the killer.

You and I do not get that privilege.  Stop giving him more freebies.

How Ketchup is really made.

In one of the Facebook groups I frequent, I saw this post with a warning, and I had to check what evil misinformation was given to the unsuspected masses.

The video gave a good case of the giggles, it is a great parody.  And I do believe if you sport an IQ over 75, you are not allowed to work as Fact Checker in Facebook or at any of its “truth-seeker” subsidiaries.


Meanwhile in the Prison Country of Australia.

But wait, in case you do not know, this happened inside the Howard Springs COVID quarantine facility (AKA ChinkFlu Concentration Camp).  She is already “voluntarily” imprisoned and the breaking of a line results in a heavy monetary punishment to somebody who is not working.

How come the Aussies are not up in arms and hanging government bureaucrats is hard to understand … oh wait.

That kind of explains it, right?

PS: Might as well meme the shit out of this.


To Alec Baldwin: You have the right to be silent. Please exercise that right.

But he has always been an arrogant bastard anyway. Typical Liberal mentality: I am entitled, it is not my fault, somebody else must pay for it. I do believe he believes he will only face the Court of Public Opinion, Los Angeles which will empathize with his “suffering” and declare his actions does not raise to the level of pain “he feels” and let go free.

And that might be as far as it goes.