
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

They can’t ban the tool so they will ban the activity.

Saw thus very accurate meme in Facebook.

Only the dumbest among Gun Control fans is still talking about confiscation. The reality in the US is that with half a billion firearms and God knows how many billion rounds in the hands of civilians, confiscation is just a rapidly fading dream.

But laws against behavior are easy to pass and that goes double for jurisprudence affecting the legal battlefield: If they can’t get the gun, they will try to make its usage in self-defense a very costly proposition. If they make you think twice before committing to self defense, they win.    If you die or get injured, well they told you before that guns are not a solution. If you happen to survive unscathed the attack of a “property re-distributor” and he does not, get ready to have your ass dragged through a legal field of broken glass.

And don’t take it personally: You are not being personally attacked, but used as example for the rest of the population that the State is the one with a Monopoly on Killing as they know better than you. And if crime skyrockets and you are afraid to walk outside your home, well, that was part of the plan: You cannot get political contrary if you are constantly afraid for your life. The government using common criminals as their surrogates for internal security forces is actually a very cost-effective way to keep the boot stamping your face.

It is working charmingly efficient in Venezuela.


You Monday Morning Bad Legal Advice

Seriously, don’t do this. Contrary to your internet friends, homicide detectives ain’t dumb and can small a doctored crime scene before they leave the station.

And back to my old adage: If your cause is righteous, why lie?

This is not how they wanted it to work, but did anyway

How to balance the budget and keep your Lefty goals intact.

SEATTLE — The Seattle City Council is mulling $10 million in cuts to the Seattle Police Department budget to offset decreasing revenue, drawing criticism from the city’s mayor and mayor-elect as contrary to public safety.

Since Durkan proposed her original $7.1 billion budget in September, the city’s projected revenue for 2022 fell by $15 million, as large employers announced they would continue with remote work through early 2022, exempting employees from the city’s JumpStart payroll tax.

Seattle City Council, mayor spar over proposed $10M police cut (police1.com)

I am sure that the city will soon address that oversight and pass some sort of ruling about payroll taxes for remote working. Hell, given the chance, they will also demand you having a license for doing company work outside is property.