

I choose not to forget what the enemies of my country did on September 11, 2001.

Again and again and again…


I choose not to forget what the enemies of my country did on September 11, 2001.

I choose not to forget the innocent victims who died at the hands of those enemies.


I choose not to forget those who went against the human tide and faced danger with conviction and fear.

And rescued those in need.


Till exhaustion took its toll and even then continued.


And I refuse to forget the price they paid.


I also choose not to forget the Domestic Enemies that cashed in on the attacks.

Or tried to make a name for themselves on the blood of those who died.

Or wanted a political gain.

To all of the above: I choose NOT to forget

Your gun violence scares me | Miami Herald

In the darkest chapter of German history, Hitler’s Nazis armed citizens against the declared state enemies of the Third Reich: Among them were Jews, Gypsies and homosexuals. The cruelty of the second world war influences the Germans until today. As one example, weapon laws were more and more sharpened.Today, Germany has one of the strictest weapon laws in the world. It is almost impossible for a citizen to get a firearm. Citizens know that the state authority will protect them. Therefore they don’t see any need to take action by themselves

Source: Your gun violence scares me | Miami Herald

Volker ter Haseborg, the author of this piece, is German journalist doing something in the Miami Herald and apparently does not know much about the history of the Nazi Party and what kind of Gun Control they exercised. I say this because only a catastrophic ignorant or a flaming liar would go to say that the Nazis armed the general German population to go after the Jews, the Homosexuals and other unerwünscht. I have to go with catastrophic ignorant after he actually believes that the authorities will protect him.

There are a couple of succulent lines that made me laugh:

When I came to work at the Miami Herald for the first time, I saw a little sticker on the front door. I bet my American colleagues do not notice it because there are stickers like this everywhere. The sticker shows a gun with a slash across it: “No firearms allowed on this property”.

First, everywhere in Miami or everywhere in the Miami Herald? And did Human resources tell you that there has been incident of armed violence where you are working now? No? Damn, that sucks.
The Economist’s data team has gathered numbers that are scaring me. America has the second-highest murder rate among countries that are members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

You mean among countries with heavy or almost total white Anglo-Saxon or Nordic populations? 99.44% lily white? I guess race purity is still a thing with you guys.

An increasing number of Americans think that they are safer when they have a gun. From my point of view, this is a serious problem for the relationship between the state and the citizens. Gun control should become an important topic in the presidential race.

And here is where I tell you to go have anal intercourse with your own damned self. What you see as a problem is the biggest and most powerful check and balance citizens can have to stop abuse from the government…like putting people in boxcars and sending them East as your beloved great-grand-ancestors did to ten million people.
And to the Miami Herald: You really hired a Neo Nazi to do work with your newspaper? What is next? Hiring mouthpieces from Granma to cover events in Hialeah?

You carry a gun, keep your gun secured. 

TAMPA, FLORIDA — A man with a valid concealed carry license was escorted out of the theater by police following a patron reported someone handling a firearm in the theater.When Tampa Police arrived, according to WFLA-8, they escorted the gentleman out of the theater and determined that he had retrieved his pistol after it fell out of its holster.  After reviewing that he had a valid concealed carry license, authorities released him.This whole event pretty much ballooned outward because a concealed carrier couldn’t maintain control over his firearm.

Source: Concealed Carrier Gets Caught In Theater After Dropping His Firearm — Lesson Learned | Concealed Nation

Still amazes me that somebody will spend $500 or much more on a gun and then only $20 on a generic nylon holster.

“But Miguel, we are not made of money like you! (yeah right) We cannot afford a custom leather holster or even a good bran Kydex!” Well Junior, you can afford a Fobus, right? They are under $30 and with a wee bit of modification, you can make it so your gun does not decide to take a vacation at the local burger place in front of SWAT team having lunch at that moment. Here is an old post where I show the mods I did to a Fobus to accept my FNP-9. And I did something similar for a home-made holster for the wife’s Sibari’s Side bag.

You are now officially out of excuses.

Story to tell

Miguel is writing a book and I wish him all the best.

I’ve had a idea for a story I want to tell for a little while now.  I’ve thought more about it as a screen play than a book, but I’m not sure where to take it.  Which is why I am posting here, I want to get some feelers.  I told the idea to my wife, she sort of likes it but warned me that the premise, as well as a few of the characters will invite upon me the wrath of the SJWs.

Either as a book or a screen play, I want to do a zombie story.  I know, I know, that’s all played out, but I have a different angle I want to take it.  Part of the story is inspired by the book Dracula.  I know, I’m making it so much worse, but bare with me.

I want to have it set in Louisiana between 1862 and 1863.  The main villain will be a runaway slave who is a  Bokor, a Voodoo priest.  He is bringing soldiers who died on the battlefield back to life to enact revenge on the families of the plantation owners.  His actions go, at least for a while, unnoticed because of the war, but eventually a small group of people catch on and have to stop him.

I want one of the good guys to be a house slave, who is also (unbeknownst to his master) a houngan, a good Voodoo priest.  He is my Abraham Van Helsing character, a wise, older character steeped in knowledge of Voodoo.  I want at least one Union officer and one Confederate officer as part of the Bokor hunting party.  I like the idea of that internal conflict, that has to be overcome.  The rest of the party needs more fleshing out.  And I want there to be at least one battle with a Rougarou, a sort of Louisiana Voodoo were-alligator, that the Bokor is using as a bodyguard.

Part of why I want to do this, is I like the idea of Voodoo zombies instead of disease zombies.  There is a little bit more I can play around with – like Voodoo zombies and their aversion to salt.  I also like the idea of zombies vs. civil war era weaponry.  Fighting zombies in the Bayou is going to quickly turn into a saber and knife fight.  You can bet my Confederate officer will be dispatching zombies with a D-guard bowie.  Modern zombie movies and shows have a lot of rapid fire and accurate head shots.  Early Civil War battles were still fought with Napoleonic volley fire tactics and bayonet charges.  I imagine that not being particularity effective against a horde of the undead.

Some of it, like the locations, Civil War weapons and tactics I will try to be as accurate as possible.  Other things, like Voodoo, I will have to take some liberties.

What do you all think?  Zombies played out?  Is this something you might like?

Absence of Malice Files: Florida teen kills masked intruder who turns out to be his dad.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla (WFLA) – A St. Petersburg teen is back home after he tells News Channel 8 that he shot and killed an intruder who tuned out to be his father.

Malachi Heisler tells us he woke up to cries for help early Tuesday morning.“I woke up to my name being called, OK. I heard the words Malachi and help, that’s all I heard when I woke up,” said Heisler in front of his home. Heisler spoke in with a bandana covering his mouth.“

He pointed it at my mother first, and then when I came out of the room he pointed it at me. So picture in your head, it was a standoff between me and him. He had his pistol and I had my rifle. It doesn’t matter a bullet is a bullet, one shot, you’re dead,” explained Heisler.

Source: Florida teen kills masked intruder who turns out to be his dad | WNCN

At first and not very careful glance, you get the idea that this is another of those unfortunate cases of mistaken identity where a joke or a lack of proper identification resulted in the dead of an innocent person. It is not into you go past half the article that you find out the Father was a dangerous felon with a retraining order that had broken armed into the house, probably with evil intentions since good people do not break into houses they are not invited in the wee hours of the night, armed and wearing a mask.

The article however, is written in such a way as to elicit the “ZOMG! Gunz are bad! A Kid with a gun!” instead of a young man defending his family from a known predator. And don’t bother confronting the writer because they will use the standard journalist response: The facts are accurate.

And as usual, I will refer to the best movie when it comes to both governmental, political and journalistic shenanigans: Absence of Malice.

-Mac said to quote you directly. You can say whatever you want.
-Just… say we were involved.
-That’s true, isn’t it?
No. But it’s accurate.
Absence of Malice. (1981)


The Duty to Not Make S**t Worse 

Doctors have a guiding principle: “First, do no harm.” Their most important job is to not cause more damage. “Given an existing problem, it may be better not to do something, or even to do nothing, than to risk causing more harm than good.” This is a good life principle…

… Far too many of my fellow gun rights supporters don’t understand this principle. One particular type likes to dress in garish clothing, grab a weapon and run toward the nearest camera whenever they see an opportunity to “support gun rights”. These gun owners don’t help the situation; instead, they only manage to show the entire world they’re nothing more than poorly or completely untrained attention whores.

Source: The Duty to Not Make S**t Worse | chrishernandezauthor

Very well said…. damn, that is beautiful.

Go read it, spread the word.


Hat Tip to Grant Cunningham.