

Less Militant, but still drives the message.

Fresh from Arizona Arkansas (Yes I screwed up):
Logan County Sheriff

LOGAN COUNTY (KFSM) – The Logan County Sheriff’s Office announced on Saturday (June 6) that it would be changing uniforms for deputies to save money and present a “less militant” appearance.

Source: Logan County Deputies Change Uniforms To Develop “Less Militant” Look | Fort Smith/Fayetteville News | 5newsonline KFSM 5NEWS

I found this news item in some Police FB group and there was a lot of butthurt. I don’t know why as Logan County is in Arizona Arkansas and that is the Texas Ranger look so it has to be familiar. And unless you are a seriously stupid local criminal or recently arrived from the East Coast, you know damn well you don’t flock around with a Ranger unless you want to become integral part of the local topsoil.

Update: Logan County is in Arkansas, don’t ask me what kind of crap my brain pulled on me. Mea Culpa.



This is why we shouldn’t let Liberals dictate policy

Joyce Carol Oates

Legendary author and liberal political Twitter pundit Joyce Carol Oates posted a tweet yesterday that set the internet on fire.The 77 year old Oates posted the following tweet and hasn’t issued any follow up, leading many to believe she seriously thinks this is a real photo.

Source: Liberal Author Joyce Carol Oates Criticizes Steven Spielberg for Killing a Dinosaur… Yeah…

The offending picture? An old press release form the original Jurassic Park movie.

Spielberg Triceratops

This same pic was used already several times to troll Anti Hunters for at least two or three years. But to see a supposed member of the Intelligentsia (One Who Knows Better Than You) fail so miserably and think that an animal who has been gone from this planet for some 65 million years should make you re-think about allowing them at any table to have a “meaningful”  discussion about anything.

The original Tweet (no Oates) is still standing, go check the replies.

If the Cause is so Righteous, Why Lie? Because it is not.

Last September the Obama administration produced an FBI report that said mass shooting attacks and deaths were up sharply—by an average annual rate of about 16% between 2000 and 2013. Moreover, the problem was worsening. “The findings establish an increasing frequency of incidents,” said the authors. “During the first 7 years included in the study, an average of 6.4 incidents occurred annually. In the last 7 years of the study, that average increased to 16.4 incidents annually.”The White House could not possibly have been more pleased with the media reaction to these findings, which were prominently featured by the New York Times, USA Today, CNN, the Washington Post and other major outlets. The FBI report landed six weeks before the midterm elections, and the administration was hoping that the gun-control issue would help drive Democratic turnout.But late last week, J. Pete Blair and M. Hunter Martaindale, two academics at Texas State University who co-authored the FBI report, acknowledged that “our data is imperfect.” They said that the news media “got it wrong” last year when they “mistakenly reported mass shootings were on the rise.”Mind you, the authors did not issue this mea culpa in the major news outlets that supposedly misreported the original findings. Instead, the authors published it in ACJS Today, an academic journal published by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. “Because official data did not contain the information we needed, we had to develop our own,” wrote Messrs. Blair and Martaindale. “This required choices between various options with various strengths and weaknesses.” You don’t say.

Source: Obama’s Gun-Control Misfire – WSJ

Making s**t up is the new scientific method.

Refusing to tackle dirt in your house.

I pray my friend’s son will rest in peace. We need a Mothers Movement not that different from Mothers Against Drunk Driving. To join, email camorris58@yahoo.com.We need to take a stand and charge those around us with helping to stop this murderous madness, this epidemic of senseless killings, this civil war.

Source: Moms can get to the heart of the violence | Miami Herald Miami Herald

Those are the closing lines of an op-ed in the Miami Herald by Carmen Morris. From I could gather in the internet, she is not your usual rabid anti gunner nor is she associated with any of the Usual Suspects. In fact, she seems to be a really caring person but like many others, either willfully or culturally blind to the issue of violence.

The Op ed did not start bad at all:

In Miami-Dade County alone, in what I call the civil war in the black community, gun violence has crippled families in unfathomable numbers. This is not police killing our black sons, this is blacks killing other blacks, almost like Cain and Abel.

While work needs to be done on the problem of police executions, we cannot turn a blind eye to our community’s internal gun violence. I believe we need a Mother’s Movement, which, like the civil-rights movement, must strategically launch an attack on that which violates the rights of our sons and daughters to live in safety

But soon enough, she takes the easy way out and goes after guns and the tired old lines we keep seeing coming from the Gun Control side:


Senseless violence of this epidemic proportion poses a health hazard to all of us. Our elected officials must know that we are in a state of emergency. Just as cigarette companies have been held accountable for peddling death by tobacco, so must gun manufacturers and dealers be held accountable. We need laws to prevent such flagrant access to guns.

I find myself amazed that people who are highly educated and caring about the destiny of their fellow human beings, are so easy to resort to lying slogans. Again, Is it a cultural or political blindness Ms. Morris? Are the gun so charged with inherent evil that the mere possession makes the owner a killer ready to settle scores, real or imaginary, with bullets? Because if that is so, then I need you to explain to us why the same “flagrant access to guns” do not produce the same “civil war” among other races or cultures. Why? Please enlighten us.

And please, stop using Mother Against Drunk Drivers as model to follow, you are only trying to capitalize on their success without really looking on what they did. Here is my comment on the op-ed page:

Except that MADD never targeted the liquor companies (History had already proved the futility on that) nor they went after car manufacturers: They went after the violators, the drunk drivers.
Perhaps targeting the criminal element that is killing young black men like a plague is the answer you are not looking for.

Perhaps it is time to clean your house and to stop rewarding criminal behavior in your community.  Yes, every time you blame gun companies, you are telling those who are killing your own that they are not at fault.

Face the Piper.

Betting on you not reading carefully.

(Reuters Health) – – More than one in four U.S. children are exposed to weapon violence before their eighteenth birthday, either as victims or witnesses, a large study suggests. About one in 33 kids are directly assaulted during incidents involving guns or knives, researchers report in the journal Pediatrics. “Millions of children are being exposed to violence involving weapons, and many of them are victimized by guns and knives, with an elevated risk of trauma and serious injury,” said lead study author Kimberly Mitchell, a scientist at the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.

Source: More than one in four U.S. kids exposed to weapon violence

If you just breathe through the initial paragraph, you come out with the idea that weapon violence is basically gun violence affecting more than 25% of the kids. And I bet they hope you pretty much stop reading by throwing a bunch of other data and the collection method so that is the message you take. But to cover their butts, they reveal the rest of the info midway through the article:

Much of the violence involved objects such as sticks, rocks, bottles, but about 3 percent of children reported exposure to guns and knives.

That means that according to their study, 97% of kids are not exposed to gun and knife violence.  If that number is bad, I want you to think about this: They had to bundle both guns and knives to come up with the three percent. That should make you wonder how low the gun numbers were to begin with that they needed a little help from your friendly statistician.

I am not saying that the Crimes Against Children Research Center is an Anti Gun organization, in fact I did a quick check and could not find anything gun control related and they do seem to be doing good work for kids, but I guess they fell to the allure of sensationalize their study for whatever reason, probably funding.

Pity they may get to lose money that way.

How to fight: Public Comment Period for ITAR/State Department Gun Censorship Regulations.

I am stealing Sebastian’s post on this to save time and heartburn.


A reader asked about the public comment period for the proposed rule by the State Department to muzzle free speech for gun owners. Here is what the proposal says about public comments:

DATES: The Department of State will accept comments on this proposed rule until August 3, 2015.

ADDRESSES: Interested parties may submit comments within 60 days of the date of publication by one of the following methods:

  • Email: DDTCPublicComments@state.gov with the subject line, ‘‘ITAR Amendment—Revisions to Definitions; Data Transmission and Storage.’’
  • Internet: At www.regulations.gov, search for this notice by using this rule’s RIN (1400–AD70).

Comments received after that date may be considered, but consideration cannot be assured. Those submitting comments should not include any personally identifying information they do not desire to be made public or information for which a claim of confidentiality is asserted because those comments and/or transmittal emails will be made available for public inspection and copying after the close of the comment period via the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls Web site at www.pmddtc.state.gov. Parties who wish to comment anonymously may do so by submitting their comments viawww.regulations.gov, leaving the fields that would identify the commenter blank and including no identifying information in the comment itself. Comments submitted via www.regulations.gov are immediately available for public inspection.

So you have until August to submit a public comment. I encourage everyone to do so. Remember, they are legally required to address serious comments. If they receive even tens of thousands of them, it will seriously interfere with their ability to promulgate this regulation according to the Administrative Procedure Act (APA). If they are going to do this power grab, I see no reason to make it easy for them!


Add to that a very angry yet respectful phone call to your Congresscritter followed by an equally angry yet respectful Email. And don’t forget to tell other gun owners.