

Play stupid games win stupid prizes


Faking people out with a punch as a prank is a stupid fucking game.

You roll the dice that the guy you’re pranking won’t fight back.

This guy played that game and won himself a TBI as a grand prize.

The headache he will have when he wakes up is well deserved.

Things that wouldn’t happen in Florida or Texas


This shit wouldn’t happen in a state like Florida or Texas.

He might get away with it once or twice but eventually he’ll roll snakeeyes and attack a driver with a concealed carry permit and anyone who has ever seen the gene played knows that gun beats pipe.

In a stand your ground state, the cops would take one look at the dashcam video of that guy exiting his car with a pipe in hand and would let the guy who shot him in self defense go.

If it happened in Polk County, Sheriff Grady Judd would make fun of his dead stupid ass during a press conference.

The only people protected by restrictions on concealed carry are criminals like this.

Tuesday Tunes

What was old is new again is a phrase I’ve heard from time to time, be it bell bottom jeans or a dozen other fashion styles. Heinlein mentioned in one story, which I have not verified, that hemlines have a correlation to solar activity.

Music goes in cycles as well. I can’t tell you how tired I am of hearing The Wellerman because it seems that every person with a YouTube account that sings has put up their attempt.

Music often has lascivious lyrics. Things that make you go “Say what?” At University I watched Footloose in the theater multiple times. I enjoyed the music greatly. I never understood why her father was upset about her dancing to Dancing in the Streets. Years later I found out it was actually Dancing in the Sheets oh my.

Back before my time there were songs of the same level of suggestion, often a bit more. Go listen to Cole Porters Some Like It Hot.

If you thought the left had a fit over It’s Cold Outside imagine what would happen over this song:

or this one:

Here’s one from them trolling the church:

To finish out our Limelighters retrospect, their take in 1961 of “Woke Culture”.

And the original:

It is the smell of desperation I sense? (UPDATE: Florida Chest Thumpers join Mom Demand in opposition of the bill)

A bill has been introduced in the Florida Legislature which will finally recognize Constitutional Carry as the law of the land. And predictably, the Anti Gun cadre is opposed and the hysterics are monumental, especially because Governor DeSantis had already promised to sign the bill into law even before one existed.

But what is really taking the cake is the hypocrisy of Moms Demand:

Permitless carry is dangerous and goes against the will of law enforcement, Florida voters, and public safety experts who know this bill will only exacerbate gun violence and make it easier for dangerous people to carry a gun in our communities…
Permitless carry also takes away a vital tool from law enforcement to ensure a person carrying a gun in public isn’t a criminal with a dangerous history. Law enforcement across the country, including in Ohio, Alabama, Tennessee, Texas, Louisiana, and South Carolina have been vocal opponents to permitless carry legislation.


The funny part is that Ohio, Texas and Alabama are already Constitutional Carry states. And how about the gall that after all the years opposing Concealed Carry of any flavor, it is suddenly “a vital tool” for law enforcement?

Florida’s current permitting system is effective. Without requiring too much time or money, our permitting system ensures those carrying guns in public have gone through a background check and taken firearm training.

If you read the above without knowing how they behaved in the past, you’d swear they always favored Concealed Carry Permits and they would never said a word against them.

Concealed carry permitting systems enjoy overwhelming support nationally. The majority of Americans support concealed carry permitting systems that help ensure that only responsible gun owners can carry concealed guns in public.

Really, you lying sacks of excrement? So why you always threw a hissy fit of gargantuan proportions and flatly rejected National Reciprocity of Carrying Concealed any time any of us offered it? Now you believe permitted carrying is a wonderful thing which everybody favors?

Go Home Moms Demand. You are drunk on cheap boxed wine and Xanax. Your time has long expired.

Hat Tip Royko

Update: It figures. The biggest enemies of any Gun Rights advancement in Florida in the past decade had to come up and do their thing: Chest Tumpers attack!


On the police exodus: fuck ’em

In 2018, we saw the Broward County Sheriff Department create a perimeter and fail to respond to a mass shooter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In 2022,we watched as 376 police officers of various departments stand around and listen to children scream and die in a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

In 2023, we watched five cops gang up on a man and beat him to death after a traffic stop.

The last two mass shooters I read about being stopped were stopped by civilians.  A guy with his CCW in Indiana and a guy with gumption grabbing the shooters gun.

Right now it seems like lose concealed carry laws save more lives than the thin blue line.

So what we have in high profile law enforcement are cops who can’t be counted on to protect children from being murdered but can beat citizens to death over a traffic citation.

If those are the kinds of people quitting and not signing up…

Fuck ’em.

I love one charge against the Memphis police above all the others


2010 Tennessee Code
Title 39 – Criminal Offenses
Chapter 13 – Offenses Against Person
Part 3 – Kidnapping and False Imprisonment
39-13-304 – Aggravated kidnapping.
39-13-304. Aggravated kidnapping.

(a) Aggravated kidnapping is false imprisonment, as defined in § 39-13-302, committed:

(1) To facilitate the commission of any felony or flight thereafter;

(2) To interfere with the performance of any governmental or political function;

(3) With the intent to inflict serious bodily injury on or to terrorize the victim or another;

(4) Where the victim suffers bodily injury; or

(5) While the defendant is in possession of a deadly weapon or threatens the use of a deadly weapon.


These cops are being charged with kidnapping using a deadly weapon for doing this shit while in possession of their police issued service weapons.

For some reason thar makes this so delicious to me.

All the time we see cops get special treatment with respect to gun laws.  The ability to possess assault rifles, high capacity magazines, etc., when they are banned for everyone else.

Here, their possession of their service weapons gets them extra felony charges.

I just fucking love that.



Unintended Consequences: Illinois gun ban

It is difficult to fight the government. There are often huge hurdles to overcome. When the system is working as designed, there are reasonable paths for movement toward correcting wrongs done by our government.

Taking a case all the way to the Supreme Court and arguing it will cost several million dollars. The net says that just getting a DC Lawyer to file for certiorari will run $100,000 to $250,000. That’s the cheap part.

For decades we lacked the tools to fight gun control laws. The system was weighed against us. If there was a state with an egregious gun control law it was unlikely to have courts that were far out of line with that state’s ideals. You find more leftist judges in leftist states.

FOr years the Ninth Circus Court was known for refusing to give standing to anybody regarding Second Amendment claims. The same was true in the Second Circuit Court and a few others. In addition there were many cases where when the state lost they would make a decision not to appeal in order to keep the case out of the hands of the Supreme Court.

It was better to take a lose in regards to one individual than to potentially lose everything.

We saw this in NYSR&PA v. New York City when the city and state jumped through flaming hoops in order to get the case mooted before SCOTUS could rule. Something about in the days before SCOTUS granted certiorari the city and state were arguing that if their regulation was overturned people would die and that it was absolutely necessary to keep the rule in place to save lives.

When SCOTUS granted certiorari NYC changed their rule and claimed the case was moot. NYS then got a law passed that said that the rule could not be reintroduced by NYC. This didn’t mean that the state couldn’t reintroduce the rule as law, just that NC couldn’t.

Monday the rule saved lives. Tuesday it wasn’t really necessary and so it is struck and the state is forbiddening the city from every implementing that rule again.

Before Heller it was all about “you aren’t a part of the militia, no standing” after Heller it became Miller allows some gun rights to be infringed based on type of weapon.

Bruen brought us a huge win. It gave us a tool to wield against overreaching government tyrants.

When Illinois filed their latest infringements they expected a little push back. What they got instead was an avalanche of suits filed against them.

Most of these cases are not destined for the Supreme Court. They will either be folded into other similar cases as they move up the system or the plaintiffs(Good guys) will drop out of the fight once it gets to expensive.

With Bruen in their arsenal, even a week lawyer can make a good claim against many aspects of the Illinois gun controll bills.

The state has to defend against them all, strenuously. If the gun rights team gets even one win at the district or state lower court, it gives more weight to other cases challenging the law. When you read Suddaby quoting Sinatra Jr quoting Suddaby you can see how this all works.

Of course the gun rights infringers have the same tired arguments.

Gun-rights groups refused to negotiate the measure when it was being discussed in subject matter hearings at the Illinois statehouse late last year and earlier this month.

Why would anybody be negotiating at this point with gun rights infringers?

After a multi day argument in social media my opinion got tired and lashed out “Well what law would you propose to fix the problem!!!?” he yelled in text. I quoted the Second back to him. He shut up.

Walk into a business and head over to HR. Start negotiating for your salary. They will show you to the door. They didn’t want to hire you. They don’t want you. There is nothing to negotiate.

Their negotiation is always “We are going to take all of this from you. If you promise to be quiet we won’t take as much.” Nope. I don’t agree to the deal.