Video: “Yo man! Put the gun down.” (Update)
You come up to this scene, what are your thoughts? We have a young, decent looking kid apparently being threatened by an old fart with a gun. People around are getting antsy and stupid. What to do? Watch the whole thing, specially at the end.
So it turns out the old fart is actually an off-duty plainclothes officer and the young fella pulled a knife on him. That the young idiot is alive speaks volumes about the control of the officer or the fast response to orders of the perp.
And you have to love the Peanut Gallery: “You ain’t police!”, “put the gun down, we are here”, “Lemme see your badge.” “We are not the ones pointing a gun to an unarmed man”, “He is not gonna shoot ya!”, “He didn’t do nothing, he felt like pointing the gun at him” and then silence when the cops pull the knife off the kid. Hell, that fact that at least three idiots approached an unknown man with a gun displayed in an aggressive manner, tell you the kind of pitiful waste of grey matter is occurring at that time.
So lessons I get on this sucker:
- Appearances can be very deceiving.
- Don’t butt-in where you don’t have business to attend.
- Use you frigging phone for phone calls to 911 also. Leave the Youtube crap alone.
- Morons will pop out from anywhere and harass you. Cool head always.
- If you ever thought that Citizen’s Arrest is something you could do, you may wanna rethink your position. And:
- Appearances can be very deceiving…yes, again.
UPDATE: It is even more twisted than initially informed. According to KSL, the old man is a security officer who saw the young man with a knife arguing with two individuals. The young man (unbeknownst to the old man) was a victim of a crime (bike theft) and was confronting the thieves.