

Mindset: You Keep Using That Word, I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means.

Sanchez’s comments jumpstarted an impassioned conversation online that included challenges to her point of view and claims that feminists were unnecessarily “freak[ing] out” in their response. Mary Anne Franks, a law professor at the University of Miami, told HuffPost Live’s Ricky Camilleri that most instances of sexual abuse are perpetrated by someone women wouldn’t think they needed to defend themselves against.

“The problem with sexual assault is … it’s not going to be something that will be recognized as a moment when you have an antagonist,” she said. “People in most sexual assault contexts are dealing with familiar people — acquaintances, loved ones, people you trust, people you allow yourself to be vulnerable with. And the fact of the matter is, that’s not the mindset for self-defense.”

via Sorry, Miss USA: Self-Defense Is Not The Solution To Sexual Assault.

Why is it that some (most) intellectuals have the notion that people are so stupid they are incapable of learning something so basic as self-defense? And I am not talking shooting of judo moves but just a bit of defensive mindset.

“The problem with sexual assault is … it’s not going to be something that will be recognized as a moment when you have an antagonist,”
Well hell, if sexual predators were walking around with a glowing tattoo on their faces indicating their proclivities, women would have a chance to avoiding them before they attack. And also, I think the moment a woman feels somebody hitting her and trying too rip her panties off, she may take that as a prelude of bad things to come.  Then, it is not time to bring out the classes in self-restrain for the sexual predator but to pull out a good defensive weapon and make sure the attacker learns his lesson via losing his bodily fluids, with preference for the one in red.

And for the rest of the commentary, I will allow Blog Brother Sean to have his say. Enjoy!

Proving once more that Gun Control Activists are Violent.

And deranged.

Lt. Col. Robert Bateman, pictured, is an infantryman and a Military Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

This is too much. We have Tea Party political activists shooting cops from behind, in the head, then covering their dead bodies with the Tea Party “Gadsden” flag and shouting, “The Revolution begins now!”

Wimps need guns. Come and get me…..

….Oh, and if you try to go lethal, to convince me that your rhetoric is more intellectually compelling than my own written words, I am going to be giggling at the Las Vegas odds on you, with your guns, and me.

So there is that. Bring it on, little boys.

via That’s It. I Am Coming Home. – Esquire.

Those are the words of Lt. Col. Robert Bateman. It is not the first time that this nutjob has written an incensed article and without a lot of sense making, but he is stepping up a kosh past fighting words to outright libel and he is in  urgent need of less anti-depressant drugs and a whole lot more straight jacket.

Say, that gun-restraining-order bill floating out there? Can we make a trial run and have Lt. Col. Robert Bateman as our first test case? He surely sounds like… I don’t know… a couple of meth-heads dressed as Batman characters or perhaps he sounds like a misogynistic 20 year Hollywood virgin.  He shouldn’t be around guns.

Because a cop told me and they know the law.

I know generalizations are not the best policy, but something I learned early on is that cops will get gun laws more wrong that right. Mr. Williams had a smart strategy: that stop was not the proper time and location to illustrate the Florida Trooper about how wrong she was regarding concealed carry.  I am still trying to wonder why the heck she felt the need to remove the gun from his possession.  My only guess is that this Trooper is just plain ignorant about the law or got her knowledge from some other idiot’s cliff notes. I had interactions with FHP before while carrying and even after informing that I was with gun, it was never an issue nor the need to disarm me was brought up.

Gun-mounted flashlights: Being smart about them.

Gun-mounted or “tactical” flashlights were originally designed to be used by highly trained Navy SEALs, but are increasingly available in the civilian law enforcement market. Most police departments do not have the personnel required to train their officers in the proper use of these attachments.

Gene Maloney, a retired firearms instructor with the New York City Police Department, claimed that gun-mounted flashlights are inherently unsafe because “it increases the likelihood of someone pointing a loaded firearm at someone when a threat of deadly force does not exist.”

Steve Ijames, a retired police chief, agreed, telling the Post, “I’ve seen officers use a flashlight-mounted gun to help a person search their wallet for a driver’s license. I’ve literally seen that on a traffic stop.”

via Gun-mounted flashlights implicated in increase of accidental police shootings across U.S..

Let’s begin by saying that the SEALs comment in first paragraph is a load of BS on a dry toast.

I don’t have a Gun-mounted light in a handgun (haven’t got around to do it yet) or trained for it but I do have one in a rifle.  I have shot low-light/no-light scenarios with a handheld light and they are a bear unless you have trained enough with a light.

Now, are Gun Mounted Lights a bad idea? Nope, I don’t see it that way. However, you need to establish both a doctrine and discipline on how you are going to use that light. The doctrine is simple: A Gun Mounted Light is for the detection and identification of Friend/Foe and nothing else. You don’t search for kitty on top of a tree or look for your car keys in the bedroom with the lights off because you don’t wanna wake up the missus. If that light is on is because your weapon is out and if your weapon is out, there better be a very good excuse for it such a non-authorized/cleared bump in the dark.

The discipline is also simple: Practice with the light till it is part of your drawing routine and you don’t  confuse the on-off switch with the bang-stick. Remember that with the powerful lights we have now, you don’t need to aim the gun at a subject since you will probably have enough “splash” to illuminate the whole room by aiming it at the floor or a wall. And, of course, get another light for regular illumination work. Don’t be a cheap bastard and make sure it is a good one and not one you got at the register bins in the Home Depot. If your gun light goes Tango Uniform, you will need a good back up!

Tactics with a gun mounted light? Not here, go find somebody with experience. Now git!

CSGV: They don’t see the contradiction.

This is you laugh for the day. The Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence makes fun of gun owners as anti government paranoids and the solution is to send the Government to kill gun owners or put them in concentration camps.

CSGV Contradiction
Posts not in order.


Do notice that none of them volunteer to do their part for the peace they seek. They are confy with the idea that somebody else should die for their cause.  They have no problem with sausage as long as they don’t see the pig getting killed.

And soon, they got their asses handed back:
CSGV Contradiction 2Classic!