Fresh off the Twitterverse:
I knew collecting all those screen caps would pay. From the original post: CSGV: Trapped in its own contradictions.
The best piece of standard software in Windows 7 is the Snipping Tool, hands down!
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Fresh off the Twitterverse:
I knew collecting all those screen caps would pay. From the original post: CSGV: Trapped in its own contradictions.
The best piece of standard software in Windows 7 is the Snipping Tool, hands down!
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Beautifully done, though you and I both know that even if we slapped Laddy over the head with printouts of both screenshots, he would never admit to his organization lying, or saying that forcible resistance was not warranted in those cases.
That sucker won’t be happy till he sees us boarding the boxcars. His life has to be and will continue to be so disappointing….
I consider this little tidbit to be my single greatest contribution to the cause.
Songs will be composed about you, maidens will fall at your feet….
I wish he had elaborated on how you ‘peacefully redress’ in such a situation. He should’t just sit on such knowledge, we can use the same method to nullify all crime!
“Dammit, Winston, you were supposed to throw that down the memory hole! Hope you have a fun vacation at the Ministry of Love.”
Collectivists Supporting Government Violence. Coincidence? I think not.
This is why I love CSGV. They’re a gift that keeps on giving.
Miguel…did you catch the post the other day they made on their FB wall? The one with the sales ad for the shotgun? I loved their commentary on it. My own reply was rather snide. “ahh..I see so selling a shotgun that’s all black and has a pistol grip is now all the sudden “Military style” firearms. Riiiiiiight.”
well you did steal that one before I could blog about it! You thief! 🙂
*snort* how the hell can I “steal” it? I’m not sure how many of this bunch follow the FB page, or FB at all for that matter.
besides the material that CSGV provides is endless.
[…] CSGV says it’s OK for the .gov to round people up and put them in internment camps. Realizes that was stupid then says they didn’t say it. […]
“And no court in this country said can say such a thing b/c of the 1st Amendment.”
You stand and hide behind the First Amendment’s skirts, but applaud, crow, and cheer when the courts of this country say such things against the Second Amendment. Hypocrites much?