It wasn’t that long ago when the Cult Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence asked his Facebook followers to tone down on the Kill The NRA comments and such. Well, I guess that intern was fired or the usual intern came back from Summer vacation.

CSGV barbarism


I wonder where they are getting those posters. I need to do some searching.

Update: sfcmarkc located the original poster. It turns out is a WWI Red Cross poster:
red cross wwiWe are the Hun now too? For being all for peace and assorted crap, they love their war stuff.

I was saving the next pic, waiting to hear from the Show’s producers, but since I have not yet, I am posting this screen cap from yesterday

CSGV Jeopardy


Their tank of original ideas is indicating a big fat “E.”

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “CSGV: Notch up the rhetoric. (UPDATED)”
    1. Nice catch. I would have guessed an FDR era job against evil profit makers/exploiter of the working man.

    1. Because you don’t think like a fascist. Ever heard a “progressive” go on about the “tyranny of individualism”?

      1. I haven’t, but I suspect it would sound like a stock movie villain rant.

        Individualism isn’t a tyranny. The freedom to live as you choose, and to live with the consequences, pain, and damage that it causes, is the most noble of all human rights! I may not make the right choices, but they’re MY choices, and that’s the most important thing, isn’t it?(Of course, nobody here needs to hear that except to affirm their own beliefs.)

  1. 500 “mass shootings” since the beginning of 2013?

    Have we even gone 500 days since “the beginning of 2013”?

    How do they arrive at that number? The way the media loooooves to cover “mass shootings,” I think we’d have heard if there were one per day for the last 18 months, don’t you?

    CSGV: “What is The Dreamland in my own mind, Alex?”
    Alex Trebek: “Judges? … No, I’m sorry, we were looking for developed nations.”

    1. “How do they arrive at that number? The way the media loooooves to cover “mass shootings,” I think we’d have heard if there were one per day for the last 18 months, don’t you?”

      My guess is they use the “new math” developed by the VPC and Everytown. The type they use when counting school shootings and concealed carry killers.

    2. Looked at the listed site. They count 4 people ‘shot’ in any situation or circumstance to be a ‘mass shooting’. Chicago is listed many times.

  2. They love their war stuff–as long as some one else is doing the fighting. Ladd Everitt, et al, are gutless cowards. And I will happily say that to their fat faces–and spit in their fat faces, and dare them to do something about it.

  3. If you have no cause only obsession, if you have no artistic ability, if you do have a damaged amigdila ( emotion control center of the brain ) then you have the rage to steal from the Red Cross and insinuate that your fellow Americans are evil and controlling you. ( try and extra layer of aluminum foil, dear CSGV here’s a hint we are using the 800 megahertz band. )

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