After all the calls to war, these people managed to collect only 14 people to protest in front of the White House the last time they went there. Notice the ground in front of them: they have more signs than people! I am sure that Color Blind People for Rainbow Equality & Redistribution manages to gather more fans.
[…] When you have more signs than supporters. Advertisement if (!window.OX_ads) { OX_ads = []; } OX_ads.push({ "auid": "258300" }); document.write(''); posted by by Robb Allen @ 9/14/2012 10:54:18 AM […]
I always enjoy pointing out that more people “Like” broccoli ( , currently 19,730 Likes) than “Like” CSGV (currently 13,797 Likes).
Makes me feel good. If they ever get their little revolt going on I won’t even have to change magazines.
And JD wins the interwebs
I wonder how many of them are armed?
Wow, they could not even follow the basic rules of photography and filled the frame. At least that way, the signs would be more legible and the “crowd” would look bigger. This way, they managed to look even more pathetic. Take your signs and go home, losers.
More people accidentally call up and join the NRA on any given day then the total membership of CSGV.
Also, I think I could gather more armed supporters for a revolt against broccoli!
Wow. If everyone pulls through on their promises, I will manage to sell four times as many, and possibly even five times as many, t-shirts as people CSGV can manage to get to show up to their “protests”.
One weblogger working out of his basement with a support staff of two particularly mischievous kittens can successfully upstage one of the biggest (not that that is saying much) anti-rights organizations in the country.
The dustbin of history waits for people like this.
You have surrendered to the Kittehs!
Cats own the Interwebs. We all will be assimilated to the Catlective.
The Dogs might have something to say about that….
Egyptians once worshiped cats as gods. The cats never forgot that.
CSGV: We are a Lesion!
LOL! You have a point.
I hate to quibble, but I could have sworn a Legion was, at full strength, 10,000.
The Romans invaded Germania with two legions. At the Battle of Teutoberger Wald, the tribes killed 20,000 or so legionaries and another 8k or so auxiliaries and camp followers, and incidentally saved that part of the world from pasta.
This would mean the Brady Legion is about 9986 understrength, or actually a squad and a fire team….oops, I guess we cant say that…
Perhaps the technical term ” A Gaggle of Idiots” can be applied.
I was under the impression that the basic legion (Pre-Caesar) was 5K. I do know later it became a humongous gaggle of skirted Italians.
In this particular case, I am willing to give the CSGV the benefit of the doubt and say they only needed 2000 to constitute a “Legion”.
I am nice like that.
I should have wracked my brain a bit harder. Miguel, you are exactly right, I am in error.
5000 it is in an early Empire legion – although my comment about pasta still stands.
Don’t worry. It gets confusing as hell. Legions ended up being of 20K in a couple of cases, but by then the empire was huge.
Mostly made up of non-Italians by that time, too
[…] I Wonder if Obama Can Count…We Know He Can’t Shoot Posted on September 16, 2012 8:04 am by Bill Quick Sharp as a Marble – The very definition of ‘Fail’ When you have more signs than supporters. […]
[…] What an anti-gun event looks like. […]
Hard to tell from the small image, but does that tiny gathering of anti-gunners mainly consist of elderly retired types? Soon to die off? And finally leave us in peace.
[…] Miguel has a link to the latest CSGV protest at the White House. I count twelve people. Meanwhile, last week, we had our Friends of the NRA Dinner for Bucks County: […]
[…] Campo Verde managed to accommodate the crowd easily. Quite a few folks showed up, I counted 18. Compare that to the recent Coalition to Stop Gun Violence protest at the White House. Nearly every one bailed out fairly early; after only about 2 and half hours of good food and […]
[…] I see stupid people; otherwise known as “The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence” 14 members strong and getting more minuscule by the day… Funny, I never knew that guns were violent, all of this time I thought they (guns) were only a tool like a hammer. […]
I had more than that at my last BBQ. I see more than that on any given day at the range. Heck, around here I could get that many to stand around by having some pizza and soda just outside the shot. I know they’ve lost, but to SEE it so clearly…