Tampa, FL – Two Tampa police officers were surrounded and attacked by hundreds of rioters after they responded to a report of shots fired in the Ybor City neighborhood on Saturday (video below).

Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan described the vicious assault as an “ambush,” FOX News reported.

The incident began at approximately 1 a.m., when Tampa police received a report of shots fired in the area of 26th Avenue and 15th Street, WFLA reported.

The caller further alleged that there was a possible gunshot victim at the scene, according to FOX News.

As the officers tried to search for the wounded victim, hundreds of rioters surrounded them and blocked them inside the intersection, Chief Dugan said.

They then began hurling glass bottles at them and jumped on their police vehicles, according to the chief.

One of the officers was hit in the head with an object thrown by the rioters, causing him to suffer a small laceration and swelling, FOX News reported.

VIDEO: Mob Calls In Fake Shooting Then Attack Responding Officers In ‘Ambush’

You know that some idiot watched this in a movie and thought it would be a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate once more that Black Live Matter by attacking cops or some other happy horseshit. And I don’t give a fuck if you have a beef with the cops. If you do, man up and go fuck with them at their precint.

But when you are calling about a victim of a shooting and turns out to be false, you are placing a real future victim in a faster death clock. Cops will wait to arrive in force and Paramedics will not come out of their stations if there is the possibility of being attacked by a mob.

And if somebody dies? Oh yeah, fuck him or her.

I do hope they find who called and gets nailed with the full weight of the law. But it is coming to the point that other options may be acceptable.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Dear Tampa “protesters”: This is a very bad idea.”
  1. “I do hope they find who called and gets nailed with the full weight of the law. But it is coming to the point that other options may be acceptable.”

    Not going to happen.

    Even if they did identify the person filing the false report, any attempt to arrest, or so much as approach them will be deemed racism. Want to see the police even more vilified in the press? Try to punish the idiot that initiated the scam call.

    On the other hand, if the police fail to respond to a call from an “ethnic” community, they will be labeled racists as well. It really does not matter what the police do, they are wrong. Kneel in front of the BLM “protesters” and apologize for sins you did not commit, and you are still a racist. Shoot them in the face when they try to attack you, you are a racist. Ignore them you are a racist.

    For the life of me, I do not know why anyone would want to wear the uniform these days. By definition, you are wrong.

    Heck, I think defunding the police might just be the best move at this point.

  2. Robert Heinlein outlined a tool that might be useful in that setting. Add some anti-tampering features, and it might think the crowds.

    It announces, once triggered, “I’m a thirty second bomb! I’m a thirty second bomb! 29-28-27…”

  3. “But when you are calling about a victim of a shooting and turns out to be false, you are placing a real future victim in a faster death clock. Cops will wait to arrive in force and Paramedics will not come out of their stations if there is the possibility of being attacked by a mob.”

    Funny & ironic thing… that exact same scenario played just a few days before in the shithole-formely-known-as-CHAZ.

    So… next up in Tampa we’ll see one or several of the same idiots who pulled this stunt bawling their eyes out on the news, after one of their own was shot “the popos didn’t come to help us!”

    Idjits. :-/ But then again, not really surprising as Hillsbough is well on it’s way to becoming as *woke* as Coward & DUH counties in S. Floriduh.

  4. Damned if ya do damned if ya dont. May as well not respond to ANYcalls. Then when the “woke” start to bitch just say yall WANTED to “defund” the police so there ya go. Seems like a pandemic of blue flu is coming in woke cities

  5. I think one of the reasons this technique works is that your average leftist “protester” does not put themselves in harms way like the average first responder does. It is about wanting everything that a civilized society provides, but not wanting to contribute (work) for it.

    So, in the minds of the protesters, the cops, EMTs, and firefighters are not really one of their own. Therefore, trapping them, and assaulting them is OK, because they are not “one of us.”

  6. Interestingly, CBMTTek, that works both ways. Medics, firefighters, cops tend to clan up (as in McDougall, not Robert Byrd), and say, in effect, FIDO.

    Coupla houses in Da City, where we had been convincingly threatened, we would NOT enter w/o police on scene.

    If it was granny’s MI this time, well, that’s a readily foreseeable consequence of Jimmy getting all puffed up and boisterous when we’re simply trying to do proper patient care in your living room.


  7. Hope these stupid bastards enjoy their new Z-zones.

    Honestly, I think this works in our favor, too. People wonder if cops will obey their paychecks and pension, or side with us.

    Well, pensions and paychecks are great — if you get to draw them and are alive to enjoy ’em. Not so great if you get routinely tossed under the bus and fired by race baiting Dem trash, or killed by a mob.

    1. LA has been working their cops overtime all summer, and have announced they’re not paying for that overtime.

      Chicago has been working their cops 12-hour shifts all summer, all time off canceled — even time off that’s scheduled years in advance, like the 4th of July.

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