A new Ebola epidemic has been declared in the Democratic Republic of Congo after the deaths of three people thought to be linked to the virus.

The country’s health ministry confirmed one person has tested positive for the virus.

The World Health Organisation confirmed that the DR Congo had informed them of a lab-confirmed case of the disease.

Ebola: Three people killed in Democratic Republic of Congo as new epidemic declared by WHO.

I know, nobody gives a shit….Old fake news same as Bird flu:

“The disease was first identified in 1976.
The largest outbreak has been the recent epidemic in West Africa from December 2013 to January 2016 which killed more than 11,000 people.
In 2014, a three-month outbreak of Ebola in the DR Congo killed 49 people.”

I just wanted to add a bit of perspective: From 1976 till 2013 there were 1,948 deaths Ebola or 40 per year in average. From 2014 till 2016 the number jumped to 11,080 for 2,750 deaths per year. And that is with the medical advancements we have including epidemiology protocols.

I have the feeling that crap gets out of Africa in half assed numbers and we get to face up the 21st Century version of the Black Plague.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Ebola: Here we go again.”
  1. While stressing about it I’d recommend reading Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six which features the disease used as a weapon.

  2. A Plague Is God’s Way Of Saying, “Hey dude- maybe y’all should be spending a little more on sanitation and public health, eh?”

    –the writings of the Dave

    (that guy who thinks Clancy peaked with Cardinal of the Kremlin)

  3. Yes, but look at the decline of African governments in that same time. I’m always worried but not terribly concerned.
    (Big Sis is a light bird at USAMRIID)

    “Without Remorse” was the best Clancy book.

    1. A good story but my fave was Clear and Present Danger since I spent my formative years when you had to jump out of airplanes to be light infantry.

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