HB 809 (2020) — Licenses to Carry Concealed Weapons or Firearms.
Reduces the length of the License to five years instead of 7 and forces 8 hours of training on application and every time you must renew your license among other goodies. Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee, Judiciary Committee, Agriculture & Natural Resources Appropriations Subcommittee and Criminal Justice Subcommittee

HB 6049 (2020) — Use of Deadly Force in Defense of a Person (AKA The Death of Castle Doctrine and Stand Your Ground). : Repeals provisions relating to home protection & use of deadly force, which creates presumption of fear of death or great bodily harm in certain circumstances & provides that person has no duty to retreat & has right to stand his or her ground & meet force with force in certain circumstances.

Referred to Criminal Justice Subcommittee, Justice Appropriations Subcommittee and Judiciary Committee.

With all the Gun Rights issues Florida still has, the one thing it does not is the a lack of respect for the value of life. Yes. you have the God Given Right of defending yourself and yours at home from unauthorized invaders and no, you life does not take a 99% discount once you step outside your home. You can use deadly force to defend it in the streets as well as at Home.

One of the Bill owners is an immigrant or a child of an immigrant and both are Miami-Dade County Democrats. So unless their background is from the Duvalier & Castro circles of power, I cannot comprehend how they do not understand how dangerously close to  replicating the conditions of those countries South of Key West represent.

One of the ways to control people in South America is to be so brutal in the defense of the Government’s Monopoly on Killing, that even if you have managed to get approved for a firearm, you don’t want to use it because the legal ramifications are downright scary, like being arrested without bail for as long as the investigation lasts and you are warehoused with the real criminal element, some which might be buddies of the guy you popped.

The Licensing bill is truly bizarre as it fixes a problem that does not exist  in Florida: A rampant abuse of the Concealed Weapons Licenses by the holders. In the 31+ years, Florida has issued a grand total of almost 4.4 million licenses to carry a concealed weapon and only a grand total of under 16 thousand have been revoked for ANY reason including non-violent felonies.

That comes to 0.35% of permit holders found/plead guilty a Felony or Misdemeanor act of Domestic Violence.  One Third of One Percent.  Florida has a population of over 21 million and felons unable to vote run to 1,686,318 or 8% of the total population. I think that makes us CWL holders what? 25 times more law abiding than the average Floridian? And our “reward” is to be treated as mentally defective chimps that need to be retrained every so often because otherwise we will sling poo in front of the audience? And let’s not forget: we are the state with most Concealed Weapons Permits in the Nation. We are an embarrassment to the Gun Control Community. Think About it: almost one of every 10 Floridians they see walking the streets, sharing a coffee at the local barista place or in the supermarket is probably legally carrying a concealed weapon. The same crowd promised Blood in The Streets and School Busses perforated because too many Floridians would draw at any perceived disrespect and start blasting away. Nothing like that happened, we proved them so wrong, they need to punish us for making them look bad and liars for 30 straight years.

Are you ready to start putting pressure on your Legislators or do you have other more “pressing” tactical fashion engagements to attend?



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “Florida: Two Very Bad Bills Have Moved Forward.”
  1. “One of the Bill owners is an immigrant or a child of an immigrant and both are Miami-Dade County Democrats. So unless their background is from the Duvalier & Castro circles of power, I cannot comprehend how they do not understand how dangerously close to replicating the conditions of those countries South of Key West represent.”

    Miguel, there are two kinds of people who come out from under tyranny.

    The First, like our Founding Fathers, say “If I come to power, I’m not going to let tyranny ever happen again.”

    The Second, like these people say “If I come to power, it’s my turn to be the tyrant.”

    It’s why the United States came out of a Revolution and didn’t create a monarchy and formed a Constitution, while various European, South American, and African nations just seem have a revolving door of monarchs and dictators.

    These Reps didn’t escape tyranny for freedom, they just wanted to go to a place where they could be the asshole throwing their weight around.

    1. ‘and our “reward” is to be treated as mentally defective chimps that need to be retrained every so often because otherwise we will sling poo in front of the audience?’

      We are between junkies and crazies, did not you know?


      “Supporters say the conversations will be “non-judgmental,” similar to those medical professionals already have with patients about substance use and mental health, and will continue efforts to treat gun violence as a public health concern.”

  2. ‘reduces the length of the License to five years instead of 7 and forces 8 hours of training on application and every time you must renew your license among other goodies.’

    They will loose all out-of-staters and their application fees and tourist dollars. I have Utah and Florida licenses for travel. Florida 8 hours of renewal training means I will not renew and will skip the state while traveling for pleasure: if you cannot shoot the stuff there that kids have not seen in our anti 2A state, might as well go elsewhere, we are flexible.

  3. Permits are not only revoked for felonies and for DV convictions. Twice I had a crazy ex girlfriend go to court and accuse me of domestic violence. This is a common tactic that attorneys advise their female clients to use in divorce and child custody disputes.

    The two incidents were 12 years apart. In both cases, they were granted an ex parte temporary restraining order. In both cases, the cases were eventually dismissed. In both cases, the temporary order resulted in my concealed weapons permits automatically being revoked. Each time, I had to reapply for my permit once the case was resolved, and in both cases, I got my permit back.

    If this has happened twice to me, and it is a common tactic for females to get a DV order during divorces and child custody cases, imagine how many of those 15,000 revocations are simply because of a pissed off woman.

    You can read the whole story here:


    1. Would these Domestic Breakup harassment revocations be covered in the license reinstatement statistics (2lines below)?

      If you subtract the reinstatement numbers, you are closer to 14K revocations.

        1. My CCW was permanently revoked. That didn’t mean I was permanently banned, because Florida is still shall issue. What it meant was that particular permit was dead. They told me I had to reapply as if I had never had a permit. When I reapplied, I had to start over, pay the full fee and not the renewal, and I even got a different permit #.

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