When I found the article, I figured it was The Atlantic finally acknowledging that antisemitism in their neighborhoods is not due to a bunch of Rednecks doing a country version of the final solution but to true hate from the local flavor as J. Kb. posted earlier. It was not to be, instead and with a thin veil of political sorrow, the complain that the perpetrators of the shooting screwed the narrative.

If you were to read the article without knowing who were the shooters  before hand, you would leave unsure of their race. If you do like most people and just read the first half or even the first third, you end up confused and trying to figure out who was the white people that killed Jews in New Jersey.  Why? The graphic below is a capture of the full published article and the explanation goes as follow:

#1 Blame Trump because he is being impeached and distracting us from the real problems.
#2 Obligatory mention of a Black mass killing by a WHITE guy totally unrelated to the event in Jersey City.
#3 Finally mentioning not the race of the killers but that they may have belonged to a hate group associated with the word “black.”

But according to press reports, the shooters in Jersey City belonged to a congregation of Black Hebrew Israelites—a label applied to a variety of largely separate groups, some of which have a long-standing history of racism against ethnic Jews—and had published a slew of anti-Semitic content online. (Bold are mine)

The Political Inconvenience of the Jersey City Shooting

Yes, almost all the way to the bottom of the article to get a sliver of info on the perpetrators of a HATE crime. .And if they could have gotten away not only erasing the color but assigning the crimes to a couple of North Carolina visitors, they would have done so.

But have no fear. You know and I know that by Sunday morning, this shooting will be scrubbed from most if not all political shows and by Monday all the Liberal Pundits will be back again trying to convince you that the size Trump’s salt & pepper shakers is an impeachable offense and we must do it to save our democracy.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “For The Atlantic, the Jersey City Shooting is inconvenient”
  1. So, far, the only fact-based reporting I have found on the Jersey Ciity attack (because that’s what it was) is at Chabad’s web site.

  2. From the article:

    “As one of the founders of the Women’s March argued in a statement that, incredibly, was meant to address accusations of anti-Semitism in her movement, “White Jews, as white people, uphold white supremacy.””

    So I guess we fucking deserved to get massacred by two black people? Holy shit The Atlantic is written and edited by human fucking garbage.

  3. “we must do it to save our democracy.”
    We are NOT a Democracy. Only Democrats think we are.
    The U.S.A. is a Constitutional Republic.
    Remember that.

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