“I am the only one professional enough…”
Five gives you ten they did not even bother to look around the body to see if the rifle has been covered with sand moved by the tides. That or Aquaman went hunting.
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
“I am the only one professional enough…”
Five gives you ten they did not even bother to look around the body to see if the rifle has been covered with sand moved by the tides. That or Aquaman went hunting.
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Was his name Vince Foster?…
Good one….
“How could anyone shoot himself and then hide the gun without first cancelling his reservation?”
– Mr. Neville Shunt
It ain’t a 270, but my AR7 floats. LOL
“Self-inflicted gun shot” with a .270? and he had an empty handgun holster in his truck? Why in hell would he go through the awkwardness of manipulating a hunting rifle to shoot himself when a handgun was available? The heavy rifle washes away, but the much lighter ammunition was found near the body? I’m no police investigator, but this smells like a hit. I’m glad Chief Wiggum is on the job.
Ammo could have been in a pocket.
Maybe the unfired rounds were .27 caliber rimfire blanks? Mathematics tells us that 0.27 and 0.270 are the same thing, right?
This wouldn’t make any more sense of the story, but it’s one more possible point of confusion.
The rifle and handgun “washed away.” Riiiiiiiiiiiiight…
It’s New Jersey.
Some “beachcomber” got themselves a new rifle and handgun without a paper trail.