Apparently this was an unarmed “peaceful protester” shot by those evil White supremacists packin’ AR 79s. /sarcasm off>
Click here for a video of the wounded protester. It is quite graphic
Where a Hispanic Catholic, and a Computer Geek write about Gun Rights, Self Defense and whatever else we can think about.
Apparently this was an unarmed “peaceful protester” shot by those evil White supremacists packin’ AR 79s. /sarcasm off>
Click here for a video of the wounded protester. It is quite graphic
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.
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Let’s just stipulate that I’m not getting any real work done today
Here’s the first video I’ve found that captures the events right before the first shooting. The video of the shooter getting tackled in the street before opening fire is actually the second shooting. This is the one that kicked off the whole thing.
Note that the “unarmed peaceful protester,” the guy that had the red shirt pulled over his head, is chasing the guy with the rifle and throws something at him. Looks like a molotov cocktail but there’s no fire when it hits the ground. Video is not super-great quality.
Earlier I saw video of red-shirt-guy screaming at some boog bois something along the lines of “You ain’t gonna shoot me.” Trying to find that again to see if the shooter was one of the people he was screaming at.
Here it is:
It does not appear that the shooter is in this video. There is a guy wearing a similar green shirt, but he is taller and wearing shorts.
Portland Antifa has now identified the shooter and his mother and have posted their address
His mother? Bastards. No, that’s an insult to bastards.
Chicken-shit-fed pond scum.
He just popped two, are they going to be stupid enough to go this way?
Hope he has armed, hard hearted friends, and backup weapons.
And a trencher.
Two things are now happening on Portland Antifa Twitter
#1 they are convincing each other that the shooter is a cop, or paid by the cops, and was ordered to shoot protesters.
#2 they are asking for donations so they can fly to Kenosha and be there tonight
Probably they will get shot by cops this time around.
And this is why there were so many amputations in war for so long. It takes an experienced trauma team with good equipment to salvage a limb in that condition.
Someone needs more range time, they should’ve shot him in the head.
He stopped the threat, that is all that is needed
Exactly. In spite of the victim disarmament propaganda, the death of the attacker is NOT the goal of self-defense. The goal is to stop the threat. If displaying the weapon does that, great, no shots fired. If shooting and missing does it, ok, you lucked out but still that’s good enough. Wound the perp and have him lying on the ground, unable to continue the attack — self defense goal achieved.
Never forget that only about 2% of defensive gun use cases result in the death of the attacker. That is just fine. Don’t allow the bad guys to pretend that 2% is actually 100%.
Also he got 2 out of 3 with 3 rounds. That’s not bad for lying on the back while getting attacked.
Ain’t it curious that he has “PARAMEDIC” on his hat? What is a peaceful protest medic doing wielding a firearm?