To me I have confirmation of why this time we are having such a rough time. We know that money and organization is coming out from the Joyce Foundation and Bloomberg’s Everytown. But seeing the Giffords group involved means that whatever infighting Gun Control groups had before, they managed to stop it and are now working together with the big gorilla Bloomberg at the helm. And I wouldn’t be surprised that Brady is also in there, specially since suddenly they have money again for another lawsuit.

In other news, some Pro-Gun Groups find it a matter of pride to show their alleged independence by crapping all over our Gorilla.

No wonder we appear weak to the legislators and they went with the Opposition. .


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “HIDDEN AUDIO: Broward County Teachers Caught Indoctrinating Students, Planning Illegal March”
  1. I assume the NRA is the gorilla? That has endorsed virtually every gun control law in the last century? Who at best “fixed” them with some lube to make them a little less painful?

    Yeah, fuck them. Give your money to GOA.

    1. Ahhh.. Michael is in another rip-roaring bind in which the truth is a bit (if not a lot) missing.

      I hate to paraphrase, but I read somewhere lately that “giving money to GOA is like burning cash but without the benefit of the light or the heat.”

      But let’s face it, GOA does write some amazing Press Releases and are the original Chest Bumpers.
      Hell, the Heller & McDonald decisions came about because of them according to their writing.

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