With Tropical Storm Isaac coming, my access to the interwebs might be affected for lack of electrical power. I doubt it since all models and gut feeling indicates that the center of the storm/hurricane will miss us and our grid is subterranean, but something may happen just the same.
If the track changes and Isaac decides to hit mainland, I’ll be observing & pondering if hurricane panels are necessary. I will need at least a prediction of 85 mph or more to get me going. So far the predictions only top gusts of 65 mph or as we call it down here: “Windy.”
The Gun Motivator is already scheduled for its usual date and time. If I see something interesting to post, I’ll go ahead and post it too.
And, of course, an appropriate reminder for my Floridian brethren.
Hey at least thats one thing chicago has over florida, no hurricanes, just wind bag politiciand
I’ll take hurricanes any day of the week. You see them coming, know what can of damage they might do and (the best) they’ll eventually leave.
I much prefer dealing with a few random storms, than a permanent barrage from ignorant law makers upon freedom.
Windy AND Wet, my friend.
Here, outside of Orlando, I don’t think we’ll have a problem with looters, YET. Just wait till the Zimmerman trial verdict !