The photo was captioned as police officers responding to the terrorist attack at Nairobi’s Westgate Shopping Mall in Kenya. Blog reader Patrick’s eyes were better than mine and noticed that there was an IDPA shooter among the responders:
411005-nairobi-westgate-mall-siegeMy IDPA vest with the same patch as the one above:
41100511-nairobi-westgate-mall-siegeI checked IDPA’s website for clubs in the area and I found this:

IDPA Kenya
Club #: CL650932
Location: NAIROBI, Nairobi, KENYA
Member Since: Aug 07, 2013

Not the first cop that shoots IDPA and certainly not the last that will do. I do hope he is OK.

PS: Obligatory IPSC/USPA jokes in the comment sections will be…. oh heck. why not?

UPDATE: managed to find a bigger photo and enlarged it to make sure… yup, IDPA patch.

nairobi mall IDPA

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “IDPA Club #CL650933 Nairobi, Kenya.”
  1. He may be a member of some kind of militia law enforcement organization that exists in the area. also those are some fricken hairy arms

  2. “Patrick” is a 61 year old IDPA Shooter and is the one who stated……” Renewal IDPA every 3 years, Eyes every Year”……. or something close…..You going to write-up something so We can get this Guy a Free Lifetime Membership….can see just do not write anywhere near as well as……YOU… Friend…… 🙂
    Thanks for Your Work!

  3. i’m guessing he wore the vest for the same reason all IDPA shooters do – concealment. This photo clearly demonstrates the reality and usefulness of IDPA training and shooting. Even notice that while in a hot zone, his trigger finger is off the trigger until he has a target aquired and is ready to shoot.

  4. […] IDPA shooters spotted in Kenya. The bravery of the police in Kenya has been impressive. It’s pretty obvious many of them were off duty, grabbed their guns, and ran toward the sound of gun fire, in plain clothes without body armor. That takes a lot of guts and my hat is off to them. […]

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