In Defense of the Second Amendment: 9781684514144: Correia, Larry.

First the “bad” news: Most everything I read in this book I knew already and if you are a long-time reader of this blog, you would know also because we posted and commented about it till we drove ourselves nuts. Interestingly enough, that is also the great news about this book: Everything we have talked about, discussed, figured out and come up with about the Second Amendment is in this book plus the fact that Larry writes so much better than me makes it a must-have book.

You will have at your fingertips in one dedicated package all the required information to make our case against those who hate Freedoms. This is invaluable.

And if you are too lazy to engage in arguments but need to help a new person or a fence sitter about the need for a Second Amendment, here is the tip I personally give you:

Get Two Copies Of The Book.

You keep one for your own use and the other to give away when somebody is really interested in know our side, and you figure Larry will deliver the message better than you could.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on ““In Defense of the Second Amendment” by Larry Correia. (Book Review)”
  1. Mr Correia also has some interesting excerpts of Amazon reviews, and his commentary on same, over at his Monster Hunter International website.
    Not one of his legendary fisks, perhaps, but still fun.

  2. “You will have at your fingertips in one dedicated package all the required information to make our case against those who hate Freedoms.”

    I thought you knew, Miguel, that facts or truth mean absolutely nothing to a libtardian fascist suckcocker.

  3. Aye! It is easy to read and doesn’t wander or grandstand. Donated a copy to the local library and got a standby looking for a good home.

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