The Before picture.
The During picture
The after picture usually is clean bones, so I will spare you the anguish and hate. 😀
There goes the diet.
PS: Th smoker is fueled by propane and wood chunks. The problem with propane is that Florida’s breezes will manage to blow the burner out and all of the sudden you are facing raw ribs and a pissed off wife. Burning chunks keep the heat even if your gas is flameless being wasted. Double that by using a cast iron pan as “Chip Tray” and you get an evenly radiating source of heat.
Dry rub.
Did you wet them at any point?
No, I was going to marinate, but forgot. The meat was juicy enough that it did not even need a coat of olive oil
Yum. I gotta do some ribs soon!!!
That propane burner problem kind of sucks,
I’m glad that mine is a electric smoker, it might be a little bit more effort but I don’t have to worry about it going out. (I also got it cheap, so I got that going for me…)