David From writes for the Atlantic and is a contributor to MSNBC.  He went to Harvard and Yale.  That means he is much smarter and more knowledgeable than you and his opinion is worth far more than yours.

He Tweeted this:

He may be prone to panic, but I could not find an incident like the one that he described.

NYPD shooting innocent bystanders?  Yes.

A civilian with a CCW going all Yosemite Sam during a purse-snatching?  No.

But that doesn’t matter because Mr. Ivy League MSNBC thought this up, it must be true and we should lose our rights because of it.


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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Ivy League know-nothing is against CCW because of something that has never happened”
  1. “Mr. Ivy League MSNBC *MADE* this up, it must be true and we should lose our rights because of it.” fixed it for you.

  2. This man is one of the most cosmicly stupid people on Earth this isn’t the stupidest thing he’s ever uttered, don’t forget his comment after the Charleston church shooting, that if one of the victims had been armed it could’ve been worse, i kid you nor those words actually came out of his mouth

  3. Projection.

    He soils his panties at any loud noise.

    Meanwhile I have never whipped out my sidearm to hose a crowd if someone says boo!

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