Sometimes things are so obvious, we fail to make the connection. Tale a look at the following pics created by Moms on its earlier days of operation:
I remember seeing the first one and made a pun about the race contrast, but I did not know it was a full-fledged campaign back then. Now I have to review all the damn ad pics they created and check for Race Card violations….. sheesh!
I guess their slogan is “Whatever it works.”
Yet, they keep failing.
Hat tip to Mike V’s Corner.
It’s the only way the sheep know how to enlarge the flock. The feel that there is safety in numbers–not because there are more to fight back with, but because the odds of them being picked out by the wolves decrease by virtue of statistics. . . they think.
Silly, minorities don’t own guns. All crime is caused by middle class white people. And GW Bush.
Not really surprising Miguel.
Interesting that they let their true Nanny state colors show when they act like banning those other things was reasonable.
Sorry for being such a DUMBASS,I don’t get it????
don’t get what? The play of the race card?