I have been reading the comments in a few of my last posts about the best ways to secure your guns from theft.

I have taken them to heart and have another idea that is very cost-effective.

Looking at the local Sunbelt Rentals, I can rent a mini excavator for $210 per day and a cement mixer for $90 per day.  An 80 lbs bag of high strength concrete mix is $5.05 at Home Depot.  It takes 45 bags to make one cubic yard, which weighs roughly 4,000 lbs.

So for about $350, I can rent an excavator and dig a big fucking hole in my backyard.  Then I can vacuum seal my guns into bags with my Foodsaver machine.  I can put my guns in the hole and cast them into two tons of solid concrete.

True, I will have no access to my guns after that, but unless a thief wants to rent a jackhammer and portable gas powdered air compressor and spend an entire weekend busting open a solid block of concrete, I’m pretty sure my guns are safe.

And honestly, if a thief is going to go through all that work, he might as well target one of the local gun stores or banks, the score there will be a lot better than what I have.

I figured that my unassuming house in a middle-class development in Alabama where every other house has a Ring and is on Nextdoor, and in the three years I’ve lived here have never even had a package stolen off my front porch, would be relatively safe with a gun safe lag bolted to my garage slab.

I didn’t realize that I would be targeted by the fucking Ocean’s 11 crew who are going to attack my house with a forklift.

Forgive me for not having a full-on Penthouse Letters orgy level of unrealistic security porn to masturbate too.

You go right ahead and cast your guns into the middle of a cubic yard of concrete.  I promise you, they will never be stolen.

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By J. Kb

11 thoughts on “More gun security on the cheap”
  1. If no one knows you got em…. we made a false wall in a closet. Worked great. Gun “safe “is the way to go. Reminds me of the guy with the unbreakable/ burglar proof front door.. his buddy(a house builder) bet him $500 bucks he could get thru the front door(he promised the wife a new door) guy took the bet, house builder showed up 5am with a chain saw. 2 minutes later the burglar proof door was on the lawn…

    1. He should have bet his buddy $500 he could get into the house despite the burglar proof door… and then just walked up to it and knocked.

      The weakest element of every security system is the humans that operate it. “Social engineering” has hacked more computerized systems than all the brute forces, decryption algorithms, and fancy intrusion viruses ever devised… For heaven’s sake, operator error was how the Allies were able to break Enigma.

      Too many people are willing to spend megabucks on gee whiz doohickeys, when they could spend a fiver on something simple. A burglar proof door isn’t nearly as useful as a mundane peephole.

  2. “I didn’t realize that I would be targeted by the fucking Ocean’s 11 crew who are going to attack my house with a forklift.
    Forgive me for not having a full-on Penthouse Letters orgy level of unrealistic security porn to masturbate too.”

    I think I am rubbing off on J Kb …LOL

    (Did I get it right this time?) 😀

        1. The phrase I think you wanted was “I am rubbing off on J Kb.”

          “I am rubbing on J Kb.” means something different.

          “I am rubbing off J Kb.” means something very different.

  3. I can see the utility of a john wick hidden in the basement floor setup, not to hide from burglars but from the government to prevent a full consfication. Every on says-come get them from my cold dead hands but no one thinks about your family being the bullet stop behind you when they go door to door making demands.

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