NBC is really letting all their Antisemitism out

This is, of course, bullshit.

There is no prohibition against receiving an organ or transplanted tissue.  Most of the Orthodox Jewish community has gone for organ donation.

There is a principle in Judaism, pikuach nefesh, which translates to watching over a soul.  The highest value is to save a life, overriding all other obligations.

The classical example is if there is only non-Kosher food, it is better to eat and live than eschew the non-Kosher food and starve.

Children, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and sick people are obligated to eat on days of fasting and not risk their health.

Portraying an Orthodox Jew as unable to accept an allograft because it comes from a non-Jew and perhaps even a woman, is absolute factually inaccurate bigotry.

This show is Canadian and imported into the US.

The attitude that they are showing is actually one seen in strict Muslim communities.  It’s Muslims who have openly rejected Israeli vaccines, including the Ayatollah banning them from import.  It is strict Islam that also has rejected porcine and other Halal-derived medicines, such as vaccines, insulin, and tissue scaffolds.

But of course, Woke Canada can’t portray Muslims in any sort of negative way, so they push that bullshit on Orthodox Jews and call it good.

NBC should of at least had the wherewithal to leave that scene on the cutting room floor, but after insulting Israel on SNL, they wanted to make it absolutely clear that the Woke entertainment industry hates Jews any more observant or Conservative than Woody Allen.

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Poland ain’t f**king around with Wokeness

Poland to consider outright ban on LGBT+ Pride marches
Citizens initiative comes after anti-LGBT+ rhetoric from government figures

Poland will consider a bill banning LGBT+ Pride parades, after a proposed law was submitted to parliament on Monday with the required number of signatures.

The “Stop LGBT” proposal, which seeks to outlaw public gatherings of the LGBT+ community that “promote” non-heterosexual “sexual orientations”, amassed more than 200,000 signatories, twice the number needed for it to be reviewed by politicians.

You know, I get it.  I do.

I’m a mostly tolerant guy.  If you’re gay and want to live a nice middle-class life, I don’t care.  And what you do in the privacy of your bedroom is none of my concern.

Drag Queens who dress up as Satanic nuns and do homoexotic displays with Catholic symbols exceeds the limits of my tolerance.



If you want to dress in drag and read stories to kindergarten age kids about how they can change gender and how to pick out their drag names, that’s unacceptable.

Allowing a Drag Queen to roll around on the floor and let children lay on top of him?

Hard no.

So yeah, I can see how a Catholic country would say “you can’t do anymore of that weird LGBT perverted bullshit in public.”

Poland made internet censorship illegal and their immigration reforms have resulted in them being one of the only nations in Europe without a Islamic terrorist attack.

Poland ain’t fucking around with going Woke.


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The Big Late Night Host lamely goes after DeSantis

ONE vaccination site somewhere where “rich people” live in the whole state of Florida! He must be impeached! [/sarcasm]

Of course, no comments about just the 490 pharmacy locations across 52 counties available through the state. And that does not take in account hospitals, parks and stadiums that have been converted in vaccination sites. As of right now, Florida only lacks the product because the places with trained personnel and people willing to be vaccinated are ready for business. I truthfully hope it is just transportation delays because of winter and not because some member of the DC Executive decided to punish Florida for doing well while ignoring what the “science” said he was supposed to do.

This “:attack” only means they are deadly afraid of DeSantis and the next Presidential elections. If they are begging PedoJoe to relinquish the Nuclear Football and Kamala is doing the talking with foreign dignitaries, they are afraid that their voters realize they were sold a shitty bill of goods and that Trump was right all along.

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Allow me to translate

“Biden should be eating tapioca in The Villages, but then we’d have to admit we tricked Americans into voting for a senile old man over mean Tweets. So we’re just going to quietly take his authority away.”


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Sorry for the lack of meaningful posting on my side.

As Valentine’s gift for the missus, I had promised to redo mom’s room so she can her her “office/sewing room/Safe Space From Hubby. As usual what was supposed to take a weekend or maybe 4 days ahs stretched into two and a half weeks plus a roof repair,

I am almost, almost done, I swear! In fact, I have not had to go to Home Depot or order from Amazon in 4 days!

I’ll be back with you in a jiffy.

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Snow in Texas and the Biden response

This is how the Washington Post rolled the Biden Administration turd of a response in glitter to pretty it up:

Biden’s low-key approach to storm wins praise but courts risks

Democratic state Rep. James Talarico says the most he’s heard of federal help in his area during the devastating winter storm is a FEMA water truck that apparently got stuck in ice. K.P. George, the top elected official in Fort Bend County, Tex., said federal officials have told him help is on the way — just not fast enough: “We can’t wait another 72 hours to get food and blankets and things like that,” he said.

And U.S. Rep. Colin Allred (D-Tex.), a congressman from Dallas, said what would help most, beyond an infusion of federal dollars, is a visit from President Biden.

“This has been something like the Dark Ages here in Texas,” Allred said. “I mean, people are burning their furniture and their fences for warmth and for heat. They’re finding older folks literally frozen to death in their beds. When the president has toured — seen the damage, spoken to the people who were affected — I think that makes it a little bit hard to say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, you’re going to be on your own.’ ”

These Texas Democrats really seem to be praising Biden, don’t they?

“This is a catastrophic loss across the board,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said by phone from Stephenville, where he was tending his cattle. The storms knocked out this year’s and next year’s citrus crops in three Texas counties, a loss of more than $300 million, and Miller ultimately expects all 254 counties in Texas to be declared federal disaster areas in coming weeks.

“We poured out over 1,600 trailer trucks of milk because we can’t pasteurize it,” Miller said. “It’s affected the poultry farmers, the hatcheries. We’ve got little chicks that froze to death and incubators that we can’t keep warm, so those eggs aren’t going to hatch.”

The storms have killed at least 48 people in the past week, including 30 in Texas, according to data compiled by The Washington Post. Among the dead were people poisoned by carbon monoxide as they ran car engines to stay warm and a boy who authorities believe froze to death in his bed.

That horrible and terrible and tragic.  What did Biden do?  He rejected the Governor’s emergency declaration and only approved a state of emergency in 77 counties.

If Biden’s lack of response during the storm and pathetic response in the wake of it isn’t disappointing enough, perhaps you should know how the Biden Administration fucked over Texas before the storm.

Texas asked the DOE for permission to produce more electricity from fossil fuels.  The DOE approved only on very specific conditions, including continuing to purchase offsets, maintaining environmental impact records, and buying electricity at inflated prices.


So while children and elderly froze to death in their beds, the DOE was squeezing ERCTO’s balls with environmental regulations.

When Conservatives say that the Green New Deal will cause people to die, this is proof of that.

Fuck the DOE.  People are dying, crank up the gas.  The DOE’s position was fuck the people, don’t put too much CO2 in the atmosphere.

Go take a look at the map of the 77 counties Biden declared a disaster in.  Then to take a look at the map of Texas in the 2020 election.  You will notice a lot of overlap between disaster counties and counties that voted Blue or are suburban swing counties.

A once-in-a-century storm hit Texas and the Biden Administration tied Texas’s hands during the storm and ignored it after it was over.

This is why the media is so focused on Cruz taking his family to Cancun.

Biden engaged in a mini weather-related Holodomor in Texas.

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The American Dream: Be irresponsible & sue somebody else for your mistake.

The family of Cristian Pavón-Piñeda, an 11-year-old boy who died last Tuesday amid winter storms that shook Texas and left millions in subfreezing cold without power, has filed a lawsuit against utility providers seeking $100 million.

Cristian’s mother, María Piñeda, told Telemundo Houston that the family awoke on Tuesday to find the boy in his bed, apparently unresponsive. He was confirmed dead later that afternoon by medical staff in Conroe.

The family of five had been without electricity for two days, and the temperature in their mobile home dipped as low as 10 degrees overnight Monday into Tuesday morning.

Family Sues for $100M After Boy Dies in Texas Home During Winter Storm

You know there has to be an ambulance chaser behind this lawsuit.  You did not provide for the security of your kid and it is the fault of the electrical company?

The family is suing Entergy Texas, a utility company serving areas north of Houston, and the nonprofit Energy Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT) for damages. The family is accusing Entergy and ERCOT of failing to warn people of a hazard, providing inaccurate and incomplete advice and information to customers and participating in and contributing to acts that caused the incident in question, among other things, KPRC reported. Houston attorney Tony Buzbee is representing the family.

Holy Jesus! What the fuck they were watching on TV? Telenovelas in Telemundo? Even us over here in South Florida had advanced warning of the polar vortex about to drop in the US. If you fail to prepare, it ain’t the fault of anybody but you. And the lawyer representing them reads like a lawyer from the books: switching allegiances whenever appears to be convenient while running his Personal Injury Firm.

Cristian moved to the U.S. from Honduras two years ago. His grandparents and other relatives who still live in Honduras are now waiting for his body to be repatriated so he can be buried there.

I won’t even bother to speculate on what looks obvious. But it opens a lot of questions that I will not bother to address.

Anyway, I figure they are not really looking for a trial but some quick settlement with the company and everybody will be happy with some cash in their pockets to live a nice life back in Tegucigalpa.



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