De Blasio has made sure there is no reason for a tourist to ever go to NYC ever again


De Blasio has ‘no plan’ for return of indoor dining in NYC

Mayor Bill de Blasio bluntly said he has “no plan” for the return of indoor dining in New York City, citing a link between eating inside and a resurgence of the coronavirus in other parts of the world.

“Indoor dining, there’s not a plan right now,” de Blasio said on WNYC’s “The Brian Lehrer Show” Friday.

A Manhattan caller named Sharon had asked the mayor if there was any possibility that restaurants would be fully reopened this year. Right now, they’re only allowed to have outdoor seating or takeout.

“There’s not a context for indoor dining. We’re never saying it’s impossible. But we do not, based on what we’re seeing around the world, we do not have a plan for reopening indoor dining in the near term,” de Blasio said.

Indoor dining in New York City is shut down in perpetuity.  Most restaurants are incapable of operating off street dining or takeout, so any restaurant owner holding out hope that they could reopen just threw in the towel.

Dining in New York City, once the fine dining capital of America, is dead.


Husband is left paralyzed after being hit by stray bullet when he insisted on walking to the store with his new wife to hold her umbrella in gentrified Brooklyn as gun violence in NYC spirals out of control

An innocent bystander who was shot in broad daylight in Brooklyn on Wednesday will likely never walk again after a bullet struck his spine while he walked with his wife to buy toothpaste from a nearby store.

The tragic shooting is one of several incidents of gun violence in New York City, where homicides surged by 29 per cent to 244 from January 1 to August 2 from the same period last year.

The five boroughs have also seen an 84.6 per cent rise in shooting victims to 1,017 during those dates compared with the same period in 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Go out on a street in a nice neighborhood in New York City and get shot in the spine and end up a paraplegic.

Now tell me, even when COIVD travel restrictions are lifted (if they are ever lifted), why would a tourist ever want to visit NYC ever again.

They would literally have a better chance of getting shot in the spine than getting a table at a nice restaurant.

In 10 years, NYC will look like the worst parts of Detroit.

The Democrats will have done to New York what Bin Laden and the Mullahs couldn’t have accomplished in their wildest dreams.

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Antifa and BLM torment the suburbs

This is low-grade domestic terrorism.  There is no other way to describe it.

What are these people hoping to accomplish?

Comparing this to the Civil Rights movement under MLK, these people are not engendering sympathy.  They are not trying to win hearts and minds.

They are trying to intimidate people.  Until the moderate people who just want to be left alone to live their lives acquiesce to the mob’s demands, they will not have a good night’s rest.

That is the essence of terrorism.  Right now, it’s terrorism that just annoys and harasses people instead od terrorism that causes casualties.

I can only see this getting worse.

I expect that most of these people in the suburbs just want to be left alone.  Their political activism goes only as far as Facebook posts and bumper stickers.  They don’t want to march in the streets and get pepper-sprayed for a cause.

So what will the mob do?  Increase the intensity of their antics.

The caterwauling and chanting will turn to window-smashing and property damage like downtown Portland.

Cars parked in driveways will be vandalized, possibly to the point of being totaled.

This is the other side of the danger in what wrote about the other day when 9-1-1 was overwhelmed.  When the mob comes to the suburbs to start smashing things, it will be when the mob is advancing a shield wall against police downtown.  The police will be so busy trying to stop downtown from being destroyed that they will be incapable of doing anything to stop the mob violence in the suburbs.

I do not say this lightly, there is a Marxist pogrom coming to the Portland suburbs to attack the normals who live there.  There will be broken windows and fires set.

In the immortal words of Sergent Major Plumley:

“Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves.”


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How to defeat a plywood and trashcan shield wall

This is Antifa in Portland advancing on police in a regimented shield wall calling a cadence like a Greek Phalanx.

There is a very effective way to stop this:


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Why I have no faith in the arrest of Marquis Love

As Miguel mentioned yesterday, Marquise “Keese” Love was arrested for kicking Adam Haner in the head.

I have no faith that he will pay for his crime.

From Law Enforcement Today:

Convicted pedophile, Antifa member who allegedly stabbed black Trump supporter bailed out in Portland

In late July, a convicted sex offender and Antifa-enthusiast reportedly stabbed a black Trump supporter who was documenting footage of riots in Portland.

Now, the sex offender and alleged stabber in the July case has been bailed out, and sources are pointing to a bail fund established for Antifa militants that aims to get their “comrades” out of jail.

As of August 13th, Hampe was freed from jail after his bond was posted, which was set at $250,000. A GoFundMe account known as the PDX Protest Bail Fund has amassed over $1.3 million in funds made exclusively for bailing out rioters for covering their legal costs.

This guy was arrested for possession of child porn while in a car filled with toys and lube.

Antifa didn’t care that he’s a child rapist who stabbed an elderly black man.

They bailed him out for “fighting a fascist.”

Love kicked a white guy in the head.  They are going to bail him out and give him a fucking medal.

After that, he will probably disappear.

Then there is this from the NY Post:

Most charges against Portland protesters won’t be prosecuted, DA says

Hundreds of Portland, Oregon, protesters arrested during two months of clashes with law enforcement won’t be prosecuted, the city’s district attorney announced.

Multnomah County District Attorney Mike Schmidt unveiled the policy change Tuesday regarding hundreds of the 550 protest-related arrests since late May.

Under the new policy, Schmidt’s office will “presumptively decline” to prosecute cases that don’t fit his criteria, including interfering with a peace, parole or probation officer; second-degree disorderly conduct; first- or second-degree criminal trespass; third-degree escape and harassment. Rioting charges will also not be prosecuted unless accompanied by another crime not included in the list, Schmidt said.

I highly suspect that the DA will end up dropping these charges against Love.  If they don’t, they will plead him down to nothing.

There is no chance in hell that a Woke DA in Portland will make a black man serve a day in jail for kicking a white man in the head during a protest.

So as awful as this was to watch, the powers that be in Portland is going to make this go away with minimal punishment for their side.

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Did anybody misplace a tank?

You would hope that the bridge-laying vehicle was disable enough that your average guy or gal traveling the highways of America could not just jump in and drive away with it. Or even have the trailer secured in such a way that anybody else with a tractor could have come and take it away.
Yeah, me neither.

Hat Tip Eve’s Hubby

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And a word from our favorite (alleged) Racial Shyster.

Oh My Lord, the racist cops (please ignore the black officers in the video) just shot a Black man for no reason! BLM and all that shit!

Rickasha Montgomery, who filmed the video, said she was taking a relative to Broussard when she saw the cop cars. She pulled out her phone and started to film.

She saw about six officers with guns pulled out, she said. When she panned the phone, she saw a man holding what she said appeared to be a knife. Then officers tased him, but he kept walking.

Officers were yelling for the man to get on the ground, the 18-year-old said. But when the man reached the door of the Shell gas station, officers shot him.

One person shot by Lafayette Police, Louisiana State Police investigating

So, by the looks of it and the statement of the maker of the video, police have been following this armed man, commanding him to get on the ground (and probably to drop the knife, shot him with a taser which failed to work, kept following him till he was about to enter a store with people which could have become victims and only then shot him.

Hell yeah, that was an old Louisiana lynching right there. For all the cops knew, the man was on its way to work at the gas station convenience store and had a knife because he was supposed to chop the onions for the hot dogs and chili they sell. Or maybe he had a hankering for iced tea and Skittles.

I swear Benjamin Crump is making Al Sharpton look good.

PS: And in case the Tweet gets memory holed.

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