Wuhan Precautions and Social Distancing are now officially annoying.

I am pretty much a hermit , but sometimes like today, I had to go out and mingle with the humans. My trip today was to the post office to check the box and send a gift.

When I got to the post office, most of the hurricane accordion shutters were set with one exception to an entrance. I parked and saw the people wearing the face masks so I reached for the very used disposable mask in my center console. Without much attention, I installed the contraption in my face, got out of the trick and went inside.

There was a dutifully and socially distanced line waiting to do business with the postal people. The bad news was that it was long enough that it was “blocking” the access to the drop off boxes and the P.O. boxes.  A couple of people in line gave me a somewhat disgusted look but I did not care, specially after being trained under The Look a wife gives you. I simply cut through the line, deposited the outgoing mail, cut back through again to go to the mailboxes. Nobody said anything.

When i got back to the truck and looked in the mirror, I realized that i had torn the mask almost to the point it looked like a facial loincloth. I pulled it off and there went my glasses flying. Luck had it they landed a top of the dashboard without injury.

I started the truck and came back home before I had to deal with a Karen or somebody asked be to take a knee for BLM or some other stupid shit.


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Nobody is coming to help you because you need to check your privilege

This from CNN:


Every single person in a civil society should expect law and order to be maintained by the government.  That is the social contract that we sign to avoid vigilantism and street justice.  It is one of things that separates a First World society like our from being a Third World shithole.

Some of us understand that the police can’t always be there and we need to be able to defend ourselves. However we’d all much rather call the cops than shoot it out with the bad guy in our livingroom.

For the radical Leftists, expecting to be safe in your own home and having the cops respond to an emergency when you call is a privilege.

Privileges must be done away with.

Rather than improve the police so everyone of every race feels comfortable calling the cops in an emergency, nobody should feel safe.

Having your house broken into and robbed while you cower in fear in your closet, or worse, get beaten or murdered, is just social justice that eliminates your white privilege.

I wonder how the feminists movement feels that the logical extension of this is that it’s white privilege for a woman not to be violently raped be home invaders?

Who am I kidding, the feminist movement sold out white women for intersectionality a few years back.

Nobody is coming to help you because helping you is an exercise in white privilege.  Leaving you to a violent violation and death is social justice.

You’ve been warned.

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This is why we don’t trust the Media.

From 10 Tampa Bay:

TAMPA, Fla. — Since reopening, Florida has seen a rise in coronavirus cases.
On Saturday, June 6, the Florida Department of Health reported a fifth straight day of more than 1,000 new cases.
As of Monday, June 8, the Florida Department of Health was reporting almost 64,000 total positive cases and 2,700 deaths.

The spike in cases could be linked to an increase in testing. The state reported that of the more than 57,000 tests on Saturday almost 1,200 came back positive– that’s about two percent. Overall, the state says 5.3-percent of all tests have come back positive.

Florida sees five straight days of 1,000+ new coronavirus cases

Let’s go over that again:

The spike in cases could be linked to an increase in testing

Well yes, that would be pretty much it.  the locations where a person can get tested have been expanding from the initial few outside hospitals to basically any test lab where you go to take your regular check up tests.  And if that was not all, CVS Pharmacies are also doing tests nationwide and offer a store locator to help you find the nearest one; I have 5 locations within 10 miles of my house. Antibodies testing has also been available for over a month in Florida with more and more locations offering it like Dolphin Stadium down here in Miami Dade County.

I do find funny that the true measure of how are we doing with the Wuhan virus is seldom mentioned and only in passing: Daily Deaths. Why?

Click to enlarge

The answer is obvious, isn’t? Compare what this graphic indicates to the one a top of the post, which one sell panic best?


So why the campaign of lies, half-truths and fear?  The November elections. Anything that makes Governor DeSantis look bad, is mandatory to publish whether true or not. A popular governor means Florida will remain red or even get redder and will likely vote for Trump and the state is a mayor player in the Electoral College count.

Hat Tip Roger C.


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“Nobody is coming to save you”

The Killhouse Rules are so true.

The members of the Minneapolis City Council should be mindful that numerous other law enforcement agencies have responded to support them, to restore order, to protect their citizens and to return peace to their city during recent tragic days. We did this while joining our communities in disgust over the way in which George Floyd lost his life and in hopes of a stronger, unified future.
There are clearly concerns to be addressed and areas to be fixed.
However, If they choose to eliminate their police department through defunding operations without a realistic plan, they must also choose to live with the consequences of their decisions. We are one of many agencies who have no appetite for going back to their city to restore order again; especially if their decision is to actively compromise the safety of the city.
Cooler heads who seek actual answers while working with their community will find realistic answers. Those who embrace impulsive actions must live with the consequences and I think we have all suffered enough from a variety of bad decisions.

This is a warning that will be ignored. And really, I am to the point I want them to do it so the rest of the country sees in reality what is gonna happen when the predators are let loose and anarchy is the governance of the land.

I personally would be packing and taking my family outside the city, preferable the state before things got “technical.”


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They literally came for the Fudd’s gun

The symbolism here so on point it’s laser-guided.

From The Hill:

Elmer Fudd will not have a gun in ‘Looney Tunes’ reboot

In a new series based on the beloved “Looney Tunes” cartoons, the classic character Elmer Fudd will no longer carry a gun.

The new series “Looney Tunes Cartoons,” which premiered last week on the streaming service HBO Max, will feature the cartoon’s characteristic violence – using sticks of dynamite, booby traps and the iconic anvils and bank safes dropped onto characters, The New York Times reported last week.

However, Peter Browngardt, the series executive producer and showrunner, told the outlet, “We’re not doing guns.”

“But we can do cartoony violence — TNT, the Acme stuff. All that was kind of grandfathered in,” Browngardt told the outlet.

Elmer Fudd is regularly foiled trying to hunt Bugs Bunny on the show. In the new series, the character will carry a scythe.

The Fudds kept saying “it’s okay to ban assault weapons, they will never come for our duck guns and deer rifles.”

HBO came in a took his side-by-side duck gun away.


Does this drive the point home any more?  Could it be any clearer?

After they take all the assault rifles and semi-autos away, they are come and take every Fudd’s deer rifle and duck gun too.  Even the original Fudd’s.

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If LA is any precedent , Minneapolis is screwed for a long time

Video taken from Minneapolis after the riots.

The Rodney King LA riots happened 28 years ago.  There are parts of South LA that never rebuilt.

That was before the rise of internet retail when people still had to go to brick and mortar stores.

How likely is it that this will be rebuilt any time soon and not be a scar of destruction in Minneapolis that lasts for a generation?

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