NY Post Front Page Photo: A lesson to be learned but got lost.

Today’s manure storm comes courtesy of the NY Post and its front page pic:

An Aggressive Panhandler attacked a rider and tossed him into the tracks as the train was coming. A NY Post Freelance photographer started to shoot his cam activating the flash trying to get the attention of the conductor and have him stop; it did not work. Among the pictures taken was the one that made it to the front page today.

When I saw the photo, my first reaction was “I hope they caught the bastard and thrown him in jail till he rots or asks to be thrown to the tracks.” but apparently it has been the photo and not the action that is creating quite the controversy. It appears that even though there is no gore or blood doing a Pollock over the platform, people are just horrified that the Post would publish such a “ghoulish” image. Ladies and gents, would please kindly remove your heads from the sand and face the ugly reality that is life?

I wonder how many of those horrified by the still are fans of shows like “America’s Funniest Videos” or The World Dumbest (pick of the week)” and just because there is a laugh track on the background they feel the videos are not ghoulish or nasty or cruel. A skateboarder missing a jump and breaking bones is hilarious because the producers of the show say so and some dumb ass former TV star makes a stupid commentary so it is OK to watch. The NY Post publishes the graphic fact that evil is around us ready to strike and kill and almost everybody wet their ladyparts.

Life is not Disney World. If you cannot understand that, you will suffer accordingly.

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The Josh Horwitz Insurrectionist Library: COMBINED ARMS OPERATIONS IN URBAN TERRAIN

For Urbanites, a must have & read. Because you never know where that ice cream truck is parked. Download here.

DISCLAIMER: The links provided in this post are for information purposes only. Information is power. However, if you choose to be an idiot with the information provided here, you are on your own lonesome and should take it like a man…or woman.
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Phoenix: A “worplace violence” attack I bet you haven’t heard about.

Abdullatif Aldosary, a convicted felon who lives in Coolidge, is accused of being the person who detonated an “explosive device” outside the Social Security Administration building in Casa Grande Friday morning, November 30th.

Although a federal complaint doesn’t accuse Aldosary of activity related to terrorism — nor does it define any other possible motive — the probable-cause affidavit was penned by an FBI agent in the Phoenix division’s Joint Terrorism Task Force, and does include a few instances of the word

via Abdullatif Aldosary, Described as “Loner,” Accused of Bombing Casa Grande Social Security Office – Phoenix – News – Valley Fever.

They also found recipes for explosives from the Anarchist Cookbook (Already featured in this blog’s Josh Horwitz Insurrectionist Library), 1,200 rounds of different kinds of ammo including 200 rounds of “russian-made” ammo in ball and hollow point configurations (I am guessing Wolf 7.62×39) and a bunch of chemical precursors for explosives.

This happened last Friday but still has not made the major news outlets and I just found out about it via a Facebook post. I’ll let you wonder why none of the top media groups decided this was not an important items to share with its audience.

In other news, Kurt Hoffman is still considered a dangerous insurrectionist, terrorist and traitor by Josh Horwitz and the Coalition to Stop Gun Rights Violence. Calls to the FBI for his arrest so far have not led to any indictment or arrest.

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The fundamental difference between us and them.

Leave to the Cult to Stop Gun Rights Violence to illustrate what is the difference between the Gun Culture and the Serf Culture:

Some people think we are a tad harsh when we call our opponents a bunch of Rainbow Unicorn Fart sniffers. The term might be a little creative, but it is spot on and illustrates that their “thinking” is based on utopia notions of universal peace, love and the endless supply of safety blankets.

Evil men have always existed and always will. The same applies to dangerously psychotic  people who intend to do harm. That they are either evil or crazy does not mean they are stupid or cannot pass for normal people until they are ready to do harm. But CSGV thinks that there are ways to prevent their actions 100% of the time and keep everybody safe from harm if we are only wise enough to give up a little bit of our freedoms. Of course “a little bit” is never enough and they come back for seconds, third, twenty-fourths, etc and the problem is still there or even worse.

We understand and accept that no matter how hard we try, there will always be that person that slips between the cracks or is set free to do harm again by an ineffective legal system or is kept shielded by an interest group or company because they invested too much effort or money to have it go to waste. And as much as we want and push those systems to improve and weed out the worst in our society, 100% is just an unreachable fantasy that usually comes crashing down on the heads of innocents.

Do I want government to keep dangerous people away from the regular folks? Absolutely! Do I trust them to do the job right? Hell no! Have you checked the efficiency of your government lately? And you are gonna trust them with your safety when even the Supreme Court has settled the matter that they have no duty to protect you?

CSGV and its cohorts live in a mental world not too different from the crazies they claim to protect us from. If we give up the tools that will give us a chance to really protect ourselves, somehow according to their deluded minds, the crazies will all suddenly disappear and singing gnomes will lull us to sleep in a pink cloud of happiness while free Starbucks will flow from the skies above.

Call me crazy, but I choose to live in the real world.

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Costas & Whitlock: Idiots run in pairs

But here, wrote Jason Whitlock, is what I believe: if Jovan Belcher “didn’t possess a gun, he and Kasandra Perkins would both be alive today.”
Written by Jason Whitlock and regurgitated live by Bob Costas.

It was the gun that killed Jovan Belcher and his Girlfriend as these two Football experts tell us.

It could not have been a corrupt culture of Football at all. A culture where the exceptional player is taught from his teens that he is above common men and common laws. It cannot be that, it had to be the gun

In High School, he begins to be cultivated as a “warrior” immune to punishment and academics. He can bully, belittle and harass with impunity because “he is going places” and the coach and administration want the trophies and the cachet that comes from saying “that NFL start began his career here. Give us some money.” And they will get it.

In College his advanced “warrior” training starts in earnest. “You ain’t here to learn macrame boy, you are here to play FOOTBALL!” he is told. They throw gifts and girls his way as he learns the steps to go into the big game. He is cuddled and “helped” in academics while the lesser mortal actually have to study and some even work for that diploma. He may sire a bastard or two on the way or even have pregnancies terminated, will destroy that “beemer loaner” in a drunken accident and that poor freshman that got beaten to a pulp will be silenced with cash money because the upcoming pigskin star is too young to “ruin his future career.” And if he survives the games and the debauchery of college, he will be taken to an all electronic media pen and be auctioned to the hungry coaches of the NFL. And the school will beam with pride and say “that NFL start really began his career here. Give us some money.” And they will get it.

Once he makes it into the hollowed grounds of a professional stadium, he is now superstar and gets swamped in more money than he has ever seen (but a pittance compared to the “ranchers” and the league) and wastes no time in repeating and augmenting the stupidity and felonies that will be overlooked, ignored or covered to save the image of the Game. By now he has committed so many unpunished misdemeanors and felonies that he is firmly entrenched in the belief that his superior and god-like. The CIA director had to pack his bags because adultery, superstar makes adultery another professional sport with more “honies” than a sultan of old. If any service man in the battlefield happened to do just 10% of the misdeeds of superstar, he’d end up having a very long “vacation” at Fort Leavenworth where they make little rocks out of big ones. Yet superstar is saved from prison because he is too valuable. And even if the misdeed is so big that cannot be covered up, he will have a battery of high-priced lawyers and media relation experts who will tell him to dress conservatively, look downcast and beg for forgiveness which will be soon forthcoming because there is much money invested in him or produces too much money to be wearing orange jumpsuits.

Add to the above description that  out superstar is now suffering the abuses inflicted in his body both in and out of the field. He is stuffed and injected with so many medications and drugs that his brain, already twisted by concussion and his mind absolutely perverted by years of unfettered permission start to slide into its own demented version of life. When the star finally goes mental supernova and kills, it cannot be because of a corrupt culture of permissiveness and cover ups.

So, to the league’s rescue come Costas & Whitlock. Somebody must fend off the attacks that are sure to come! Nobody must criticize the nipple that supplies our milk and hair care products. We must attack because a 9.5 billion dollar income must be protected at all costs.

And they chose the usual suspect: The Gun.

Because personal responsibility is passe.

Costas & Whitlock are just whores. But at least both are well paid whores in that sick bordello.

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