Warning Shot = Wasted Shot.

Reading about this Homeowner who ends up jailed for firing warning shot I keep thinking what an idiocy warning shots are. Before anything else, that you might be arrested for a warning shot is stupid even if you are only gonna be charged with a misdemeanor and specially if the only thing “hurt” might have been your lawn.

In a statement the Mesquite Police Department said in part, “the man and his family were in no immediate danger.”

And they are right. If you have time and space enough to carefully place a warning shot, you are not in immediate danger. The other possible option is that you, even though were in a real situation of death or grave bodily harm, decided that the Christian thing to do is to give the attacking party a chance to kill you or hurt you. If you are in immediate danger, the only proper placement for a bullet is somewhere in the anatomy of the attacking individual.

Besides, the Bad Guy has been already warned by Society that breaking and entering,  assault, rape, murder, etc are against the law and that there are some people with guns out there that may kill them if they continue with their criminal pastimes. The only thing a warning shot accomplishes is to reduce your immediate ammo availability by one.


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Miami Zombie Rudy Eugene was drugged or “cursed”?

According to his Girlfriend, Miami Zombie Rudy Eugene was drugged or was under a voodoo spell.

During their time together, she said, Eugene would sit on the bed or on the couch in the evenings with her to read from his Bible. He carried it with him just about everywhere he went, she said, and often cited verses to friends and family.

“If someone was lost or didn’t know God, he would tell them about him,’’ she said. “He was a believer of God.”

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/05/30/2824778_p2/girlfriend-face-eating-man-was.html#storylink=cpy

And he also gave CPR to puppies and tossed old ladies safely across the street.

I understand the desire of not being the girlfriend of the Miami Zombie, but manufacturing BS never helps, specially when the subject’s history for drug and violence is getting out ever so slowly.

But as predicted, there are those who are already trying to cash in by manufacturing righteous indignation over this case. Village Voice moron writer James King asks Did The Cops Really Need To Shoot This Guy? ’cause, you know, he was unarmed. I am guessing that he expected the police officer to roll up a copy of the Miami Herald and whacking Eugene in the snout would have been enough to stop his “bad doggy” behavior.

I am starting a countdown to see when George Zimmerman gets blamed for this killing. You know it is coming.

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The Squirrel Report.

If you have no life whatsoever on a Friday night and a decent internet connection, you may want to listen to the slowly-becoming-infamous Squirrel Report.

After 10 shows, I am still trying to figure out what’s about it but without success. It has gun chat in it, but there is no proper theme or rhyme or reason. The hosts of the show swear it is on purpose but more likely it is just what happens when four mental procrastinators get together to talk under the influence of alcohol and a Librarian.

The hosts of the show are:




and Jay:

So tune in this Friday – 8:00 Central. And in case you haven’t figured it yet, it will be adult conversation…..(wait…hahahahaha…adult? I kill myself) scratch that. There will be explicit conversation on both the show and the available chat room…and you can call in!

UPDATE: Today’s Squirrel Report will be about Face Eating Zombies.

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An uncomfortable question.

I am sure that many a gun owner that Carries Concealed (or Open) has taken the time to analyze and come up with a strategy dealing with a situation like the one with the Miami Zombie. To say that we will face a case just-like-that would be pushing it but, what if we face somebody who is so whacked out in drugs that he will simply not feel pain, will not behave rational and has no problem having you for lunch? Shots to the pelvic area to stop an advancing critter like that are first option or shots to the brain housing assembly to disrupt the main control system. As nasty as the story is, it is now in our filing system under “This kind of thing happens, don’t freak out, respond appropriately.”

Next I went to the next mental inquiry: What would I do if I am not the intended victim, none of my loved ones are the intended victim and I am a passerby? How would I tackle the situation? This is a well defined case as no normal & innocent people go eating other people’s faces. There is a well defined bad guy in need of stopping as any reasonable person would agree.

Or would they?

An image popped into my mind: Rev. Al Sharpton on TV demanding justice for the poor face-eating bastard. Four months ago, the thought of letting somebody have his face become part of somebody’s diet would not even cross my mind. But after the Martin/Zimmerman media boondoggle and saying to myself “Of course I would intervene!” my brain had a Full Stop/Back The Truck Up moment. Do I want to risk peace of mind, loss of freedom, hard earned monies, Family disrupted and see life as I knew it disappear on the chance some Media Hungry jackass passing himself as a Civil Rights Defender feels that demonizing me is good for his business?


As much as my morals say “Yes asshole, if you see a case so clear in front of you, it is your moral imperative to act and defend a life in jeopardy.” But at the same time I have a family that depends on me and an very elderly mother that might die if subjected to a Martin/Zimmerman media frenzy and that would be on my head too.

I can’t come up with an answer yet. Maybe I’ll never will.

And you may want to give this idea a very deep thought.

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On second thought, I am keeping my magazines topped.

Cage fighter ‘ripped out heart of training partner’ – Telegraph.

A US cage fighter ripped out the heart of his training partner while he was still alive after becoming convinced he was possessed by the devil.
Jarrod Wyatt also cut out his friend’s tongue and ripped off most of his face in a brutal assault that police said looked like a scene from a horror film.

They found the 26 year old standing naked over his friend’s body with body parts, including an eyeball, strewn around the blood splattered room.

OK people, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? I hope this is a case of Californians not wanting to be out-weirded by Floridians and not a national trend. Just in case, I am keeping my magazines fully loaded and the guns handy.

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