I stole the whole thing from Greg Ellifritz.

It’s not just the police who are being attacked by mobs, now the mobs are attacking firefighters and paramedics responding to a vehicle crash scene. How do you think that plays out long term?

In my mind, this violence has very little to do with police brutality. People are frustrated by the government’s general ineptitude. People are frustrated with the Covid lockdown. People know that we are looking at facing an economic depression in the near future. They are acting out of that frustration.

Cops and medics are just the public face of the government. The rioters will never meet the mayor or city council. They will interact with cops and firefighters. Guess who will face the brunt of the public’s pushback against the government?

What brought that post? This item of sheer idiocy.

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (WAVY) — First responders were “pushed and kicked” Monday night while trying to save the life of a motorcyclist, officials say.

When Virginia Beach Fire and EMS employees arrived shortly before 9 p.m., “an unruly crowd gathered and rapidly grew in size and out of control, surrounding the scene…,” according to a Virginia Beach Fire Department report.

As firefighters tried to treat the man involved in the crash, several were “pushed and kicked” the report said. The victim ultimately died from his injuries on the way to the hospital, according to Virginia Beach Police.

According to the report, some people from the crash scene followed an ambulance to the hospital and began to “jump on, kick and hit multiple EMS vehicles causing damage.”

Virginia Beach first responders ‘pushed and kicked’ at scene of deadly motorcycle crash

May it be a reflection of the disgust that people have against government as Greg says or people just being assholes because they can and do not care for the life or others, this clearly is a big augmentation on the attack on society. The denial of emergency medical services will lead to unnecessary deaths which for the most part will go unpunished. Unarmed/unescorted emergency medical personnel will simply refuse to risk life and limb for a patient in a “hot area” and they would be well within their rights.

Let’s hope this does not become a popular thing among protesting idiots. But just in case, make sure you can initially treat any injury and transport the victim (including yourself) to the nearest ER.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

13 thoughts on “Protesters upping the ante: Attacking Emergency Medical Services.”
  1. No different than the jackhole who shot the driver of that SUV in Provo, UT (IIRC). There are people out there who, for whatever reason, want to harm others, and these riots are a perfect avenue to do so.

  2. Until that day that some medic, having decided “I’m not gonna be the *only* casualty on this scene!”, Draws down on, and shoots, his/her assailant.

    And all the other medics either quit, RFN, or decide that EVERY call will be made in the physical presence of police.

    EMS and firefighting may begin to resemble patrols of the RUC in Belfast during the Troubles: an engine or medic company, escorted by an infantry squad.

  3. I disagree. I don’t think this is COVID frustration and attacking the face of government that they come into contact with.

    These are people raised to believe that all the misery in their lives is someone else’s fault and they are lashing out at everyone.

  4. You quote Greg saying “… frustrated by the government’s general ineptitude. … They are acting out of that frustration.” What sort of BS excuse for terrorism is that? Assaulting EMTs is not “frustration”, it is violent criminal activity, and comments like that are way, way off base.
    I thought people think of this guy as someone with sensible things to say. I’ve never read any of his work, but if this is a representative sample my conclusion is that there’s no point in paying any attention to his writings.

  5. More evidence of ‘no-go’ or ‘Z-zones’.

    Can’t wait for one of these morons to call 911 for an ambulance and be told ‘Sorry, due to repeated attacks we no longer service your area…’

    1. T.R.A.I.N.I.NG.!

      Never spoils, you will not forget to carry it, will not drop it in the mud (other). Lightweight, packs small, grows when you give it away.

      You can (generally) improvise equipment.

      You cannot improvise/extemporize training.

      1. Oh, absolutely, no argument.

        I have had some and will take more when the opportunity presents. But for now, I’ve also been wanting to upgrade the truck kit past bandaids for a little while now.

  6. Have a feeling that we’ll see more of what was previewed in CHAZ…

    1) The barbarians will stop EMS/LEO going to places, people will die and the barbarians won’t give a crap. No-go zone is declared for EMS/LEO to avoid it.
    2) Then, it’ll be one of the barbarians needing help and the EMS/LEO won’t venture into that no-go zone. Wounded barbarian croaks, the rest of the barbarians turn up their bitching to 11. More DemonKKKrats politikos scream “defund!”
    3) Rinse & repeat.

Only one rule: Don't be a dick.

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