Chelsea Manning has announced his run for the United States Senate in Maryland.

Back in August of last year, the news reported that he was considering running for office.  I said at the time, that if he was elected, it would be a Fort Sumter moment.

I watched the video from his announcement.

I’m not entirely sure what

“We need to stop asking them to give us our rights.
They won’t support us.
They won’t compromise.
We need to stop expecting that our systems will somehow fix themselves.
We need to actually take the reins of power from them.”

Means in terms of running for office.  That sounds more like the creed of a small time revolutionary than a candidate for public office.

Here is the bad news.  I am afraid that Manning has good chance at winning.  He is a hero to the chic Left, with magazine spreads and parade honors and all.  He was going to be hired by Harvard until enough people complained.  He is an avowed confiscatory socialist.

If Maxine Waters can become “Auntie” Maxine and a hero to #Resistance, Manning as a good chance in a deep blue state to get elected because “fuck Trump.”

Everything that a rational person would list as disqualifying for being elected to the Senate, being charged with “aiding the enemy,” convicted for violating the espionage act, being ridiculously “anti-police,” are all  positives for the #Resistance.

The only way for him to lose is to be cut out of the primary by another Democrat.  I’m not sure if they’d do that.  He checks all the boxes as a young, trans-women, who committed treason against the US military and was a “political prisoner” commuted by Obama.

Here is the good news.

Right about the time that he wins the election, Kimber would have relocated to Alabama.  That means that Southern States will have Glock, Kimber, a large part of H&K, most of Remington, Beretta, FNH USA, and Lake City.

When it comes time to go our own separate ways, I think we’ll be just fine this time around.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “RIP the US Senate”
  1. Of all the damage Barack Obama did to America, I say that Manning will be his most enduring legacy. This treasonous, mentally ill leftist should be imprisoned (Manning, though you could almost say the same about Barry) and yet here we are, this bottom feeder is running for senate. It’s unbelievable.

  2. I know a pardon wipes out the conviction, but as I understand it, clemency does not. So is Manning officially still a felon? Does that disqualify a person from being a Senator in MD?

    1. A person can “participate in elections” with a felony conviction in Maryland. It is why he chose to run there.

      Maryland and Virginia both passed laws in 2016 giving felons the right to participate in elections as a way of guaranteeing a Democrat victory. Over 70% of felons register democrat when their rights to vote are restored.

      1. And the Senate decides who is fit to sit among them. They object to Roy Moore, but I suspect they’ll be OK with a treasonous lunatic.

        It’ll be like having a younger, thinner Ted Kennedy back among them.

  3. It won’t be the South Vs. the North. It will bw the Coasts Vs. the Middle. Election battleground states will be literal battle grounds. Ohio, Pennsylvania, (my beloved) Michigan, etc.

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