Actual, factual reporter – as in a guy who goes and documents events and reports on them – Andy Ngo has become the enemy of the Leftist domestic terrorist group Antifa for reporting on them honestly.

As opposed to the mendacious, lying, cowardly, partisan assholes on the big news channels that have all proclaimed that Antifa are the moral heirs to the American GI’s that liberated the Camps in Germany.

In a continuing effort to prove to the rest of us just how much Antifa is made up of hoodies filled with human shit, some of them did this to Andy Ngo:

(Right about now Miguel is doing a fist pump for Ngo’s security camera setup)

A group of adults in creepy masks coming to his door feels eerily like the movie The Purge.

Given Ngo’s history of being attacked by Antifa and with their apparently knowing where he lives, I hope for his sake he is armed.

Seeing this on my security camera is right about the time my scatter cannon comes out of the safe and move the family into the master bedroom.

Knowing Portland police, I have a feeling if Mr. Ngo called them to report guys in masks trying to break into his house, they’d mosy on over some time after the next morning’s donut break.

This is why security cameras are important, to know who is at your door without having to breach your own perimeter

Having a face eraser loaded with some 00 is an important backup to your camera.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

10 thoughts on “Speaking of shooting people with shotguns…”
  1. Fire a couple of rock salt shells (assuming he lives in a somewhat free state) with a shottie on their sorry pantyfa butts. Next problem.

  2. 911…
    There a couple of men trying to break into my house… I think they have guns… home alone… scared…. I think they have guns…

    Hide in basement until shooting stops.

  3. Two options…
    1. Have paintballs loaded with Pepper liquid and the appropriate launch device.
    (Paintballs are infinitely better than just spray and pray, more likely to hit your target, far less likely to contaminate the surrounding environment or even yourself)

    2. If you must get LE involved and you want them to respond quickly, simply say you are the homeowner and have a weapon and will begin ventilating the perps in five minutes…LE will be on site in two… Just be aware that any excuse will give the LE an excuse to ventilate you or anyone else inside the residence. So if you do use this option make sure everyone in the house drops and assumes the position until the all clear is given.

    Happy Trick or Treat Terrorist, chew on those candies…

    MSG Grumpy

    1. Msg Grumpy – you left out ONE very important part – “They have guns and knives and I am fearing for my life. and one said if any cops show up, we’ll shoot them too!”

  4. Living in a free state, I can point a suppressed PDW or an AR at them through the same window that they are pounding on.

    Note that one was in the back filming with his cell phone. I am sure that when the cops arrive, the creepy Antifa operatives will claim that they were only participating in Halloween festivities when you brandished a firearm at them. When I step up to the window in my own Halloween costume (dressed as a member of the special ops folks that killed the ISIS leader) I can claim to be doing the same. Maybe I should get a couple of realistic looking non firearms (Airsoft or a toy) for that sort of thing, to use as “reasonable doubt” in any brandishing case that comes as a result of something like this:

    Cop: “They claim that you pointed a gun at them when all they were doing was ‘trick or treating’. They even have video.”
    Me: “No sir, what you see here in the video is me in my own costume, playing along while dressed as a member of a SEAL team. See? This gun here on the table isn’t even real.”

    (Two sides can play at that game)

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