Accepting that his presidential bid will fail, Libertarian vice presidential candidate Bill Weld on Tuesday obliquely urged voters to vote for Hillary Clinton.
In a Tuesday statement addressed to “those in the electorate who remain torn between two so-called major party candidates,” the former Massachusetts governor told Republicans not to vote for the GOP nominee out of “fear for our country.”

Source: Libertarian VP Candidate: Whatever You Do, Don’t Vote For Trump

When I wrote about Weld’s intentions on an earlier post and I suspect that the Libertarian Party is so desperate for being relevant with the D.C. crowd that they are willing to sacrifice their beliefs for it. This cements my position.

(Begin Tin Foil Hat Alert): I suspect that Weld is a Democrat operative sent (or paid) to the Libertarian party to deflect their voters towards them to cover the hole created by the Bernie Drones fully engaged in #NeverHillary. I am willing to bet that six months after the election, he will return to the DNC bosom and shall be welcomed with open arms… if Hillary wins. Or he will find himself “suicided” if she loses. (End tin foil hat alert)

Unfortunately for the Libertarian party, virginity is lost once and never recovered. Yes, there are surgeries to reconstruct the hymen, but people will still know you got shafted and deeply.

Somewhere in the Ether, Ayn Rand is laughing her ass off.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

16 thoughts on “The day the Libertarian Party was buried: Weld says “Whatever You Do, Don’t Vote For Trump””
  1. ” Or he will find himself “suicided” if she loses.”

    No great loss. WTF was Johnson thinking picking this rabid gun hater for a running mate. They lost my consideration for a vote as soon as they announced Weld.

    1. The LP convention delegates pick the Presidential nominee in one vote and the vice presidential nominee in a separate vote. That being said, Bill Weld was the worst possible choice. He was picked because the delegates were so desperate to have “an experienced ticket” so they would be taken seriously. Instead, Weld has turned off a lot of potential new voters to the LP.

      1. I’ve been registered to vote since I was 18, but have never been enrolled in a political party. I had briefly considered registering as Libertarian last year. Needless to say, I didn’t, and am glad I didn’t. In fact, there is no way in hell I will ever join the “Libertarian” party after this shit-show. Bunch of friggin’ clowns they are.

  2. I never took the Libertarian Party seriously anyway. It’s never been anything but a handful of intellectuals who live so far back in their heads they can’t see past their frontal lobes, recently joined by the Legal Weed crowd.

  3. Whether they are more pure than the other parties or you like some or all of their positions or candidates, they are irrelevant. I could vote for the vastly superior “Picard/Riker” ticket and have about the same chance.

    We live in the real world.

    Democrats think they are in unicorn land where obamacare and gun control work (actually both are counter productive).

    Libertarians, Greens, Socialists and Communists, live in a world of mathematical make believe. They think if they just keep trying they will one day elect more than one or two token minor candidates. That’s just a bit of luck and entropy, nothing more.

    1. The flip side of that is saying I live in the real world and realize no party has my best interests in mind but the libertarian party comes the closest by wanting to leave me alone so all these Democrats and Republicans live in a world of compromise and make believe by electing the same old shit heads over and over and wondering why things progressively get shittier.

      1. Except that’s the whole point of this post, the Libertarians don’t want to leave you alone anymore. They’re becoming as authoritarian as Hillary’s campaign ever was.

        My biggest objection is that the Libertarian party’s border policy is exactly the same as Hillary’s: full open borders. You can’t have a nation without borders.

        1. My intention was to point out that it is relative to your perspective. Each side believes the other side is the enemy; it’s stupid and divisive when everyone should see that no matter who wins you get screwed.

          It’s all a lose lose game at this point to me because like you say no one really wants to just leave me alone. I would have called myself a libertarian in the past, and I am still undecided about how I will vote, but they certainly have strayed too far from what I once thought were the core ideals of the party.

    2. A Picard/Riker ticket is one I could get behind. I understand there could be some trepidation about Picard’s principles given his involuntary conscription into the Borg Collective, but I think as a man that has dipped his toes into the frigid waters of collectivism, he would be a stalwart leader dedicated to steering our country into liberty and laissez-faire capitalism. And Riker – can you imagine a more pro-gun VP pick? How many times has he strapped on a phaser and led an away-team into danger? How many times has his mighty beard saved the Enterprise from certain doom?

      Worf for Secretary of Defense!

  4. Maybe it’s just me, but the combination of “former Massachusetts governor” and “supports common-sense gun regulations” told me all I needed to know about Weld a LONG time ago.

    He may have an ‘L’ after his name now, and he may have had an ‘R’ previously, but those two descriptions above put him further Left than any flyover-state Democrat.

    No. Just, no.

  5. I gotta vent somewhere so here it is:

    Guy just came to my office. He’s 25 years old, used to work in this building but has moved to a different campus. While he was here he went from “Hillary is awesome, guns are bad” to literally buying an AR15 from me in the parking lot. He also owns a couple of glocks and some other stuff that I can’t remember.

    He voted for Hillary in early voting. His reasoning?

    “Trump is an asshole”

    My response was “So you voted for a criminal who wants to confiscate those new guns you have?”

    That’s true, but Hillary will be a more competent leader.”

    Are. You. Kidding. Me.

    1. WizardPC, wow, the cognitive dissidence of your 25 year old colleague is astounding. Confirms what I think about Hildabeast voters. They are either too stupid, selfish, or lacking in any moral discernment to be part of our species. If they hate Trump so much, stay home, but don’t vote for her!

      Let’s compare them. A loud-mouth guy who is a successful businessman versus a long-time corrupt politician with little accomplishment of note except getting people killed on her watch, taking bribes and pay-to-play money from foreign governments and concealing her illegal activities by skirting disclosure laws with secret servers.

      I defy him to name a single accomplishment that would convey “competent” leader status. Nada, zip, zilch.

    2. Selling an AR15 to someone like that was irresponsible. At very minimum, I would never sell a gun to someone who supports gun control. That’s like selling a kitten to an animal abuser or asking a pedophile to watch your kids for an hour. Beyond that, I’d be concerned he intended to use the gun as a tool for violence against Trump or his supporters.

  6. If I wanted to vote for a ticket that supported gun control and opposed the religious freedom of Christians (and ONLY Christians) I’d think it’d be less embarrassing to vote Democrat.

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