Not even a  discussion, but comments were traded at different social media locations about the Antifa Vehicle Intercept L.A.  and the guy reaching inside. Some of the comments were into the category of “just shoot the a-hole” and I figure some of you agree. But is that the best strategy.  I am going to quote myself from Facebook:

If you are not considering your local LEO and DA into your defensive plan, you have don’t have one.
Like Eli said, in LA you would probably be arrested for murder/attempt of murder, bail at $1 million and then trial.
In Polk County, Fl. the Sheriff would complain it took you too long to shoot.

And at the end of the day, it will be your word against the attacker.  A shot or a stab in the hand is much harder to defend that a bruise.  Claiming the status of  a seriously wounded victim with a bullet hole in the arm is easy but much more difficult for a purple welt in the same extremity. A District Attorney will have a tough case to make for what amounts to a booboo applied during an physical attack against somebody strapped to a seat.

De-escalation also applies to whatever the local prosecutor can or cannot do to you. Can a shot in a case be defendable in court? More than likely yes, provided you have a deep enough bank account and are ready to put your life and your family’s life on hold for a year or more.

Let’s be fiscally responsible, shall we? .


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “The importance to properly tailor your defensive tactics.”
  1. “ If you are not considering your local LEO and DA into your defensive plan, you have don’t have one.”

    One of the reasons why, when I lived in Broward County, the best to hell police trade-in 12 gauge had nighttime duty instead of my hotrod AR-15. Having to defend the castle, so to speak, with an AR that is nicer equipped and higher quality than the BCSO SWAT cops probably wouldn’t play well with an agency whose leadership comprised of people who think my NRA membership card qualifies me for a one way trip to the gulag.

    Also one of the reasons why pepper spray became a big part of my self defense plan. A $15 can of aerosolized hot sauce could save me a lot of heartache, money and a whole lot of other stuff.

      1. After Sandy Hook, the less-than-honorable Bill Nelson and the Dum-Dum Stump masquerading as sheriff that was Jerry Demings had a press conference to explain the evils of “assault weapons”. Dum-Dum was trying to stuff an AK mag into an AR . . . that had a cable lock through the Mag well/ejection port. When it comes to sheriff’s, Florida definitely has both ends of the bell curve covered.

  2. I think a lot of people in their frustration confuse what OUGHT to be the case with what really IS the case. It’s dangerous to listen to such people.

  3. This is what im talking about. Howong until someone refuses to comply with a post shooting arrest because they feel/sense the railroad and don’t want to leave their property and family disarmed and undefended.

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