OK people, I know and probably knew it long before some of you: Sex Sells.  You don’t need to give me chapter and verse plus a whole dose by hose of Libertarian syrup. And I will go as far as admit that as a heterosexual male I do enjoy the photos in some blogs of the occasional young lady dressed very lightly and treating a long gun like it was a portable dancing pole.  A dead give away is the shorty-shorty Spandex shorts and the new tactical garter belt known as a thigh rig in the obligatory black.

But please, dear Lord, do not confuse sexy looks with knowledge and that is what I see that starting to creep here and there and that is what the meme above addresses. My guess is that in an effort to drive traffic to their website, some “gun” blogs and companies use Gun Bunnies not just for decoration but go the extra step of trying to sell them as experts. And before you protest, the scant clothing is the biggest indicator of tactical BS as anybody who has ever done the Hot Brass Dance will attest.

“But it will attract new shooters to our side!” and they will leave the moment they realize they have been brought in under false pretenses and rather than seeing sexy Monique wearing the latest Daniel Defense AR and very thin and little in the way of clothing, they are welcomed by Bob wearing tactical overalls, a scruffy beard and a thick layer of range dirt around his neck.

And I am not even going to try to delve into what women think about Gun Bunnies. If you brave enough and really wanna see somebody steamed about it, bring the subject up to Mas’ better half AKA The Evil princess.  Burn Gel might be required afterward.

Sell the sex and the sexy, just do not confuse it with firearms proficiency.

Hat Tip to whomever sent me this and apologies for forgetting who it was.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “The normalization of Gun Bunnies.”
  1. Lest we forget… there are “Gun Bunnies” that can, and do, shoot. And, they shoot very well.
    Example: Kirstan Joy Weiss. https://www.youtube.com/user/KirstenJoyWeiss
    Or, Kimberly Susan Rhode, six time Olympic medal winner, three of those outings netted her gold. Her list of shooting accomplishments could fill pages and in a month she probably shoots more shot shell rounds in practice than I have in my life. She is also an 2nd amendment activist.
    Or, Orin Julie, former IDF soldier, now a model “Gun Bunny” in the US, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTwLFkPtVj3t02ugy9f9ekg.
    There are many others.

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