Every time they open their mouths, we realize the greatness of the Founding Fathers and their fervor for the Second Amendment.

UPDATE: YouTube took down all the copies of the video, but I found another source. Unfortunately I can’t seem to DL it so I could host it.

Michigan state house rep Cynthia A Johnson threating “trumpers” and calling on her soldiers from KG Patriot on Vimeo.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

15 thoughts on “They want you dead: Michigan Rep Cynthia A. Johnson Threatens Trump Supporters”
  1. Wow. She’s so sweet. I think that a tiny tear came to my eye just now.

    (/sarc, in case you couldn’t tell.)

    1. Ah — apparently she claims she’s been receiving “racist death threats” ever since she called everyone who reported Democrat vote fraud in Detroit liars.

      Given she likely owes her office to vote fraud, I question her impartiality in the matter, and whether those threats are real or all that unusual.

  2. Again I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but to me that sounds like a threat. I guess the “ruling elites ” have different laws than us peons, had one of us made that video it would have never made it to a platform and the maker would likely be in jail.

  3. Feel them “unity & healing” vibes! RMESHISMB

    Another cray-cray bigot progtard, another day that water is wet. Yawn and a half.

  4. She is a smug, arrogant, discredited, crooked political hack who hasn’t a clue of exactly who she is threatening. I, for one, am a US Military Veteran who has no patience for or desire to allow threats ~ I mean actual threats to go unchecked should they evolve into actions. I’m sure there are huge amounts of others who feel as I do out there.

  5. They really have no idea. None.

    This reminds me of a Sopranos episode where one of Tony’s dudes – Patsy Parisi – took care of one of Tony’s psycho gommarahs. He drove her home, and said to stop it. Leave the big guy alone. If she kept it up, there’d be no drama. He’d simply come back, kill her, and she’d disappear. One of the best scenes ever.

    So it is with her. The first time this happens is the last.

    They call weapons free, and she disappears. No drama. No facebook/twitter post. No youtube.

    She vanishes, along with probably her whole family, if she has one.

    They honestly do not understand the darkness they are flirting with.

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