Let us start with some facts.

We are constantly told that Antifa is a loose organization with no leadership or rich benefactor, as though that means something.

There are, however, things to notice.

The most recent video from Portland shows Antifa formed a shield wall with uniform painted plywood shields.

This is an armed, frontline infantry like the hoplites in their phalanx or the Roman legionaries in their testudo.

Another independent did a thread on the plastic shields used by rioters.

Plywood, plastic barrels, hardware, this stuff costs money and being turned into armament by assembly line workers.

This is a supply chain.

There are vans that bring food to the front.

They also have a transportation corps to bring reinforcements to the front.

We have seen in many videos, like these two for example, that Antifa has a medical corps, and when someone is injured they call for a medic.

And who can forget this:

That they didn’t know what they were doing doesn’t detract from my point.  They were acting as medics.

They have a JAG corps that gathers information to bail out their infantry who get arrested.  On this subject, where does the money come from?

They have an official training manual, Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook.

They have boot camps to train their people to be fighters, called Left-Hook.

They also have a live-fire firearms training detachment: Redneck Revolt and the John Brown Gun Club.

The John Brown Gun Club was most recently seen providing “security” in the CHAZ/CHOP.

We’ve seen the Black Bloc in black and the Wall of Moms in yellow.

In all, we have infantry, medics, legal, transportation, logistics, and materiel manufacturing support.  Their different detachments wear different uniforms.

How is this not a militia for all intents and purposes?

We’ve seen thousands of these rioters.

At its peak, the IRA only had about 1,500 active members, loose leadership, and their support came from sympathetic people in Ireland, the UK, and USA (there was a whole system run by the Irish mob in Boston and New York City to send money to the IRA from Irish-Americans).

In Seattle, Antifa took over the West Precinct in the CHAZ/CHOP, in Minneapolis they tried to take over the Third Precinct, and in Portland, Antifa tried to take over the East precinct and federal courthouse.

How is this not an insurrection by enemy combatants?

Why are we still fucking around with these people like they are rioters, instead of treating them like what they are, a non-state militia in the vein of the IRA, Baader Meinhof Gang, the Taliban, or ISIS?

Is it simply that they have yet to cause casualties?

Because as a student of military history, Antifa meets all the criteria to be a militia in terms of organization, training, and equipment.

Declaring these people to be domestic terrorists to be dealt with by law enforcement isn’t enough.

This is an enemy army on our shores engaged in open insurrection.

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By J. Kb

9 thoughts on “This is my question about Antifa”
  1. How do we know that Antifa has no leaders, no financing, no organization?

    Did someone review their meeting notes, provided by their MiniTru, at their executive offices?

    1. The only indication that they are a leaderless, rudderless group with no outside support is that they say so. Using the law of leftist inversion, this means they are a well lead, well financed insurrectionist militia. Their admitted goal has nothing to do with racial equality or police “brutality”. It’s stated goal is the removal of Donald Trump from office….period. They are smart only in the fact that they have not gone to using firearms (yet). Once that happens, and I assume it will very likely occur if Trump is re-elected as they will then have nothing left to lose, they will attempt to collapse the government with covert terrorist attacks and bombings…they will try to start the civil war that they accuse the conservatives of wanting.

  2. Bubba and a few of his buddies go to the range a few times and complain about the government. Half the members of his “militia” are FBI informants.

    Antifa has a vast logistical and training network. Where the hell is the FBI?

    1. I would assume the FBI/U.S. Marshalls Service has agents planted and that’s how they are identifying/arresting specific persons of interest in Portland and Seattle…Some of the leaders are being identified and picked up in the rental vans being used to grab and arrest people in the crowds…They’re there, but probably not in large enough numbers yet.

  3. The media has assured us since day ONE that Antifa is loosely organized. Yet, they have provided zero evidence or reason why they come to this conclusion.

    The media is also not interested in the least as to who Antifa really are.
    They have spent so much more time on Proud Boys, Electric Boogaloo, and Confederate Militias and what a threat to our democracy they are. Why?

    The media either knows who these fucks are or they have been told that Antifa is not important.

    Big city Democrats allow them to shit all over the cities they associate with. Why?

    It’s my opinion that Antifa is nothing more than an enforcement arm of the Democratic Party.

  4. Furthermore, as nonstate actors they completely lack any protection afforded actual members of a signatory’s armed forces under either the Geneva Conventions or the Hague Accords.

  5. Apart from all the other items mentioned in this article, there’s also the reports (on multiple occasions) of people, at times wearing body armor, sitting in cars without license plates in the back of the riot, watching but not participating. The obvious interpretation is that these are the supervisors, or the liaisons to the bosses. They need to be tracked down and seriously interrogated.
    It’s pretty clear Antifa is KKK v.2 — the main different from the original is the color of their uniforms.
    As for the FBI, given how partisan they are, do you expect them to do a good job investigating? I keep wondering if there is any way to repair the FBI, or if the only option is to end it and start from scratch. I’d be more optimistic if they renamed their HQ building. Calling it MLK building (after one of their prominent victims) might be a good choice.

  6. Ironically these ‘protestors’ seem to be more of a militia than any gun owners or prepper/survivalist groups. They’re just light on the the firearms usage (for now).

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