By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Truth in Memes”
  1. “It’s not racism if we do it.”

    “it’s not rioting if we do it.”

    “All Trump voters and every single conservative and Republican in the country should be rounded up and exterminated. But it’s not mass genocide when we do it.”

    “White people should all be killed but it’s not racism because they’re white.”

  2. Expanding on pkoning’s comment.

    SCOTUS said that the government — federal, state, or local — and their proxies cannot mandate or force segregation.

    But if students are encouraged to self-segregate, then some races do better, some races do worse, everyone is controlled and unable to form inter-group coalitions, etc., but the students are doing it themselves. The same ends are achieved as if segregation were mandated, but the government isn’t really mandating it, now, is it?

    The donkey still pulls the cart where the driver wants it to go, using the carrot instead of the stick.

    Truly evil.

    1. The worst part is, all of those students are so thoroughly conditioned — by teachers, by social media, by community organizers — and ignorant of history that they think self-segregating is their own brilliant idea.

      Not just evil. Scary as hell.

      1. “Guaranteed lifetime employment in the sustainable, earth-friendly, carbon-neutral career field, with free eco-friendly tiny housing.”

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