Portland Antifa is upping the ante.


Once more for the Memory Hole:


Antifa is equipping themselves with body armor.  Real bulletproof vest.

Those look like soft armor, but AR500 plate armor has become so cheap and widely available it wouldn’t take much to upgrade those vests.

Your handgun will not punch through that.

Some XM193 will.

Some M61 7.62×51 AP would also be useful too.

When Antifa feels like it needs body armor and ballistic helmets to do what they want to do, you know it is going to be bad.

This is an enemy preparing for war.  Do not underestimate them.

At this point, if I could start legally stockpiling explosives I would.


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By J. Kb

13 thoughts on “Why you need an AR-15 and some XM193”
  1. Good old hunting rifles.

    9,3×62 with a 286gr bonded hunting bullet will punch right through SK4 (Level III) – and if it doesn’t punch through… well, it’s a 286gr bullet flying through the air at over 2.000 fps. That’s a lot of sternum crushing momentum.

    Don’t underestimate calibres designed to take down moose and water buffalos.

    Because right now proper .223 Rem might be hard to find but hunting rounds might still be available.

    1. During WWI British snipers were issued H&H rifles in .375 H&H loaded with solid bullets for shooting at early German armored cars.

      I guess I’m going to have to pick up some Hornady DGS rounds…

      1. Almost, just read up on this. It wasn’t armored cars but the “shields” that German snipers were putting up to reduce their exposure. The British brought in bigger guns to punch through the shields. German’s got thicker shields. British stopped using big guns.

        1. Armored cars too. The shielding on those were relatively thin because the Germans used off the lot truck frames which could only handle so much armor. Enough to stop a 303 but not a 375.

          Eventually this led to the creation of purpose built armored vehicles and tanks which led to the 13mm Mauser.

          It was more than just sniper shielding.

  2. I’m old and fat and because so much of me would stick out around body armor, I’ve not bought any. Therefore I request of my more informed commenters:

    Is that LARP load bearing vests made up to look like body armor, soft or otherwise, or is it the real deal?

    Given the history of NFAC and Antifa LARP (Live Action Role Play) it would not surprise me to learn that the “armor” was some costume stuff made in somebodies basement.

  3. I’ll say what I learned once in training but will church up the language.

    “If you see someone wearing a vest, chest rig, or anything like that on their torso assume they have armor or that Murphy will guide your bullet to hit their magazine because Murphy is a prick. If they don’t see you yet pop ’em in the grape but if you’re taking rounds and you see crap on their chest shoot em in the junkular area. Start at their -adult parts- and work up. Once they’re on the ground screaming you can follow up with a safety round.”

    1. Bad Dancer, point taken.

      My father retired from the USN. As one of his parting gifts a friend gave him a BIG Brass bolt and a nut to go with it, think 12 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. The inscription read something like “When you have them by the nuts, their heart and bolt will go with them.”

      If you shoot them in the “adult parts” I’m pretty sure that they will stop thinking about LARPing around and instead be flopping around. I just have to remember that offset in sight height vs muzzle… Hitting 2 inches low when taking aiming at the “grape” is going to work very well. Hitting 2 inches low when aiming center of mass still works. (That’s because I only have place for function testing, can’t really sight in the rifle.)

      Hitting two inches low when aiming at the “Adult parts” might be a miss. I guess that’s why you said “work up”


  4. Pretty much any rifle round is going to not give a crap about this level of body armor. As the late, much-missed Weaponsman noted, a rifle round has a lot more sand in its pockets than any pistol round.

    Although I wonder how effective these vests would be against .45LC.

    1. About the same as .45 ACP. Even though the case size is much larger, that was to hold black powder. Reloading it is about the same size projectile, about the same speed. The only difference is if you are pushing it out of a 5 inch barrel or a 20 inch barrel.

  5. 30 cal magnum hunting rounds make quick work of any armor. Even without penetrating they turn the important squishy stuff behind plates into undifferentiated jelly.

  6. Well, I do have an assortment of big game rifles but just to cover all bases I found a couple of suppliers with XM193 in stock. One hundred rounds are inbound now.

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