Month: April 2018

Hornady to Ney York: F and U

Today, the State of New York did one of the most despicable acts ever perpetrated by any state by asking New York banks, financial institutions and insurance companies to stop doing business with the gun and ammo industry.
While it may not make a difference to New York, Hornady will not knowingly allow our ammunition to be sold to the State of NY or any NY agencies. Their actions are a blatant and disgusting abuse of office and we wonā€™t be associated with a government that acts like that. They should be ashamed.

-Steve Hornady, president of Hornady Manufacturing Company.

Hornady stands up to State of New York.

This should spread. Although I am sure gun-related companies may have contracts with different LEO organizations, once their contracts are up, they should refuse to renew them and let them fend on their own.

One good thing for BLM activist is that Police Shootings will drop to amazing lows. And probably there won’t be many cops around.

That ain’t a knife!

Yesterday I was with the wife at an office getting some paperwork done when the gentleman doing the stuff, a very nice young fella, noticed my little Boker that I have in one of my carry bags and used as a zipper pull.

Being a Boker, is well built and sharp. It gets used to do the menial every day cutting things without having people freak out for pulling a full size blade.

The Young Fella asked to see it and I gladly unlocked it and passed it to him. He examined and then said:

“Mine is bigger.”

Out of his pocket came some brand-unknown rescue folder with a tanto blade. While he was displaying his knife proudly, my wife saw me motioning and said to the Young Fella: “Now you done it.” Yup, I produced the rest my EDC blades.

Beside the miniature Boker, I carry religiously a Swiss Army Knife and have done so since my teens. I like this version because the main blade locks and overall it is the Leatherman tool of many generations before multitools. The Social Work Blade of the Day is a Kershaw Fatback. It has what they call a Speedsafe Opening (like spring assisted) which makes for a nice dissuasion theater.

And, of course, not happy with just looking at a very surprised Young Man’s face, eyes darting between the knives and my sweet grandpa/Santa face, I had to cap the conversation like this:

“And I have a tomahawk in my truck.”
“You have a tomahawk?”
“Yes. You don’t?”
“I bought it for him for Christmas several years ago.” chimed the Missus.

He returned my mini Boker and shook his head in what appeared to be amazement. We left the office and the wife commented with her exquisite Southern accent: “I bet he doesn’t do that again.”

I am not gonna argue with a woman of such wisdom and the fact that herself was carrying two knives that I know of.

Brooklyn NRA Members face Mob Mentality. Elected official gloats.

According to this article, the Friends of the NRA dinner in Brooklyn were forced to change venues twice after the Liberal and Open Minded people of the borough harassed the owners of those locales. In the best tradition of Tammany Hall and the Sullivan law, NRA members are now official members of historical prosecuted minorities in NY alongside Negroes, Jews and Mexicans.

But that is not all, Councilman Justin Brannan gloated and celebrated the mob action.

Is it me or he just looks like he has his white robe and a cross ready to be burned inside his residence?

Of course, the idea that declaring armed people your enemies and force them to go underground and untraceable may not be the wisest course of action and this dumb ass has not realized it.

Hat TipĀ Col Bloodnock