Month: May 2018

The Impending European Health Collapse

On my last post I touched on the subject of the EU banning disposable food utensils and containers that may lead to transmitting diseases.  We already know about the crappy Social Medicine scheme and how they are forced to ration health care.

So what happens when you add the last ingredient?

Notice the workers are funny donned in hazmat suits.
I wonder why.

Some other scenes from the streets of Paris.

And France is not the only one. The same to different degrees is being repeated all over Europe.
It would be sadly funny that the biological apocalypse will not be due by some specially GMO virus concocted by Evil Pharma but a combination of TB, Diphtheria. Cholera and assorted regular sicknesses that used to be controlled by a little hygiene.

You think I am crazy and perhaps exaggerating just a bit? The third cause of death in the US is Medical Malpractice. Many of those come from infectious diseases simply because personnel did not sanitize their hands or other permanent items.  If you have the misfortune of going to a medical facility, check how many doctors and nurses and assistant actually wash/disinfect their hands in between patients and rely only on wearing gloves, which helps but it is not enough.


Those who forget history: Ban on disposable food utensils and containers

The European Commission proposed a total ban on some single-use plastic products and measures to drastically cut the consumption of others, in the latest push by the EU to reduce carbon emissions and marine litter threatening its seas.

The ban will apply to plastic cotton buds, cutlery, plates, straws, drink stirrers and sticks for balloons, according to the proposal unveiled on Monday and is subject to approval by EU governments and the European Parliament. Member states will also be forced to reduce the use of plastic food containers and drink cups by prohibiting their free-of-charge distribution.

EU Proposes a Total Ban on Plastic Forks and Other Products

I love Good Hearted activists that are gonna save us from the End of the World one disposable fork at the time. I mean, the planet will explode at the sheer amount of plastic and Styrofoam floating in our oceans and polluting the land… we are dying!

Then again I am old enough to remember being taught why disposable food utensils and containers were good for humanity: They cut down on transmittable diseases. It started with you humble Dixie Cup by the water coolers and then spread all over the world.

Back in the bad old days, communal water and food locations like water coolers and even restaurants, were notorious focus for transmitting diseases. The eating wares were shared and methods of disinfection like steaming the crap out of plates and silverware in restaurants were not common or could be afforded.

The disposable plates, cups and forks cut down on transmittable diseases by cutting the need to share items. Hygiene was easier to control and much cheaper: plates and silverware infected with a patron’s sickness did not make it back to the food preparation area but was taken directly to the garbage. The low-cost also helped small business be willing part of a really healthier way of eating.

Now, we are going to have those saying we have advanced enormously in the hygiene front and we could perhaps eschew on these evil disposable products and go back to more permanent items.  Understand that even with those advances, we are still subject to human performance or rather lack of it when it comes to keep things clean. You may have heard of a fast-food chain by the name of Chiplote and the issues they had. Also whole cruise ships affected with Norovirus and making what was supposed to be an enjoyable trip for its passengers. a living hell stuck to their toilets.  We keep hearing food recalls from greens, eggs, ground beef and that is under tightly controlled processors. Shit will happen no matter what, but it is the layers of protection we can add which helps avoiding the spreading of diseases.

Getting rid of a safety net because it looks awful to the environment is stupid as hell. Add to that the need to tax and fine rather than encourage cleanliness. Can you imagine what would a small business owner or even a big company would do if instead of being taxed and fined to death in the name of dumb Social Engineering, would be given tax credits and bonuses for helping keep the planet clean?

Never mind: Liberal rather you die first than reduce tax income.

Hat Tip Sean G.

Those crafty Republicans…

From the Huffington Post:

The Right-Wing Millennial Machine

Okay HuffPo, you got me.  I’ll click on your bait.

Conservatives are building an army of fired-up young people. How?

How?  Brain washing?  Water boarding?  Ritualistic human sacrifice?

By offering them salaries.

Oh the HORROR!!!  Wait, what?

After he graduated from college, it took Nathan two years, three unpaid internships and six bartending and retail jobs before he got his first paid gig in progressive politics. His employer was a small, millennial-focused outreach nonprofit, and his job was to supervise four interns — young kids, fresh out of school, working the same day job/night job, 80-hour-a-week cycle he had just exited.

That’s the thing about being an engineer, there is no such thing as an unapid internship.  I’ve heard rumors about them in software, but in the physical engineering (chemical, mechanical, electrical, civil), they are just not offered.  The idea of working one, let alone three, is inconceivable to an engineering student.  Working as an intern after graduation?  Fuck off, I have a $60,000/yr job waiting for me.

Nathan, who wouldn’t give his real name out of fear of retaliation, asked his boss if he could start paying the interns. “I didn’t think I was going to get them federal minimum wage — that’s impossible in Washington,” he said. “But at least they could get a stipend.”

His boss refused, without offering much of a case for why they couldn’t afford to pay them.

Sucks to be you, Nathan.  

Nathan’s experience is emblematic of a growing concern on the left: For a movement that wants to reach young people, low-income workers and people of color, progressive organizations and candidates don’t offer many paid opportunities.

For decades, internships, fellowships and paid travel to conferences have acted like a tractor beam, drawing young people into political movements and holding them long enough to become researchers, strategists and candidates. But the funding to support those kinds of programs hasn’t kept up with the economic realities of the young people who today’s progressives are trying to reach.

A hip ideology only goes so far.  Maybe the kids of rich donors who still live off of daddy’s money or a trust fund can do that.  For the rest of these kids, working 80 hours a week and not being able to afford ramen gets old fast.

Progressives aren’t just out of sync with their own need to recruit and retain young people. They’re also lagging behind conservative interests. A 2017 study found that between 2008 and 2014, conservative donors gave three times more to millennial outreach groups than liberal donors. Much of that funding, Thompson says, went to things like paid fellowships, travel stipends and study grants ― creating the feeder system that will guide young people into actual jobs with political campaigns and think tanks.

Those crafty Republicans.  They are paying their interns for their work.  How dare they.  Don’t they know that interns are just little bits of dirt to be abused, used up, and tossed aside?  The only thing they need to keep them going is a steady stream of Lefty pablum and office coffee.

“The Republicans are building an army, while the Democrats are still paying you in ‘making the world a better place,’” said Carlos Vera, the executive director of Pay Our Interns, a watchdog group. “I’ve had older people say to me, ‘Well, I did unpaid internships and I was fine.’ Then you ask them when that was and they say, ‘1972.’ You could work your way through college back then. That simply is not the case anymore.”

Vera makes that sound like the Republicans are cheating.

Though harder to quantify than political donations, it appears that conservatives have built a recruitment, retention and leadership development apparatus that dwarfs that of the left. The Charles Koch Institute has an “associates program” that places young professionals in conservative think tanks and pays an average of $41,000 per year. The Leadership Institute, a conservative youth organization, offers interns free accommodation, free food, an $825-per-month stipend and a $200 “book allowance.

That’s not chump change either.

“We pride ourselves on supporting young people in our ideology, but then we don’t give them any options,” said Maxwell Love, a former president of the U.S. Student Association. He attended several left-wing political trainings as a student, he says, but there were few paid opportunities available. He’s watched many of his peers drift away from politics.

“We’re missing people at their most formative political years,” he said. “I’m blown away by all the people in student government who seemed like they would work in progressive politics and then boom, they’re working at Oracle or they’re a business consultant. I’m not going to blame anyone for doing that, but it means we can’t hold on to talent, especially working-class folks and people of color.”

You mean deep down inside, all those progressive college kids were really capitalists just looking for a hefty payday?

That can’t be.

I guess when you watch party big wigs host $100,000 per plate dinners with celebrities and you are working and unpaid internship and wondering how many means you can get out of a single cup-o-soup, jumping ship to someone with a salary and health care plan gets pretty tempting.

And that’s how we get you.

First we snag you with a salary.  Soon enough we’ve got you on limited goverment and gun rights.

The way this whole article is framed, it sounds like whining.

“It’s not fair that the Republicans are paying their interns and staffers for the work that they do.  Somebody should stop them.”

Except this has been a recurring problem.  From USA Today back in 2015.

Hillary, pay your interns: Column 

Our struggles are devalued as the first world problems of ungrateful children. At what point do the expectations that young people ought be grateful go too far? If we aren’t getting paid, we should be grateful to have the experience. If we don’t get the job, we should be grateful we even got the interview. If we’re passed up for a promotion, we should be grateful we have a job. If we lose our job, we should be grateful we have a spouse or parent who can take care of us. At what point is it actually worse?

It might make me sound like a Stockholm syndrome victim, but after all of this, Hillary is still the best chance we have. If there is to be a better world for my future children, she’s the only hope.

Hillary will get my free vote even if she will never have my free help.

Hillary spend $768 MILLION to lose a national election and she couldn’t pay her low level staffers.

But the best part of the HuffPo article was the comments.

Rowan here has a good point.  The reply by Deborah is nonsensical.  It is progressives and Democrats who are not paying the interns.  The Republicans are.  The Democrats are behind the “Fight for $15” but what is the point if the internship is still listed as unpaid?

This is the worst sort of moral licensing.  “My party wants to raise the minimum wage so we don’t have to pay our low level staffers.”

Deborah is not the only person who thinks this.

“Our movement is a righteous one, so it is morally justifiably if the work is done by slaves.”

Maybe the point of going to college and working an internship is so you don’t spend your life working at minimum wage.  This is the third person who has brought up minimum wage.  It is a pointless, red herring argument.

Really?  So which party is being led by the same geriatric millionaires who have been in office since before I was born?

Also, “sell out” is just “sour grapes” used by failures.

It seems to me that paying interns who are not living on a trust fund is the very definition of caring about people who are not rich.

Getting people who are being “paid in experience” to do the leg work organizing a “Fight for 15” march or to try an sell $325,000 tickets to have dinner with Hillary Clinton and George Clooney is just insulting.

“Join the GOP, we have paychecks” is a hell of a tactic.

No wonder HuffPo and its readers are all shitty about this. It is a winning strategy.


Hurricane Maria Killed Thousands More Than Official Toll in Puerto Rico: Study (A.K.A. they are guessing)

Officially, the government of Puerto Rico has blamed Hurricane Maria for 64 deaths, but a new study out Tuesday found that the powerful storm was responsible for more than 4,500 deaths.

Hurricane Maria Killed Thousands More Than Official Toll in Puerto Rico: Study

The study done published by the New England Journal of Medicine is titled “Mortality in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria” and it is a survey, not hard numbers.

We conducted a randomized survey of 3299 households from January 17 through February 24, 2018. The target sample of approximately 3000 households was calculated to detect a 50% increase in the annual mortality rate from a historic (September 20 through December 31) baseline rate of 8 per 1000,21 with 80% power at a significance level of 0.05.

Even the local government admits that the 64 deaths is a low and incomplete number, but to throw an estimation generated by a poll as gospel? It continues:

In Puerto Rico, every disaster-related death must be confirmed by the Institute of Forensic Sciences. This requires that bodies be brought to San Juan or that a medical examiner travel to the local municipality to verify the death,11 often delaying the issuance of death certificates.

Imagine that, you need proof of death to count the bodies, How dare they?

Furthermore, although direct causes of death are easier to assign by medical examiners, indirect deaths resulting from worsening of chronic conditions or from delayed medical treatments may not be captured on death certificates. These difficulties pose substantial challenges for the accurate and timely estimation of official all-cause hurricane-related mortality. The Puerto Rican government has commissioned an external review of the death-registry data as a result of these issues.12,13

I like this.  So six months later, if somebody is killed during the commission of a crime and it gets blamed because there are not enough cops in the area, the official culprit is the hurricane.

I saw this type of poll used in Iraq some years ago. It made the news that the experts said there were over 2 million civilian deaths and their methodology was similar: just ask people if they knew or suspected somebody was dead. That the answer from 5 different people could be about only one individual but tagged as 5 never crossed their minds.

I always wondered what happened with 2 million bodies and they are not that easy to bury and as far as I know, there were no cremation facilities anywhere in the country.

Belgium Shooter: 2 cops dead with their own guns.

Nasty affair, info still coming in. Initial reports say he had a knife, attacked the female officers, got their guns and killed them. Here is a link to a photo, graphic content and note that bad guys understand the concept of body armor.

And next is video of the bad guy being taken down by the police. Notice an Accidental Discharge by the cops after the subject was down. Adrenalin, I am sure was at very high levels.

I wonder what kind of holsters were the officers wearing. Truthfully I am afraid of the answers.

Sad day in Belgium.

The vegans are winning

I saw this headline in The Telegraph.

Butchers ‘living in fear’ as vegan attacks on the rise, says Countryside Alliance

Vegan attacks?  Butchers living in fear.  What?  Are you kidding me?

One in four vegans is malnourished.  Almost two thirds suffer from protein deficiency and more than that are short on iron.

Their ideological dietary restrictions make them depressed and miserable.

What’s worse is their “healthy, environmentally friendly” lifestyle, isn’t either of those things.

Your average vegan is an emotionally unbalanced, scrawny, sickly, Lefty, hypocrite punk who can barely hold up the stupid sign they are waving in your face.

Who the hell would be scared of vegans?

Marlow Butchers, in, Ashford, Kent, was targeted earlier this month by activists who daubed red paint on the doors and windows of the shop.

Oh that’s right, this is England.  You can’t defend yourself.  Castle doctrine is dead.

I’m surprised being a butcher is still legal since it is a job that requires knives.

Wayne Marlow, who runs the business with his father and brother, told Kent Online: “On the internet it has been very threatening.

“It has got ridiculous – activists from as far away as Australia are getting involved.

“The internet is the worst thing as not only are they threatening to physically destroy our business, but they are also tying to ruin our reputation online, too, by leaving negative reviews and comments.

“They want to close us down and people are threatening to smash the windows or petrol bomb the store.

“We live in fear and we’re up worrying at night – they are terrorising us.”

The family has reported the threats to the police.

Here’s the problem.  They are English butchers and small business owners.  If they were gay, or Muslim, or feminists, the police would throw anybody to Tweeted them in prison.

Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance told The Telegraph: “There’s been an escalation of attacks on butchers, markets, and even abattoirs and it’s an extension of animal rights campaigns we have seen around other areas, using the same tactics including online abuse.

“They usually attack small independent businesses rather than taking on the big boys – it’s quite cowardly.”

They are vegans.  Of course they are cowards.  They are afraid to eat anything with a face.

Mr Bonner also said that social media companies did not take the threats seriously enough: “None of the social media platforms view the abuse of those involved in meat production as they would other minorities. This is understandable but there has to be an equality of response when people like this butcher or others are being targeted.

Mr. Bonner has been arrested and sentenced to 10 years in prison for that racist statement.

Veganism is on the rise – over half of young people have attempted the diet in the last year – but most will throw in the towel after just three and a half months.

New research has looked into the nation’s diet habits and revealed as many as 56 per cent of Brits between the ages of 16 and 29 have recently attempted to emulate the plant-based diets of celebrity vegans like Beyoncé, Brad Pitt, Pink and Ellie Goulding.

Transgenderism is also trending for the same reason.  It is amazing how the radical Left can convince people to destroy their bodies over political ideology.

The UK has gone so far down the progressive toilet bowl that butchers are afraid of vegans.

In Toronto, Canada, a Chef and Hunter runs a restaurant called Antler.  He was so pissed that the vegans were protesting him, that he butchered a deer in the front window were all the vegans could see it.

Those whiny bitches.  They are trying to drive customers away from this guy’s business and they are complaining that he’s taunting them from inside his store.  They call the cops and are upset when the cops don’t stop him from taunting them from inside his property.

If you watch the female cop, she never stops smiling.  That is a bearded hunter, chef, and business owner, working skillfully with a knife and a large cut of meat.  I’m pretty sure she was offering to have that guy’s manly babies by the time she left.

I’m pretty sure in Texas, if not all the Deep South, it is legal to hunt vegans as nuisance animals if they protest a BBQ restaurant.

And obviously, they’d never harass a Halal butcher, because that would be racist.  Also, the vegans know they’s probably get stabbed and are too cowardly to do it.  Which is why Atheist artists always paint disrespectful portraits of Christ but never Muhammad.

Welcome to the United Kingdom of Pansy-Ass Britain and Northern Ireland.  Where butchers have to be afraid of internet harassment from Vegans.