Here is the video:

Antifa has not processed yet that Federal LEOs do not play by the same set of rules as the castrati Portland Police, nor they need permission from the local government to protect Federal buildings and employees. The violators are not getting a gentle wrist treatment and let go the same day as it is the normal with the local prosecutors, but being charged with Federal violations which are not a joke. Hell, I just found out last night that there is no bail system for Federal  cases! If I am surprised, imagine the shock for these youngins when they find out the millions given by celebrities to cover their misdeeds amount to nothing but confetti when it comes to bail.

And as for the use of “unmarked” minivans: I am not really surprised at the use of unmarked units, since a lot of Federal vehicles carry no obvious identifiers, but being transported in a Soccer Mom Vehicle? That is embarrassing. I mean, if I am to be arrested, I want at least a good old paddy wagon or better yet, a Bearcat so I get some street cred. Mom’s mini-van? It is like your parents had to come pick you up from the Principal’s office.

Portland’s Mayor is not happy and has called for the Fed LEOs to either stay inside their building or leave altogether. The problem is that the Feds do not trust him to take care of the Federal Buildings and personnel since prohibiting Portland police to assist ICE a couple of years ago.

Political actions have consequences, dear Mayor.  And yes, you look like a frigging idiot now.


UPDATE: Our old friend David Hogg joins the Pinochet’s Disappeared Chorus Line. His daddy being  a retired fed, he should know better.
He probably does, but needs to bring back relevance.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

18 thoughts on “A New Player enters the Portland Riot Games. Lefties are not happy.”
  1. I love how the videos always start just AFTER the “victim” does something to bring themselves to the attention of law enforcement. If it was a random arrest, why didn’t they just grab up the rest of the people there? No, they went after the one person, with a purpose.

    And yes, they are terrorizing the “mostly peaceful protesters” that are vandalizing (?) the federal building.

    Notice how peaceful the arrest was. Two cops, in the dark, moving with purpose walk up and take him into custody. No muss, no fuss, no problems.

    Good job marshals

  2. The Left: “Trump has created a police state. Masked Federal agents are arresting protesters on the street.
    This is not right. ”

    Also the Left: *destroys federal monuments, damages federal offices, sets fire to a federal courthouse*

    1. Funny also how masks are the new “assault weapons” — they serve a different purpose based on who wears them.

      Remember when masks were first required for “public health” and we predicted (correctly) that criminals would take advantage of the new-conveniently-required identity concealment?

      Now, if a “protester” wears a mask, it’s totally because of CoViD. Absolutely no other reason. [/sarcasm]


      Just like how an AR-15 is a “standard-issue patrol rifle” if a cop uses it, but a “dangerous high-powered assault weapon that has no place on our streets” if you use it.

      Masks are the new “assault weapons”.

  3. I suppose all that “expanding the executive power”, and “silently grabbing people (as an aside, isn’t that speciest?) off the streets” (would it be OK if the officers were screaming epithets?) business will be just dandy once The Right People (c) are in charge.

  4. I must just be old and decrepit. I don’t get the “Use your words” thing. Is there supposed to be some “get out of jail free” phrase? Also, who was she talking to, the “victim” or the police?

    1. @Sam Helm,

      There is an entire movement called “1st amendment auditors” as well as “2nd amendment auditors.” These are dudes with cameras that go places and do perfectly legal things. When the police arrive they film the interactions.

      The better auditors do a good job of showing both good and bad responses.

      My favorite recent video of this was a dude that goes to different police locations and just takes video of the police owned vehicles in the public parking lot. In my town, that would be the parking lot behind the police station right next to the bank and town hall. I.e. not private, no “No trespassing” signs.

      In the first half he went to some small town and started filming. Withing a few minutes the chief of police was out along with a couple of cops talking to the guy. He explained what he was doing. The chief offered to open up some of the squads for better videos, offered a tour of the station, asked if there was anything he could do.

      The groups parted on very friendly terms. shaking hands, first names given. NO ISSUES.

      Second half not so much. Doing exactly the same thing in a different log. Some officer took offense and before you know it there are a dozen cops out trying to intimidate, demanding identification, accusing the auditor of being a bad guy.

      The standard line goes something like “We have to ID you because you are doing something suspicious, we don’t know who you are. You could be a bad person with warrants. You HAVE TO give us your ID so we can find out if you have any wants or warrants.”

      So after all that lead up:
      The auditors have been trained to demand the cause of an arrest. So all the screaming about “why are you?” and “What are you” are from that auditor community.

      The “Use your words” is a pure insult. When our grandson has a screaming fit or starts whining or just starts acting out and wants something, we look down at him and say “Use your words.”

      1. Yep. “Use your words” is what you tell a hysterical toddler who is screaming and/or whining, to get them to calm down enough to tell you what’s wrong.

        That’s the kind of belittling the “protesters” tried to do with the Marshals.

        It falls flat, though, when the Marshals are being calm and professional and doing their job, and it’s the hysterical “protesters” shrieking “Use your words”.

  5. Most Federal agencies (including the Marshals) are plainclothes agencies and don’t own marked vehicles. The only exceptions are uniformed agencies like the Border Patrol, Federal Protective Service, Park Police, etc. Even most, if not all, prisoner transport vans are unmarked. And these guys obviously knew who they were after; they ignored everyone else around them. They weren’t randomly snatching anyone. (And if you’re kidnapping people, you don’t take them to court the next morning. That would just be stupid.)

  6. If the Marshals are smart (and they usually are), those minivans will be equipped with cameras and recording devices, both interior and exterior.

    And they’ll be reading Miranda rights in the relative quiet of the car, on camera.

    We’ve seen how the body-worn cameras the Left demanded so loudly have done a better job upholding police activity than discrediting it, as the Left had hoped. This could be the same, plus it’s harder for the arrestees to credibly claim they couldn’t hear or understand their charges or rights when it’s all read in a quiet car, and it’s next to impossible for them to claim the Mirandizing was skipped in the chaos.

    I’m just waiting for some protester to claim brutality and wrongdoing, only to have the Marshals release the car footage showing said protester not only was treated professionally, but cried like a b@#$% at the realization they were in real trouble.

  7. They literally say their goal is the overthrow of the government, and bitch when they get taken seriously.

    Of course, the bitching is just to get the feds to back off; the useful idiots like Hogg buy into it.

  8. This will bring about a new contradictory Leftist position- they will demand a total Federalization of all US Law Enforcement while decrying the power they ahve.

    1. The Left’s problem, as always, isn’t that there’s federal law enforcement, or even that federal law enforcement is performing their assigned duties.

      It’s that federal law enforcement is not controlled by the Left.

      It’s the same as the Left’s problem with guns. Contrary to their rhetoric, the Left doesn’t have a problem with guns. They have a problem with your guns, because your guns are not controlled by the Left.

      The new Left hotness is for defunding police rather than federalizing them, but ten years ago the Left was all about federalizing police. Why the change?

      Ten years ago, who was in the White House? Their Guy; they’d have control over a federalized police force. Right now, it’s Not Their Guy, so they’d rather not have police at all than have police they don’t control.

      It’s never really about whatever they’re complaining about. It’s always — ALWAYS — about control. Once you realize that, the Left is not contradictory at all.

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