Not long ago Shannon and Company were badmouthing gun owners and the danger they represent to cops. But these are the same jackasses that have gone to bat for Black Lives Matter and hating cops.


This is from a couple of days ago.

So I stand with my idea for the meme a top of this page: Shannon and Company do not care for the Law Abiding or the Police Officer which may lead you to believe she takes sides with those forced to wear orange.

But what do you expect from Hillary 2.0?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “About the Moms Demand Wearing Orange Jokes.”
  1. I’d love to see the details surrounding the fatal police encounters of these youths. I bet dollars to donuts that their deaths will be ruled justifiable homicides by police.

    So, I do not weep for them reflexively. The fools at CSGV assume automatically that it is police brutality. Meanwhile, not a peep as blacks kill blacks by the truckload in gun control paradises of St. Louis, Chicago, Baltimore, etc.

  2. An observation. Trump picked yesterday afternoon to pull out of the Paris Accords. Today was one of the high holy days of the gun-control fanatic calendar. “Wear Orange” organically ranks somewhere below the runoff election for dogcatcher in Texarkana. Because of Trump. The progressives are so bent out of shape about Paris and everything else he does, that they’re largely ignoring Orange.

    Either Trump is a true master of 4D chess or this is a great coincidence. Either way, thank you President Trump!

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