Poor Alyssa, she or somebody in their household saw an evil man with a rifle in their property and had to call the cops she wants defunded.

Alyssa and her talent agent husband Dave Bugliari, 39, they said, had dialed 911 when they heard what they believed to be gunshots on their 1.39-acre property.

They allegedly told the emergency hotline the sound ‘scared their dogs’ and made them feel like the gunman was nearby.

A description was given of a suspect to the officers who was ‘male, 40-years old, with long rifle’.

You got that description? You know that had to be a White Supremacist Trumper after her and her family. SWAT team was out, choppers flying to save the enlightened Hollywood princess. And the culprit was found…more or less.

The search by air and street level lasted over three hours and ended abruptly at 12.20pm.

Alyssa and her husband Dave Bugliari were also concerned that it may be someone stalking the former Charmed and Who’s The Boss star

‘It turned out it was a neighborhood teen with an air gun shooting at squirrels,’ a resident told the DailyMail.com.

The male teenager witnessed the emergency response and later realized he was the cause and turned himself in.

From an adult in his 40s with a long rifle and ended up being a kid with a BB gun.

I know, it was the Wuhan V that made them see things, damned Trump! How come he did not do his duty and forbade the virus from entering the country? He needs to be impeached!

Dear God, she is nuts beyond help.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Alyssa Milano was full #DefundThePolice, emphasis in “was.””
  1. Well, Big T tried keeping the virus out and was blocked by Dem-appointed judges as I recall.

    Re the air gun, they do make a fearsome “Pfft!” Fearsome, I say!

  2. Come on, bro, you know better than that. They never want to de-fund the police in THEIR neighborhoods. They want to de-fund the police in minority neighborhoods. Celebrities are (self-)important, after all.

  3. I suspect the police thought went in 2 directions.
    1. Screw her (figuratively), let her deal w/ it herself.
    2. Let’s send every unit we can possibly find and get this turned into a media fiasco for her.

    They chose wisely.

    It could only be more delicious if the \40 yr old male’ was black.

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