I saw actual Gun Owners celebrating when the NY AG started the “investigation” just because they saw it as a way to get rid of LaPierre.  Apparently they believed that only Wayne was going to get affected and things would normalize and even get better. The dumb fucks actually believed the enemy would give us a pass and leave the Left’s most hated organization untouched.

Good job, morons. If in a decade we are at a Venezuela – level Gun Control, we know who to thank for.

PS: Do you know what we still do not know? The spy within the NRA who gave the internal documents to Bloomberg and possibly also to the NY AG. Not that there was any interest in finding out.

As I figured. Just saw this in Facebook.

And I should have added that it is very fucking dumb to believe that they will not go after the rest of the minnow-size groups after the NRA is slayed.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

20 thoughts on “And the shoe has dropped. Small update.”
  1. How would NY canceling the NRA’s NY incorporation make any difference? They can just move their incorporation to a civilized state and keep right on working.

        1. Trump has already suggetsted that…Would recommend that they start by moving the firearms museum before Bloomberg gets his hands on all of those historic weapons and has them melted down into paperweights for his leftist buddies.

  2. Actually I don’t think it would be like Venezuela. Because Venezuela government probably would not be giddy over the thought of exterminating at minimum 1/3 of its entire population at least and 9/10 at most.I’m not sure if Venezuela makes private gun ownership punishable by immediate execution without trial along with your entire family, all your neighbors Who knew and did not say anything to the state and everyone who even speaks out passively against it would be also exterminated and anyone who voices their dissatisfaction with that is also exterminated ad infinitum. What essentially the Democrats want and will probably get by 2026.

    I don’t really care for playing devils advocate here but I would think maduro is a tiny bit better than the democrats who view The extermination of over 100 million gun owners, their families and anyone who opposes the extermination of gun owners up to and including 300 million people as not only good and morally justified but actually necessary. Just like our current supreme court thinks. In the same situation would maduro be happy to exterminate 25 million people in Venezuela out of a population of 28 million? even a piece of shit like him would probably say no. Even Stalin would probably not approve of such an act. Mao I’m not so sure. So maduro is slightly better then the supreme court justices who would be happy to rule the complete and total extermination of human life in the United States minus the far left and illegals because guns.

    So maduro is better than the supreme court justices.

    1. So where do you get this idea that the Supreme court is wanting to do genocide on 9/10ths of the U.S. population?

      1. I admit that comment sounds completely insane. I have admitted it in before in the past because I say it over and over here.

        I have come to the conclusion that the majority of Supreme Court like all courts pretty much hate private gun ownership and share the same view as the far left running the Democratic Party: the only good gun owner is a dead gun owner. I only think there are two maybe three justices that don’t think that way. They hate us and want us dead. That is well known and well recorded. To think otherwise is ignoring there own words and actions and stated ultimate goal. So long as the legislation involves restricting or eliminating private gun ownership they will be fine with whatever the democrats pass because guns. I point to the Supreme Court not hearing a single gun case in 11 years. Realistically the only way I can ever see them taking up a second amendment case ever again is if the legislation calls for mandatory confiscation with the mandated execution of all gun owners who resist and even the ones who don’t. Because as far as SCOTUS is concerned RIGHT NOW EVERYTHING the dems have passed in the last decade in various states up to and including Banning entire classes of firearms with confiscation is constitutional. I point at the mountain of cases that have been brought to the supreme court that they didn’t bother to listen to. I still expect a better than 60-40 chance they will side with the government. If Biden wins it will be 100%.

        And I have admitted many times before my comments are insane hyperbole. There are so many holes in my argument it looks like Swiss cheese. At least they’re supposed to be anyway. With the current mindset of the far left I’m not sure anymore. And what actually kind of scary is that most gun owners who are politically active have that small part of them that believe what I say. That the rhetoric has gotten to that point. And that should scare the ever living fuck out of most gun owners.

        As for my comment on the Supreme Court I have literally no faith in the courts anymore. I view them as much as an enemy as the democrats. Even more so because they uphold the bills the dems pass With damn near 100% consistency. So I go insane troll logic And state that as long as it involves the restriction of or complete elimination of private gun ownership in the United States there is no such thing as going to far. I do not see the union surviving if Biden wins. I see genocide if Biden wins. Biden is a demented old man probably suffering from early stage Alzheimer’s who is simply a warm body for the far left to take over the executive branch. We all know that they are in sane. But we also don’t realize how evil they are. They do not view human life as having any intrinsic value.And they despise everyone not like them. It’s only natural to conclude since we are the biggest barrier to bring about their “ Utopia” that we be the first to be targeted for illumination..l and they despise everyone not like them. It’s only natural to conclude since we are the biggest barrier to bring about their “ Utopia“ that we’d be the first to be targeted for elimination.

        1. I believe I’ve said it before in response to another of your comments, but if not, here it is.

          I generally agree with you on the state of the courts. They are not on our side, or the side of the Constitution.

          The courts practice a certain deference to the legislature that passed a bill — it’s not new; it’s been there for a long time — but in the past couple decades it’s gone to an extreme. I understand they’re supposed to weigh the challenged law with respect to the legislature’s intent, putting it in the best possible light, but that reasonable deference has morphed into a seeming belief that if the law passed at all, it must be Constitutional, because if it weren’t Constitutional, it wouldn’t have passed!

          That’s a very dangerous road to take. It completely upends the “separation of powers” doctrine deliberately included in the Constitution as a relief against rights-destroying laws in the first place, and gives undue deference to legislators who refuse to abide by the Constitution.

          On the other hand, specifically regarding SCOTUS, one reasonable (though infuriating) explanation for the lack of recent 2nd Amendment jurisprudence was provided by one of the conservative justices (I want to say Gorsuch or Kavanaugh): Roberts signaled his intent to vote with the liberals in any 2A case brought before the high court, pretty much ensuring a 5-4 decision upholding a loss of rights no matter which case made it. The conservatives, to prevent that outcome, did not vote to hear any 2A cases this term.

          If that’s true, it’s upsetting, but probably a good move in the long run. And while it reinforces the point that the courts will not save us, it also shows there are some individual judges/justices who agree with us, and by giving us a temporary setback position us for more solid victories in the future.

          That’s the hope, anyway.

  3. Oh, and DC has filed suit against them as well for ‘misuse of funds’. FOIA requests for the communication between the offices would be interesting.

    1. FOIA requests indeed. The two suits are in different jurisdictions against different branches of the NRA, but with the same goal and filed on the same day.

      I believe in coincidence, but there’s too many variables lined up perfectly for there not to be collusion between the two offices.

  4. Miguel, your FB post was a bit too polite. I would use the analogy that it’s like putting Joseph Goebbels in charge of cleaning up your synagogue.

  5. As much as the NRA has irritated me, Miguel isn’t wrong. The Dems are going to grab this opportunity with both hands to straight up fuck the NRA as hard as possible. That voting bloc has made their lives miserable for years, and if they have the chance to break it by dissolving the NRA, they WILL take the opportunity.

    1. And if they are successful, you can guarantee that the blood letting will not stop with the NRA….Gun Owners of America, etc will be seeing their day in court too.

  6. The NRA is nothing without all us gun owners.
    All us gun owners are still gun owners whether the NRA is around or not.

  7. This has been coming for a long, long time. The NRA should have cleaned house a few years ago, and tossed LaPierre out on his Derriere. The Swamp just ain’t elected officials.

    If you cause is righteous, you have an obligation to avoid any appearance of impropriety. This is doubly true if you are in the same position as the NRA.

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