But Sarah, you’ll say, this will give them the excuse to avenge themselves on us.

Dear idiots, you’re like the wife with her arm in a sling and both eyes blackened telling her husband “Please don’t say anything to Joe. He’ll be mad.”

In other words, are you out of your ever loving little minds? These people STOLE two elections — it’s now absolutely obvious the nominal right is fine with this. They hope for crumbs from their masters’ tables. The left is more likely to kill them, but never mind — in a row, in full view, and refused to let us have our day in court to show the evidence. Because the American people are now peons with NO STANDING and can be disenfranchised with no punishment. But you’re afraid that largely (truly) peaceful protesters “made them mad?”

Attention Please! – According to Hoyt.

My dearest Lusitanian can write and she is royally pissed.  IIRC she is from about 30 miles or so across the border where my mom was born. You really do not want to piss off the women of that region.

As usual, go read the rest of the post.

Hat Tip GDP

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “Attention Please! – According to Hoyt”
  1. My whole point in this mess. The left got away with it not once, BUT FUKKIN TWICE. because the gop are a bunch of pussies. What will b the point in ever voting again???? This is why I said just go live your life the best you can. Nod, smile, walk away and go do whatever you was gonna do anyway.

      1. If by “her books” you’re thinking about her fantasy works like the shape changer series, I can understand. I did enjoy the two I read of that series.

        But have you seen her “Usaians” series? That feels much more like something the audience of this blog would eat up.

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