
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

David Hogg opens his mouth again…

And once again I am at a loss for words that can be repeated in polite company to explain the level of sheer stupidity that comes out of his childish brain.

I have the feeling that he won’t be have to worry about getting hisself indebted with Student Loans for college anytime soon.  He is now at the Billy Carter stage of his short-lived political career.

Ruger Mark IV Recall.

From their release. Click on the link for all the information.

 Ruger recently discovered that all Mark IV™ pistols (including 22/45™ models) manufactured prior to June 1, 2017 have the potential to discharge unintentionally if the safety is not utilized correctly. In particular, if the trigger is pulled while the safety lever is midway between the “safe” and “fire” positions (that is, the safety is not fully engaged or fully disengaged), then the pistol may not fire when the trigger is pulled. However, if the trigger is released and the safety lever is then moved from the mid position to the “fire” position, the pistol may fire at that time.

The old joke applies. All Ruger firearms have 2 dates: Date of release and date of recall.

Fake News Alert: Florida has had 51 mass shootings since Pulse .

I saw this little article from the Orlando Weekly being passed around in different Social Media locations. Right off the bat, I find an old “friend”: Gun Violence Archives.

What’s often blurred through headlines and our 24-hour news cycle is that Florida has a serious gun violence problem. Between June 12, 2016, to now, the state of Florida has experienced a total of 51 mass shootings. Of those incidents, 118 have died and 280 were injured.

This data comes from the Gun Violence Archives, a nonprofit research group that tracks gun violence using police reports, over 2,000 nationwide media outlets and other public resources.

Florida has had 51 mass shootings since Pulse

Gun Violence Archives has a long tradition to stretch what is “gun violence” so it makes it to its archives. I searched for event ins Florida and the first four was a mighty stretch from what normal  people in general consider gun violence:

Notice that there were no people killed nor wounded, that is because they were cases were the police detected a person carrying illegally and 3 stolen guns.  So that right there gives you an idea of their accuracy and leanings.

The Left and Gun Control groups have decided to confuse an Active Shooter with Mass Shootings. The definition of an Active Shooter according to DHS is “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area; in most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.” So what does Gun Violence Archives define as Mass Shooting/Active Shooter cases? Gang related shooting in NYC and Drive By shooting in Alabama, a domestic hostage situation near Orlando in which they added the shooter to the count because he committed suicide.  A party in California where at least three shooters wounded six people and one suffered an injury running away bit still was counted as a gunshot victim. Another party in Illinois again with several shooters injuring 7 people. And yes, yet another birthday party has 2 groups of juveniles shooting at each other with 5 injured. And what do you know, another birthday party ends up with 2 dead and 2 wounded in Bloomington, Illinois. Closing the small list we have 1 dead and 5 wounded in the South Side of Chicago during a Drive-By.

Top searches for Mass Shootings. A small sample.

No lone shooter with an AR 15 coming into a school to shoot orphaned undocumented children but just your standard and crappy fare of violence which keeps being ignored and only makes it as fake statistics and fake news when a shocking headline is needed.

Not for nothing, but I am staying the hell away of birthday parties as they seem to be a magnet for bullets.


Never confusing 5.56 mags with .300BLK mags ever again.

Load your favorite .300BLK in these mags and I doubt there will be issues.

PS: I have been asked where can people buy those magazines. I do not know but there is a rumor that certain Florida Gun Blogger does the hydrographic kitty thing in the comfort of his Abode.  🙂

Here is some of his previous work:

OK, before he shoots me, he really does not do kitty magazines… but I could not resist semi-starting the rumor.

Acceptable Mass Killing according to #GunSense and Gun Control.

Prosecutors say Hyde used a machete to kill 37-year-old Dorla Pitts, 17-year-old Starlette Pitts and 19-year-old Michael Deon Kelly Jr. at their Lehigh Acres home in 2015. Prosecutors added the additional murder charge for Starlette Pitts’ unborn child.
The victims were found dead after a family friend went to check on them. Hyde was arrested after he was pulled over by law enforcement for driving erratically in his aunt’s car.

Man gets life sentence for killing family with machete

That is four killed in a very nasty way so it complies with the definition of mass killings (at least the last definition that the Left came up with). Although I will assume Liberals will complain that performing an non-documentable abortion against just “tissue” should not be considered murder

The Miami Herald is horrified that elected officials are in charge of Concealed Weapons Permits. (Permits for the rich!)

If it seems unusual for Florida’s Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to handle concealed weapons permits, that’s because it is unusual — nearly every other state gives the job to police or courts.

But Florida’s agriculture commissioner has the job because the National Rifle Association wants him to have the job.
In yet another testament to its power in Tallahassee, the NRA had lawmakers quietly move the Division of Licensing, which handles the concealed weapons permit program, from the Florida Department of State to the state’s Department of Agriculture in 2002, so that the program was answerable to an elected official.

Why does Florida’s agriculture department handle gun permits? The NRA wants it to.

And the BS attack on Florida’s concealed weapons permit goes another round. We already covered the very insincere hatchet job by the Tampa Bay Timed when they alleged that over a quarter of a million CWP were issued without any Background Checks performed only to be found out later that it was only 365 denied application that went through background checks that were not uploaded to the division’s database.

Now, this is where the article gets interesting. In trying to explain how fouled is our system now, the Miami Herald gives us all the great reasons why Shall Carry is the best way to issue carry permits:

Before 1987, cities and counties were able to set their own gun ordinances, and they varied wildly.
To get a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Broward County, for example, you had to pay a $500 fee, be interviewed by people ranging from a psychologist to county officials, and show that you had a dangerous job or had threats to your life and needed to carry a gun. Fewer than 40 people had permits.

You get that? $500 to apply for a Broward County carry permit and less than 40 wealthy individuals could afford to have one.  I went back to my trusty Inflation Calculator to give you an idea of how much it would cost you today.

$1,147.76 to apply for a Concealed Weapons Permit? Are they nuts? This is the kind of games that breed government corruption like we have seen before in New York City in which police officers  in charge were given dinners, tickets to Broadway shows, clothes, watches and baseball memorabilia and cash payments to process gun permit to influential prohibited people. And let’s add to the thinking equation that poor people, which include the minorities that Liberals love so much, cannot afford to part with such sum and get their CWP. Then again they probably think poor people with guns is icky and dangerous.  It was a Normal Joe with normal income and a concealed weapons permit that saved the life of Lee County Sheriff’s Deputy Dean Bardes, but since Liberals also hates cop, it is actually a loss in their column.

But how horrible is that the Department of Agriculture is processing the CWPs? According to a mouthpiece for the Giffords:

That the Department of Agriculture, and not police, would be responsible for issuing the permits has been difficult for people to comprehend.
“When I first learned about this, it’s one of my most mind-boggling things that I keep coming back to,” said Robin Lloyd, director of government affairs for Giffords, a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that advocates for tougher gun laws. “It makes no sense whatsoever.”

Background checks are performed by Florida Department of Law Enforcement. I don’t know, but that is kind of the important part or at least is what all the faux debacle was just a few days ago.  It is the same people who perform the background check when you buy a gun at a store.
But wait! There is more! It is not only the Carry Permits they process at the Department of Licensing under the Agriculture Department,  but the Licenses for Detectives, Recovery agents and Security Officers. Allow me to remind you guys that Broward County school Board will be using Armed Security Officers to cover the security hole the left by rejecting taking participation in the School Marshall program.

Bravo Miami Herald and Lawrence Mower, you just made a compelling case of why Shall Issue Permits the way are being done now is the best way to go.