
Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

Mossberg blocks Dick’s.

Effective immediately, O.F. Mossberg & Sons will not accept any future orders from Dick’s Sporting Goods or Field & Stream, and is in the process of evaluating current contractual agreements.
“It has come to our attention that Dick’s Sporting Goods recently hired lobbyists on Capitol Hill to promote additional gun control.” said Iver Mossberg, Chief Executive Officer of O.F. Mossberg & Sons. “Make no mistake, Mossberg is a staunch supporter of the U.S. Constitution and our Second Amendment rights, and we fully disagree with Dick’s Sporting Goods’ recent anti-Second Amendment actions.”
Consumers are urged to visit one of the thousands of pro-Second Amendment firearm retailers to make their purchases of Mossberg and Maverick firearms. Firearm retailers can be found through the Mossberg Dealer Locator.

Mossberg Ends Relationship with Dick’s Sporting Goods

And the hits keep coming.


There is something in the air and I can’t quite detect it.

I have been noticing several small details this last week or so:

David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez are no longer mentioned much in the Media which now is using the generic term “Parkland Kids” like it was some pee wee sports team.

The shaming campaign against NRA members failed. Not only the NRA Annual meeting went on even when calls were issued for its suspension or prohibition, but it broke a new record of attendance.

Not a pure statistic, but I have noticed an increased chat about new rifles being bought or constructed in Social Media. Obviously I don’t hang out in Liberal locations, but the tales of new shooters buying rifles or old shooters doing the same did increase.

Report from a blogger about the NRA AM that saw an increased number of women on their own checking out the exhibits. Moms pushing strollers was a welcomed sight.

The Moms Demand and the NoRA anti-gun rallies were a catastrophic failure. And it does not help the cause when you are a celebrity for Gun Control like  Alyssa Milano and you are literally surrounded by armed body guards.

As usual, the crime rate dropped in the area next where the NRA AM was held. This is getting boringly repetitious which is good but kinda dispels the myth of Gun Owners being dangerous people seeking to shoot anybody in sight and predictions of blood in the street.

Bank of America does the Michael Jackson moondance and recants is previous stand on not financing “assault weapons” manufacturers with a big loan to re-structure Remington.

Then we have Pro Gun Control New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has resigned because he liked to beat women during sex and instead of saying “Who is your daddy?” he went with “Who is your master?” which it does not look good when one or your partners is black.

Next is that the OG Celebrity For Gun Control, Miss Rosie (Million Mom March) O’Donnell might have violated Federal law with her campaign donations. Of course, penalties will not apply to her.

And to close the post, I checked the NICS Firearms checks for last month and it was the best April in the history of the background checks for that month: 2,223,213. I would say that with the March numbers included, the Post Parkland hysteria against gun has possibly netted 4,990,912 firearms in the hands of citizens. I am leaving out te numbers February as adjustment.

Click to enlarge. Feel free to share.



That thing I am smelling, would that be Eau du Failure?

Ellen’s Restaurant Saga: Coda.

So this was their final huzza.

The sizable donation?

 He’ll present the group with a check for $15,000.
“We’ll present it during a special celebration at the restaurant on Mother’s Day at 3 pm,” Groves says. “I put a significant amount of personal money into it, but the rest came from patrons of the restaurant as well as people calling us from South America, Asia, from countries all around the world.”

Dallas restaurant targeted by NRA writes fat check for gun reform group

I am sorry to say that the amount won’t be enough to pay for the armed security taking care of the event.

What I find funny about Mr. Groves is that although he does not like Gun People, he likes our money.  I mean if he was such a stalwart for “common sense regulation” he would not allow people carrying into his establishment, right? Yet, he does not have a 30-06 sign posted at the door as required by Texas law.

Click to enlarge.

Oh hell, screw him. He is just a funny anecdote for this year’s NRA Annual Meeting.

Do not valet your car, ever. (Updated)

I lost track of a Facebook post where a gentleman staying at a Hyatt hotel in Dallas (NRA AM) found a hotel manager and security going through his car after getting the keys from the valet. When confronted, the hotel reps said they had the right to go through the car because it was on their property.  Hopefully I will get more info as the managers get fired and the hotel sued.

But that brings a point I am ashamed to say I never thought about before: Do not valet your car anywhere ever. It is not only what they can take away from you (as the case above) but also what they can leave behind.

How many times have you seen COPS where a vehicle is pulled over, searched, the officer finds something and the suspect denies it. Does the cop believe him? Nope. Do you think a cop would make an exception for you because you are pretty?

Let me put it this way: You are literally giving the keys of your car to a total stranger, who is paid minimum wage and tips, in the hope he will treat your precious vehicle better than you would.

Would you valet your carry gun? Then, why would you valet your car?

Does that make sense to you?

Update: Will H. was kind enough to find the Facebook post belonging to F-1 Firearms LLC.

WaPo: Americans vastly overestimate the number of gun owners.

Kind reader John R. sent me the link and I will admit that I suck at statistics and overly complicated math stuff, but I can do some simple calculations. The gist of the article is that there are not as many gun owners as people think, that we are miniscule in the great arena of things USA.  And they engage in mathematical explanations and the sort.

I just want to quote one little part: their official percentile count of gun owners.

In reality, only about 25 percent of Americans own a gun.

OK,, let’s say for the sake of the argument they are right and only 25% of Americans own guns. According to the Census Bureau, the us population is 325.7 million (2017.) That comes about 81,250,000 Americans with firepower. Let’s make it simpler: Eighty One Million Americans Own Guns.

The largest army in the world is the People’s Liberation Army of China with 2 million active personnel and 2.4 million in reserve. That makes us almost 40 times bigger than the whole Chinese Army.  The Russians boast a million active and two and a half in reserves for 3.5 million. How about at home? US active and reserves barely top one million.

So, if we combine the Chinese, Russian and US armies, we get only 9 million which thanks to the hard work of the Washington Post, gives me confirmation that the 81 million Armed US Citizens is the biggest (and coolest) army in the world.

Behind every blade of grass.