I have been noticing several small details this last week or so:

David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez are no longer mentioned much in the Media which now is using the generic term “Parkland Kids” like it was some pee wee sports team.

The shaming campaign against NRA members failed. Not only the NRA Annual meeting went on even when calls were issued for its suspension or prohibition, but it broke a new record of attendance.

Not a pure statistic, but I have noticed an increased chat about new rifles being bought or constructed in Social Media. Obviously I don’t hang out in Liberal locations, but the tales of new shooters buying rifles or old shooters doing the same did increase.

Report from a blogger about the NRA AM that saw an increased number of women on their own checking out the exhibits. Moms pushing strollers was a welcomed sight.

The Moms Demand and the NoRA anti-gun rallies were a catastrophic failure. And it does not help the cause when you are a celebrity for Gun Control like  Alyssa Milano and you are literally surrounded by armed body guards.

As usual, the crime rate dropped in the area next where the NRA AM was held. This is getting boringly repetitious which is good but kinda dispels the myth of Gun Owners being dangerous people seeking to shoot anybody in sight and predictions of blood in the street.

Bank of America does the Michael Jackson moondance and recants is previous stand on not financing “assault weapons” manufacturers with a big loan to re-structure Remington.

Then we have Pro Gun Control New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has resigned because he liked to beat women during sex and instead of saying “Who is your daddy?” he went with “Who is your master?” which it does not look good when one or your partners is black.

Next is that the OG Celebrity For Gun Control, Miss Rosie (Million Mom March) O’Donnell might have violated Federal law with her campaign donations. Of course, penalties will not apply to her.

And to close the post, I checked the NICS Firearms checks for last month and it was the best April in the history of the background checks for that month: 2,223,213. I would say that with the March numbers included, the Post Parkland hysteria against gun has possibly netted 4,990,912 firearms in the hands of citizens. I am leaving out te numbers February as adjustment.

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That thing I am smelling, would that be Eau du Failure?

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

14 thoughts on “There is something in the air and I can’t quite detect it.”
  1. The Parkland response was Bloomie’s Tet offensive.

    Meticulously planned and prepared for, very effective for propaganda purposes, but ultimately a failure.

    And, this time, the good guys had the media clout to rebut the narrative.

    1. It looks like the STFU and going away is happening. Nobody wants to hear from a couple of little communists and their band of happy trolls and even their own generation has turned against them. I think alot of the wind went out of hogboy’s sails when it was found out that he wasn’t even at the school on the day of the shooting, and the sheriff got his butt ripped off for all of his failures. I live a few hours north of the socialist haven of south florida and nobody in my neighborhood wants to hear about gun control or dum basses from south florida.

  2. Maybe I can go back to church now?

    The propaganda was very, very effective early on. I stopped going to church a couple of weeks after parkland because people were repeating antigun propaganda A LOT. The fourth time someone said (not to me, but in my presence) that AR15s should be banned and the only reason someone has one is because they’re up to no good, I opted to stop going. These are not people who normally care one way or the other regarding guns, and I don’t think any of them really put the pieces together that when they said “the nra is a bunch of child murderers” they were literally talking about me.

    If I haven’t convinced you that I’m not a child murderer after 7 years…I’m probably not going to be able to.

    So maybe I’ll go back. Maybe I won’t. But at least it’s only the 4 people out of 300 or so that said something before I let anyone else ruin my view of them.

    1. Might be a good idea to find a new church, one that doesn’t frown on the God-given right of protecting yourself

  3. This seems like a good spot to mention something that occurred to me last week while watching a documentary on Europe in 1945. Does Emma Gonzalez’ shaved head indicate she identifies as a Nazi collaborator?

  4. On Hogg and Gonzales Bloomberg was trying something new.

    March For Our Lives and Moms Demand Action are similar groups, both were per-meditatated groups formed and organized that lay quietly until a news event triggered them….kinda like a sleeper cell.

    With the Mommies, Bloomberg attempted to pass off Shannon Watts as an every-day Stay-at-home-mom that was swooped up by the noble benefactor, Mr Bloomberg….except people realized that Watts was just another corporate spin doctor who was now Bloomberg’s mercenary.

    With March For Our Lives Bloomberg made it a point to keep the parkland kids at arms length, Everytown sent money, handlers, and media contact, and singled out the kids who could talk the talk to elevate. (Remember there are a TON of pro-gun kids at Douglas HS, just those kids aren’t getting any air time, as I’m sure it is for the less articulate or photogenic kids who are liberal as fuck)

    But now the problem is that Bloomberg can’t hire Hogg and Gonzales et al or he admits all gun control in America is Michael Bloomberg, and everything else are just shell groups working for him.

    But that means he can’t control them, so Hogg giving his Nazi salute and swearing like a drunken sailor is counter-productive, but not something Bloomberg can directly prevent…..except by withdrawing the media contact….hence why they are GONE.

  5. Hogg was always going to be a public fart in the wind, a pretty face to be used and discarded. The only person who didn’t understand it was Hogg himself.

    And as for the general failure of the antis, this is what happens when you start to believe your own propaganda. It may be good for the troop’s morale to be told that the enemy is smaller and their own forces are larger, but should the generals believe it, and actually build strategy based on their own propaganda, losses are pretty much guaranteed.

  6. Every time the Left starts on the gun control wagon they invariably convince the rest of us to buy more guns, or in my case, build another AR. I just finished my 6th., a 10.5″ 300BLK Pistol.

  7. The fact that the NRA pulled 87,000 vs gun control cultists 87 is heartening to any freedom loving citizens, but while the cultists don’t have voters they still have a lot more of bloomburgs millions and in today’s political area it’s a one for one exchange.

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